Altcoin Funeral

Come say goodbye to the coins of yesteryear. While in their prime, they had many loyal supporters and believers, and made Veeky Forums much money. As with all things in life, their time has come to an end. A new generation of NEO, OMG, PAY, DNT, IOTA, and the likes are here to stay. While they may be gone, they will not be forgotten.

Press F to pay respects.

For the first time in biz history, I hold ALL of the good bags op posted. I'm feeling comfy rn

Where can an american legally short these?

Hahahahaha DEDDCOIN


Op don't know it but im still buying a coin he listed

Why is ark on this picture lmao

It hasn't even had its time in the light yet

OP is right. We saw this before. Popular coins last year had almost no moon missions beginning of this year. It is what it is.

You dumb bastard. Watch all those coins give the most ROI in the coming months.

OP doesn't know shit, putting ARK on the same image as Bitmeme and Digicope.

When is it time for the STRATIS funneral?

I can agree with all these apart from ark.

Ark is only just beginning in q4 this year, the product hasn’t even released yet and it’s never even had a moon mission yet

Whats wrong op cant afford to spend $.50 on a bag?

>spits in mass grave

>that feel

The Bean will never die. The Bean is forever. Praise be.

Also, fuck Reddcoin, I'm holding massive bags of that shit waiting for Redd-ID to never come out.

RDD is fucked, it's going back to 1 sat

Sell your bags while you can

XVG is doing fine though??

Personally still up 200%

Nah, I said I'd hold til Redd-ID. Q3 is half over, come October if this shit isn't dropped, I'm out. What's a few more hundred dollars!


Why is ARK with the rest of those shitcoins?

i literally hold dgb, redd, sia, verge, ark and bean

My btc stake is literally the only thing stopping me from pink wojacking all over this shitshow

Are you abbo by chance?


>ARK actually doing well yet listed with other shitcoins

Literally what

I traded nearly all of these from when I started in April until late June. Good times lads.

>he thinks he'll earn more BTC by just having it sit there....muh gainz
Literally the only way you will make more BTC is by buying shitcoins and trading. Unless you're a fucking idiot that puts fiat into it. Why you faggots pull this shit every time BTC rises is asinine.

>bought dgb at 111 sats sell them at 222 sats
>bought rdd at 8 sats sell them at 15 sats
>bought xvg at 12 sats sell them at 17 sat
>bought sc at 62 sats sell them at 113 sats
>bought omg at 60k sell them at 88k sats
>bought ans at 40k sell them at 60k sats
i hate myself, too many missed opportunities , bcz im a weak hands mf...

i am in same boat dude, with similar fast sells..daytrading is ghey unless you set a firm sellpoint and stick to it, like, say you absolutely want 5X and are happy with that only then only sell once that hits...i could've made so much from fucking OMG, had it in the middle of the run around $3.

Idiot. You listed some decent tech....youre going to see two of these rise from the dead.

lol, listed xvg there, guess you shall be sorry for not hitting that pump


When RDD hits 1 sat im dropping 3k into it

>no SIGT on the list
baghodler detected


>bought DGB at 1100
>bought RDD at 80sat
>bought Verge at 220 sat
>bought Sia at 700 sat

Still holding all those bags
Still massively down in crypto

missing: sigt

Why do you think so?
Please be right it hurts so much
Everyone is recovrring from June and I am still tanking
I probably have the worst cryptofolio in the history of Veeky Forums

Let me just plug Decent (DCT) for y'all. It's been steadily rising, is entering the Asian market and hasn't done a CVC + 200% yet, just 30% so far.

omg how stupid can people be? Because of the civil war and uncertain future BTC was super undervalued in the CC market and everybody knew it will change once its future is clearer.

Everyone knows it's all about wespers

Ark has decent tech and a pretty small market cap. It will 2x within a few week, trust me.

>Brought Sia at 618
>Brought Sia (again) at 555
>sold half my Sia at 177

>Brought RDD at 82
>Sold RDD at 31

>Brought BitBean at 172
>Still holdings

None of these really bother me, but this one does.
>Brought Ants at .00143
>Sold at .00396 (an hour before the name change to Neo)
>never brought again.

> brought or bought?
No wonder you're fucking retard





of course you can't fucking short them

I somehow managed to make a $400 profit on XBY. Objectively the dumbest project i've ever "invested" in.

Well they are rising tho

Ya'all missed the last chance to catch the altcoin train

Hi dudi

Hi 33 million shitcoin bagholder.

Ark and Sia yes (xvg I don't know), not the rest.


>be me
>tired of those "#{randomcoin} mooning soon!" threads
>create a fictional "Mooncoin" promising to moon
>pester Veeky Forums
>faggots reply with usual FUD and shill
>noone calls the bluff
>suddenly realize Mooncoin already exists

>be me
>hold NEO all the way to .01 from ANS originally at 80K
Coins are an investment you fucking retard, if you want your small gains, go play crash and cashout at x1.02.

that was comfy until the fucking tarantula crawled on him

Mfw this thread

All of these are dead except for ARK, which is releasing news every week

Sia or Ark

sia will not

I don't get it. XBY was supposed to make me rich. Are you memeing me to make me sell my bags I bought at 1500 sat before moon mission?

the best has yet to come.

LBRY Credits

should I buy more DBG?
dollar cost average right??????

Haha holy shit why are you still holding? You could have been up 500%. Even RDD is up 400% from 5 sat but you'd be an idiot to have been holding this whole time.

>actively buying digicuck bags

I mean it'll moon in the next 10 years, right?

>mfw the same except no PAY

>bought 1 million MOON at 9 sats...

Someone please end me already...

How did that happen?
How did anyone ever fall for this?