Ok I understand hard work can make it but let's look at factors that seem to be right place at right time.
The parents you have
The genetics
The positive environment
Some people are just born with these and have used it to catapult themselves further...others not so fortunate must put in double time and overcome shitty childhood. Fair or not...odd how some get it and others dont.
Born lucky
Some people are born more hard working than others as well.
Life was never fair or equal, some believe its just Karma from a past life.
I believe its just luck
What you're gonna do? make everyone as ugly as the ugliest person? make everyone equally disabled?
World is not fair
Suck it
>I believe its just luck
It is not luck as the world is entirely physical. We see the same ancient families dominating today as they did centuries ago.
>The genetics
Technically many places with "great" genetics exist but are held back by other things.
>They are lucky to be born into that family
>But its not luck because the ancient family chose to reproduce
who dat hoe
>hard work can make it
Nah, not even that can guarantee success.
Right time and right place. Also looks too since there was a study that unless you perfect a very certain specific look + are White/Indian no one is gonna throw money at you in Silicon Valley.
there's no point in crying about some people having been born with more unless you're desperate to justify your lack of success. It's eye-gougingly obvious that people don't get an equal start. By being industrious and persistent you can limit some of your disadvantages and give yourself a better chance. To this day I haven't met anyone crying about "the system, maan" who wasn't a total loser in all the unrelated ways as well
There are nudes of her....once I find I'll post link
Very true...its a funny world
is this the thread were we acknowledge that unearned privilege exists but acknowledging 'white privilege' is dismissed out of hand as 'cultural marxism ivory tower SJW propaganda'?
Unearned privilege...im not doing the whole I'm white so I get it easy. I have known many differ ethnic parents who gave their children many advantages and other parents who just fucked up left and right...i just find it fascinating. Can it be answered probably..just shitty parents and roll of dice genetics. Which is why the commen people idol worship celebs....they have looks...wealth and most seem to have health.
Is that a poo? She is a very pretty poo if she is.
I'm not sure...no I think Latina
What a relief. I was certain Veeky Forums regressed me into developing a scat fetish.
Never...just go on POL and that will be fixed.
Of course white privilege exists, only a /pol/ retard would think otherwise. White people, in the United States and most developed countries, are much wealthier on average than other racial groups and their interests are overrepresented in business and government.
The problem arises with the kinda SJWs from wealthy families who attend Yale and scream about how their lives are much tougher than some Appalachian coal miner's simply because their skin is a bit darker.
Fair enough
I watched a documentary on China coal miners...man what a life. Then at the same time some guy is slowly dieing while working 12 hours a 16 year old girl just go her first Porche...haha crazy
The universe has no concept of fairness. We humans try to even out the playfield as much as possible, but we can only take it so far before it becomes bullshit.
Gotta make your own luck, pal.
Yes so true...do u believe in luck?
>ni med cvetjem ni pravice
It's pretty much this desu. Steve Jobs biological grandfather was an Arab self-made millionaire.
Adoptive parents were great too.
BIO Mom was well off so as an adopted guy he won the lottery hard.
There is no right in the flower...
So your saying...whether your lucky or not it's not a blessing from the heavens just how life is.
reminder that nobody cares about your feeling and that
-men love to overestimate their performance in bed
-men love to be praised by any woman
-men love to underestimate the lust of women
-men love to underestimate the boredom of women
-there is nothing more boring to a woman than to be fucked over and over by only one man
-men love to think that women love men like women love children
-women are in heat all year long
-women see no reward for faithfulness
-women see the reward for sleeping around
-women see no reward for their virginity
-women do not desire to have only one provider for sex
-women do not desire to stay virgin
-women do not know how to stay virgin
-women do not desire to be prude
-women despise nonguly asexual men
-women fear of being asexual
-the only gift a man possesses by his sheer existence is to be left alone if he wants it, but ofc very few men want this since very few men kill their infatuation with their spook of ''society'' and women.
Appalachian coal miners are a bad example for poor whites. They actively shill for their own health and environmental destruction non stop in most cases.
>limit some of your disadvantages and give yourself a better chance.
You don't know how awful a poor school can fuck you over
Or shitty parents...it can take years to re program yourself and esteem to make better decisions.
mgowfag pls go
Thanks to everyone giving their insight on this...i love absorbing people's thoughts and ideas. This is all I have as a reward.
Sorry here
actualy its...
>even among flowers there is no justice
its a saying basicaly meaning chaos dosent do equality, life dosent do fair, deal with it...
Ah sorry Google translate haha
Very cool I like that
I wish I knew bud...what a booty and hips...amazing..like a sculpture.
>world is entirey physical
What? Physicality is a construct of our own senses. There is probably some sort of data or input and we translate a small part of it(the part we can) into something that allows us to exist and prosper.
And how do you even imagine this physicality? What does motion and change mean? All of what we percieve as matter undergoes change but how? What is that change? What is that rearrangment? What are what we call forces and write them down using equations? Well thye are the equations themselves to us, this is how we are able to capture them, as mathematics, as relations between abstract symbols over time.