My ETH LONG just got margin called

WIth my luck ETH will now rebound and moon within the next 4 hours.

What happens now? You lose 3 BTC?

>buying on margin


no biggie but sorta sucks - i only put in trading account what I could afford to lose

was up 30 btc in profit off 5 trades, and for the last 27 trades in a row I've made small losses - then out of nowhere yesterday BTC started to moon, I tried to hold through it expecting it to stop and ETH to rebound and - well - we all know what happened next...

He has a choice to hold and hope it never goes down a few more cents cause 100% liquidation
or: he can sell now and take the 95% loss

Is ETH over, should I have sold at 300...

>was literally 10 sats away from getting margin called on my XMR long

the ride never ends

you just lost future millions

liquidated at .0645

and as predicted, we're recovering


ETH looking good, but you people should stop using "stop-losses". Grow a pair and learn how to hold, specially because Ethereum is not just "another crypto", is the direct alternative for those who can't afford to buy cheap Bitcoins anymore.

it wasn't a stop loss - it was a forced liquidation

Oh fuck.. is it over? Did I make it through? Halleluja!

I was this fuckin close man.

like clockwork

I feel your pain.I had to run to the bank, use my credit card for a cash advance, quick put that in my checking, run home, hit coinbase for ether and quick quick transfer to Kraken.


Im literally in tears right now.

Holey fuk

did you lose it all. I was getting nervous myself

Veeky Forums bro, I just had to buy from coinbase quickly just to save my ass too. Close calls.

can I have your remaining coin lol

Don't worry, it happens to us all.
I'm convinced it's joo magic

Hey at least you're not this guy.

This is a Dash short in March. Yep, at the beginning of the bull market.

looks like the same happened to someone much bigger than you too, massive liquidation all the way down to 0.05

this made me whince. wtf man

is this the dude from last night who said he shorted bitcoin and was going to kill himself if he got margin called?

>low 0.0501
jesus, I need to have some standing buy orders on this shit

Also, who the fuck has this much money but doesn't have the intelligence to sell gradually?

>not going 100x margin on BitMEX
It's like you don't even want money.

people who don't live in alabama, missouri, kansas, ohio, minnesota, zimbabwe

Those are margin positions being liquidated and stop losses getting hit all in one big clusterfuck

i believe the term is 'cascading margin call' - the same thing happened when ETH hit like 10 cents on GDAX - you can force this to happen if you're a whale, and want to essentially go 'stop loss hunting'

>hey user, you should trade on margin, it's basically free money!

ive spent the last 10 minutes going balls deep.

pray for me