White race?

The white race doesn't exist.

Hundreds of years ago you were an Englishman, a Frenchman, a G*rman, a Swede, etc and everyone else was inferior to you.

Fast forward to more recent American history, and some Europeans are considered white while others aren't. Italians being one of the others.

Fast forward to today, and "white" in America is considered everyone of European descent. Europeans in Europe don't think of themselves as white, but rather their own European ethnicity (without the everyone else is inferior aspect). Not culturally, but legally, Middle Easterners and North Africans are white.

Fifty years from now, if we haven't completely gotten rid of race (politically or genetically) then I'd guess that peoples as far as North Indians would be just as white as a Swede, so long as they're pale regardless of facial features. There's no telling really. And there's no white race, there is a Caucasian race though and within that race are multiple European ethnicities.
>inb4 retarded /pol/fags
>1- I'm not "anti-white," European culture is the superior culture (in my opinion), fuck all that unhealthy obsession over genetics though. I've been down that path and snapping out of it was difficult but damn it was necessary.
>2- I'm 50% European myself, and 93% Caucasian (did one of those DNA tests)
>3- I'm not a leftist, a commie, a jew etc, I'm a paleoconservative
None of this stuff about me matters but due to the current state of Veeky Forums it has to be said. This is my home board but there's really nothing worth saving anymore besides charlie, g*rman hate and >h>r>e

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>Hubdreds of years ago the concept of subatomic particles didn't exist, therefore they're not real
This is how you sound.

didn't read but DAMN it feels good to be white and genetically superior to most of humanity

Not at all, the white race is not a literal thing such as subatomic particles because the definition of "white" is always changing.
This is why I said what I said towards the end of my post

I'm going to bed now, think on this Veeky Forums

It is a literal thing and you can measure it on FST axes if you have good enough sample size to create reference point. It is just as real as subatomic particles. What people identify as is irrelevant.

That's the problem with using colored terms to refer to race, it's used arbitrarily to mean whatever is convenient even if it isn't entirely accurate. I'm surprised there are a few who are just catching on to that.

>definition of white is always changing
Not really. Pic related is from 1902, roughly corresponds with modern ideas about race.

Forgot pic.

Everything in this post is 100% true. This is coming from a /pol/ack.

Everyone who isn't american knows this.

>Americans butchered racial theories
What's new?


>The white race doesn't exist.
>Hundreds of years ago...

Yes, the "white race" and "white identity" didn't exist hundreds of years ago.
But then it did, and now it still does.

"White race" is of course a political term from the colonial period, used to differentiate between people who are inherently valuable and deserve freedom and sovergnty, and people who were considered farming equipment.
These days it refers to people from successful modern states, and people from failed states. Japanese and Chinese are jokingly called honorary whites, but in everyday conversation often are included in the "white" bunch when discussing things.
On the other side of things, people like Turks or Serbs are called "white niggers", their failed states are considered not-white for the sake of conversation.

The genetic component of "white race", or the genetic clusters, are getting washed away these days, when you meet and marry people online, can travel through the Alps cheap and easily, and so on.
These genetic tribes were separated by seas, mountains, rivers, deserts before, and now are in this global world merging together, at least in the politically "white" world. France is considered the same people, England is all the same people, even though not 200 years ago you could easily say these aren't nations, rather a collection of nations, of genetically, culturally and even ideologically different people.
As the politically "black" countries advance, they too will lose these small tribes, and we will form the imperium of mankind, and fight a long war against the zerg, come out victorious, and with our combined consciousness uploaded into the star powered computer will abandon our biological shells and achieve singularity. And even then, women will still prefer black cock.

Deep down you know you aren't. Show me what you've achieved with this "superiority". Why are you better than those rich ass non-whites or non-white scientists?

>non-white scientists

It's a troll post why bother replying


>Jews and Iranians
>not white

Iranians and Jewish are white skinned therefore i can take credit for them, show me non Caucasoid scientists

>therefore i can take credit for them

The horrible cringe.
Also, Japan and China are tech and genetics behemoths today, loads of research, conducted by scientists of the yellow variety.

>i can take credit for them

Just to play: Not literally a scientist but one of the best mathematicians right now is an asian called Tao

>Iranians and Jewish are white skinned

Pic related is Ashkenazic. These are the people you insist are white.
>Born in Paris to an immigrant Polish Jewish father, Alter Mojze Goldman and a German Jewish mother, Ruth Ambrunn

It's insulting to indigenous Europeans to imply Asiatic immigrants to Europe are somehow indigenous. They aren't.

