Sell or hodl OMG?

Hands are getting weak here guys. Not sure if this is an overvalued shitcoin or a coin destined to moon to $10+

What're you doin with your OMG?

Bought at 120 sold at 160 on the sell side of the mountain. Wish I would have sold at 230. Will consider reinvesting if it forms a better cup. Waiting on news is annoying. So I bounced instead of taking less gainz.

sold at 7. never going back to that shit coin

It's gonna moon next week just hold

Fuqqq she is hot. Literal instant boner

Cool just sold 100k.

I sold while I was still on the green, and I plan to buy when this dips deeper.

cassidy banks is god-tier

not even that hot
stop posting that picture

also I'm holding my OMG til $50

>not even that hot

low-t fgt spotted

>thinks porn women are hot

poor fag spotted

>nignog nose

>thinks instagram whores are hot


>can't admire beauty of all forms

samefag spotted

I've lost so much fuckin money on this coin I wanna sell but I hodl and it drops lower and I hodl

Is this a stupid Veeky Forums meme or why do you call him samefag when he clearly had the same ID in all posts?


Ok so you're new kek

you have low standards senpai

>he can't understand the samefag meme

newfag spotted

Nah I have normal standards and I agree strongly

Not sure what it is about her but she reminds me of someone in just the right way. Fucking hottest bitch I've seen in a while