What do you guys think about the whole "childfree" stuff in the west? Is the overpopulation of the planet a possibility or just a (((meme)))?
What do you guys think about the whole "childfree" stuff in the west...
People with high IQs tend to have few or no kids due to a better perception of the future consequences
Idiots breed like crazy because they're little more than animals
Overpopulation in the west is a meme, birth rates in most if not all western countries are below the replacement rate. Most population growth is from industrializing countries.
By "future" do you mean working to accumulate wealth you will never actually use so you can feel like a rich person?
central planners engaging in passive population control
Low birth rates in industrialized countries are due to potential parents reacting to the present circumstances
>it costs a lot of fucking money to raise a kid
>we may not be able to get that money
If you make it easier for a mother to reenter the workforce after having a child, lower youth unemployment and underemployment, lower day care and college costs, you'd get more babies.
Population management is something good liberal ecologists never want to touch with a ten foot pole, the best they can hope is to open planned parenthood centers and distribute contraceptives to the third world but it isn't helping. Even if you get the official birth rate to replacement levels it's already too late population inertia is too big of problem WE ARE FUCKED WE ARE ALL FUCKED I'M BEING HELD CAPTIVE SEND HELP PLEASE that nobody seems to want to address in a meaningful way.
even fucking Brazil birth rate isn't close to 2.
>By "future" do you mean working to accumulate wealth you will never actually use so you can feel like a rich person?
Well no, I meant the consequences of having children when you're struggling with money yourself. And the implications of forcing another human being into this shithole we call life.
But for the sake of humor, my retort to your assumed point is that pursuing peace and a high standard of living for oneself is no better or worse than choosing to focus on reproduction and child rearing. Many childless people past & present have lead fulfilled lives.
Someone owns stock in elder care companies. Can't have offspring competing for the service.
I think they're crazy, or stupid, idk
I can't wait to be a parent, to be honest
I think the people who gleefully declare that they hate children and will never be parents are incredibly sad, but they are free to do whatever they want.
The west just replace childbirth with third world migrants so its pointless in the end
Lol, this. Never thought of this but hell, this.
>tfw too smart for children
We will never run out of space, but overconsumption is a very real possibility but that is not just a matter of population.
But this is from 1969. They should apply it today to Africa, though.
kek how naive
What is I want children? What if I enjoyed being a big brother, and want to do it on a bigger scale? What if I want someone to take care of me when I'm old?
I don't have any children, but I definitely want some. A good four would be nice.
And I have a 144 IQ, as determined by a professional test back when I was ten and my mother was trying to figure what meds to put me on.
Not having kids is normal human behavior.
> I don't have any children, but I definitely want some.
You can always adopt some.
is there anything more cucky than looking after another man's child lmao
Yes, rising daughter for someone to have sex with her.
I don't want to be a single father. I'd rather just hope I get lucky and actually find a decent girl. But, as that's a long shot, especially considering my personality, I'll just have to settle for being a cool uncle.
a true man has sex with his daughter to keep the bloodline pure
its good
westerners consume too much, hogging up resources too much, damaging nature too much
they work for you shitstains
overpopulation isnt a meme, i suggest taking a look at the increase of human population between now and 1945
sometimes it seems we really are just a virus, thats going to kill the host
you realize nobody is discussing the logistics of birthing children here
I'm conflicted. I think it's good to not have children too young or too frequently, but I also think those values should be passed down and that wont happen without having/raising kids. If you have 12 mohammeds who learned to immediately have kids and 1 timothy who was taught to wait it will just keep getting out of proportion until the majority of the world are reckless.
I was under the impression that wars and plagues used to keep this sort of thing more in check but with the rise of medicine and focus on small conflicts this isn't really working anymore.
>I was under the impression that wars and plagues used to keep this sort of thing more in check
Not particularly, obviously there has been some massive wars and plagues that have knocked significant chunks out of of the population of the affected areas but overall Homo Sapiens population numbers worldwide have been steadily on the up for our whole existence.
They beta tested it in developed states. Africa will continue breeding to capacity because they are allowed to migrate and keeping them in perpetual growth.
Ok goldberg
I wonder what the social consequences would be of giving vasectomies at birth, thereby forcing people to "opt in" to parenthood with minor surgery.