>traditional irish women celebrating saint paddy's day in modest old-world costume

You aren't fooling anyone habeeb

Draw a circle around what you consider to be white

>American realises his countries insane fascination with skin colour doesn't apply to the rest of the world

What is this even measuring? Which of the arbitrarily chosen (because it agrees with me) haplotypes?

Agreed OP but the brainlets visiting from /pol/ will never understand.

race dosent exist

>Iranians and Jewish are white skinned therefore i can take credit for them
These double standards and lack of self awareness truly astound me

I'm back
>it's a literal thing
>okay, please define it for me then
>can't do it
Yeah but what about two hundred years ago?
I'm an ex-/pol/ack, this realization is what finally made me snap
Perfectly exemplifies my point, we-wuzzing completely BTFOs the idea of a "white" race since the definition is always changing to just include whoever is successful. Ben Shapiro states that Jews were treated only a little better than negroes until they started making money in America.

>This shitskin propaganda trying to pretend there's a single white race
Nice try, Pierre Jamal Mohammed Ali

Madison Grant's views were never mainstream while mentions of the white race date to the 1500s Spain at the very latest, GTFO kike.

>the model of the atom keeps changing, therefore it doesn't exist

>that map in the top left

Improvements can be made on the model as science improves, that change is fine

Meanwhile the white race changing isn't scientific, unless they discover Arabs are more genetically similar to Euros than originally thought it something.

Since when are Italians considered 'not white'? Maybe very dark Sicilians aren't.

This, people are considered white or not based on color, not genetics as I said here

user from Veeky Forums here. Does anyone else think it's cute that /pol/, to this day, is unable to differentiate between the concepts of "race" and "phaenotypical variation"? Gee, these people make up their entire pseudoscientific argumentation on the basis of this deficit - regardless of political left or right.

why is her arm bent in such a weird way?

it just looks that way due to her sleeve

>this is what the anti white left actually beleves

Why do you SJWs worship nonwhite?

Genotype >>>> phenotype.

Can you blame em Racial theory has been a taboo for too long.

You can't even form a complete sentence buddy, if you truly cared about genetic purity and a master intelligent race you'd start by offing yourself.

>You should kill yourself if you're not an anti white cuckold like you
you SJW are pathetic

I don't identify by race or continent, I identify by my country. Anything else is globalist bullshit. I have nothing in common with German or French scum. I'll fight with them against a common enemy, but I would not form a single country with them. I'm a patriot, not a muh white nationalism retard.

>not a muh white nationalism retard.
I bet you worship black supremacists, you cuck

I identify as whatever is better. I look white and speak white and therebefore I can practice my social superiority.

The point is that white race exists whether you identify with it or not. Denying it is like denying gravity.
>French, Getman
Those are purely cultural and not biological constructs.

No race supremacists are completely and utterly retarded. Race exists, and certain countries are white countries (I count Germany and France in this, yes, though I wouldn't say they're much white these days what with Germany willingly turning 80% Turkish) but I do NOT have a brotherhood with them. I have nothing in common with them beyond my biology, which as a patriot I don't put on a pedestal.

Nobody is saying anything about supremacy you strawmanning shitposter.

>thinking I'm a shitposter

I just want a return to the time when the country was what mattered. I'm just not a westerner retard who elected an autistic KHV that proceeded to go on a rampage throughout Europe and now the dumb Westerners want to suicide their countries after proceeding to do that to their empires in the 20th Century. The country I'm from and live in does not have a single towelhead because we don't import shitskins to destroy our nations from guilt of electing an autist like you do.

Did you even understand my post?

Blaming them for talking about it, no. However, you should at least have a small bit of scientific literacy before LARPing as a serious scientist.

I'm white Lebanese. What did you assume I was? German? Yeah very much a strawman.

>some Europeans are considered white while others aren't
The US census defines anyone of European descent as white. Using the classical definitions of races all Europeans are still white because racial classifications are so broad.

You're talking about phenotypical variation as a defining characteristic of race. I'm saying phenotypes are secondary to genotypes as not all genes have a phenotypical expression. So what you look like shouldn't matter as much as what your DNA says.

I'm using western Euros are an example, who like I said are proceeding to suicide their countries and then their "patriots" (LOL) identify with their race more than their country, because their country at this point is dead.

