From 3000 to 4000 in less than a week? Stupid as fuck.
This growth is getting extremely retarded.
From 3000 to 4000 in less than a week? Stupid as fuck.
This growth is getting extremely retarded.
the only thing retarded is how BTC isn't 100k yet, fag
I think it´s because segwit
It'll be 5k by the time segwit gets activated.
Bitcoin will eventually rise a lot, but at this rate is simply not sustainable.
i mean to get to 1 mil by 2020 we gotta get going
3000 to 4000 is the same as 2000 to 2666
it's just gonna be bigger and bigger. faster and faster.
when Bitcoin is 100k it will be up and down 30k within hours
yeah we gotta haul ass, ok? cmon
>mfw I've made more gains in 2½ weeks off bitcoin than I did 6 months on the stock market
The faster the rate of change, the bloodiest is the reversal, that's kind of a historical fact. Like I said, I'm in no way a fudder, I'm simply trying to view things more critically and this type of growth is not healthy. I have high hopes for Bitcoin like most of you, but this is a completey new economic system that cannot afford to tank like before.
Lightning is coming you fucking retard:
nice meme
Why not? Price rises, people are happy
BTC is a new frontier user. You're looking at it as if it was a company stock; its not.
In the grand scheme of thing Lightning is irrelevant, what's relevant is the institutional money waiting to see if Bitcoin is working like it should.
>actual working software
>literally open source
bitcoin isn't a STOCK for fucks sake
ketamine eh?
you dont know what a deflationary currency is.
bitcoin doesnt give a fuck about your feelings
Same, my brethren.
Ya I know right! Doesn't it suck to make money.
I don't have feelings when it comes to money, that's stupid. I'm only talking about historical facts and data, so if you don't want to see what's coming for Bitcoin if it keeps rising AT THIS RATE, please, be my guest.
They're blowing their load in the first 5 mins. What do you expect from a unregulated market in which half the people don't even understand things like short selling lmao.
Someone has to buy it for that to happen, and eventually people stop buying because they think they're standing 100 stories up on a piece of cardboard.
Pretty much all you need to know ITT. Check out all the "New paradigm!!" posts.
>I love Bitcoin
>Doesn't love Bitcoin
t. nocoiner
This recent surge has brought me over a million in btc. Nocoiners and altcoiners BTFO
Not even tempted to sell. I'll let the dirty greedy jews and fiat rich fucks have maybe .001 of my btc when it's $50,000 per btc
I'd post screenshots but I did last summer when BTC was still "never going anywhere" and nobody was impressed and besides it's more fun this way when everyone thinks I'm larping
Anyone else extremely horny off this rise?
>Sbol ctory oro
>>doesn't wonder how FED printing 21 trillions dollars might be unsustainable
>>doesn't think how all the people that do shit shine and get government transfers and taxpayers pay for the rest is unsustainable
Urmurika is fucking delusional
It's what I think about when my gf (male) is fucking my pussy (male).
Having a nice cigar and some premium whiskey to celebrate being a millionaire. I'm realistic and realize we'll eventually have a dip and I'll temporarily not be a millionaire but it's safe to say $4k will be here minimum.
The best part is nobody irl knows I own bitcoin. I drive an old rusted suv wear old clothes and don't even have a full time job.
I know the tripfag iHaz is a bit of a celebrity on this board but even that trust fund faggot would be jelly of my btc holdings. I remember that retard making posts like "Bitcoin is a meme" etc etc
Apples and oranges. Again, I'm talking about the RATE OF CHANGE, the thing which differentiates healthy cell from a cancerous one.
It just keeps going up, and up. Net worth $1.2 million now. The state, government, can't seize my bitcoins. My hard drive and backups and worth over a million dollars in encrypted 1s and 0s and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
Money doesn't bring true happiness but it feels good knowing I was right all along.
The fudsters, nocoiners, altcoin scammers, Bitcoin sellers are all so mad right now :)
Congrats but I'm not letting my bitcoin go for less than 1 mil per.
Gotta go fast.
i like that bitcoin is going up because it means that when the flippening happens aug 17 ill be rich :DD
My dick is hard af right now.
The *all time high* alert on bicoinity gets my balls twitching.
Preach. I hope to be like this one day.
Any chance you can donate to me so I can join the 21 club? I need 4 more.
Sent ;)
>Thinks 33% gains are unsustainable in crypto
you got that right.
it's moving so fast now i can't even buy in. By the time i place a market order it turns into a fucking limit order because the market price has jumped $50 from the time i place the order.
The Winklevoss twins are probably worth well over a billion dollars assuming they held their btc. It's a shame there's gotta be fags like ver and ju with thousands of bitcoins though.
Bitcoins rise is making the Winklevoss bastards worth more than the woormy autist kike Zuckerberg. I wouldnt doubt he stole the Facebook idea from them. I wouldnt be surprised if that autistic kike is buying a shitload of btc right now knowing the Winklevoss own so many fucking bitcoins
looks like we gonna see 30K sooner than planned
inb4 the twins pull a warren buffet and become the controlling party from their BTC gains.
1600 by Thursday
>tfw dad kicked me out and disowned me when dropped out of college
>said btc was just another of my stupid get rich without working shticks
>sister tells dad about the current goings-on, knows I have some btc
>hits me up out of the blue wanting to make amends and grab dinner
Feels so fucking good, only 21 and I'm on my way to lamboland, I'll see you there fellas
Would not be surprised. Zucc is likely still trying to follow in their footsteps.
I hope you're not a cuck and tell him to fuck off or pay you a lump sum of money for your forgiveness equal to twice the total cost of living since you were kicked out
16000 by thursday
Don't fucking give in. He's a piece of shit.
my family did the same, i disowned them back. feels so good.
Fuck off ethfag
Tell that nigga eat a dick
You get money and they come around. Fucking leeches.
Seems like he wants in on the shtick!