I'm a paleoconservative though, I just don't agree with /pol/'s racial stuff
Amen to that. Americans are a mix of all European ethnicities so they have to identify with white as a whole.
Not an argument

>I'm a paleoconservative though, I just don't agree with /pol/'s racial stuff
t. leftypol shill

Paleocons are pro-white, you can't even LARP convincingly.

okay nice b8
not necessarily

Yes necessarily. Name any paleocon who is a racial universalist, because people like Buchanan and Bannon sure are not.

he's a falseflagging leftypol shill, he's been posting these anti white threads since Veeky Forums was created

Show me one statement Bannon has made even suggesting white nationalism
I've been here for three months, go back to your board

Why not be a neocon? The proposition nation idea has nothing to do with traditional conservatism. What you think is conservative is actually Straussian/Jaffaean

>I've been here for three months
clearly, reddit

>I've been here for three months
>having the gall to tell anyone to "go back"
Kill youself

Because neocons are the cancer of humanity
actually I'm ex-/pol/, I was a redditor two years ago though

Then go back to r*ddit or /pol/ you shitnigger.

>actually I'm ex-/pol/, I was a redditor two years ago though
why is this leftypol shill still falsflagging?

Right. Then one would assume that you recognize white European people's rightful claim to America

Didn't see THAT coming..


Why would that be hard? You just draw a circle in the lower-left corner. No-one is claiming that there is a hard cutoff between not white and white, obviously it's fuzzy.

Can you just name it European nationalism and not white nationalism?

i'm autistic and can't get over little big errors like that

Neither Europe nor being white is a fucking nation.

>The white race doesn't exist.
>there is a Caucasian race though
Both of these are outdated OP.
Race exists, but it's social, rather than scientific.
>This does not mean we are all the same.
>This does not mean that culture is unimportant.
Selective adaptation is real, ethnicity is real, genetic shift is real, but clearly defined human "races" are not. It's one of the few times when SJWs are right about something (a broken clock is right twice a day, after all).


I know it's a blog, but they cite their sources well. The truth is less like picrelated than many realize.

Why is it always the same lewontins fallacy


it is clinal, but it's not entirely gradual - there are jumps
you can see clusters of caucasian, asian, american indian, african, australian that are better defined than if you use more clusters - they also match continents
if race is to be defined than it will be the above 5 things
yeah you wish
the spectrum starts in africa and ends in australian aboriginals

looking at the spectrum you can clearly see that turks, levantines, iranians, arabs, north africans (basically in this order) are in fact white

>lewontins fallacy
you've been taught well :^)

>looking at the spectrum you can clearly see that turks, levantines, iranians, arabs, north africans (basically in this order) are in fact white
Whatever helps you sleep at night Mehemet

>if you are ex/pol/ you are a leftypol shill
what did he mean by this

I never said that we aren't different, I am arguing that distinct human races as we have known them to be in the past are not very good ways of classifying groups of people scientifically.

What are the races to you, then?
Are they
>Black,White,Red,Brown, Yellow
>Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid, Australoid?
>One of the above +a few phenotypes?
>something else? If so, please explain.

Again, I am not saying that we are all the same.

if anything it's pro-white.


>women immigrate from backwards shithole to hedonistic west.
>they gradually lose in their stuffy, conservative, and stifling culture.
>instead become secular

you are denying genetics

here's an unbiased computer clustering people
best match is K=5 because it reflects the highest 'jumps' in the continuity

islam is not a race

You're not white Mohammed


>Sicily and turkey are the most white.
> ">90% early European farmer"

they were counted as white(caucasian) (along with latinos) in the US census for much of the 20th century user

latinos are about 30% american indian 70% spaniard

What does that mean? Nothing.

The us census bureau not tweaking their racial categories for an inconsequential non white minority means nothing.

You're not white Mohammed.

>debating over a social construct who changes definition everytime

not the guy you are responding to, but the US census is not an authority on genetics

genetics has spoken here i was just like you before
i heard once 'islam isn't a race'
so i asked myself - what race are muslims?
found the answer

even the frigging 'le albino skin deep memes', and skulls still apply lol

>so i asked myself - what race are muslims
Muslims aren't white Mohammed I'm sorry. Caucasoid sure but white implies European Christendom. You are not white you a primitive inbred shitskins.

Sorry not sorry.