SIGTMarines BTFO once again. Look at your discord you fucking retards.

Notice something? That's 3 dev's from BURST and the "SIGT" devs have been MIA for 72 hours. LMAO. Sorry faggots, time to sell all your shit, I know I just did.

Other urls found in this thread:

seems the burstcoin scammers took over the project and the devs dipped, fucking kek

pic related for those not aware

its over

dump your shit and run. This shitcoin is finally showing its true colors!

b-but muh bittrex


Dev online 4 hours ago. They do need to sleep too.

It's a community driven project
Wait until it gets on Bittrex


can't make this shit up

these retards wont believe a single shit no matter what you say.
its like a fucking hideous cult.

It runs on the Skunkhash Raptor algorithm

I saw the light and got the fuck out completely today guys. It's over, SIGT is finished.

I think I (luckily) broke even or maybe made a small profit, but I could have made almost 4k USD if i sold at the second ATH. JUST fuck my entire life up.

this thread is entirely full of shills who gives a fuck lads

a good sigtmarine knows when to another altcoin. good god

Spotted the bagholder.

hope all you SIGT OGs made some profit cause i just dumped all my shit, see you around sometime maybe

>MFW I dumped my 25k bags at 2140, causing the current landslide.

let me get the link dood


i mined this shit at 1 cent..... sold half at 4.5k... held onto my bags, but can't anymore sold the rest at 2.4-2.5k GET OUT THIS IS A SINKING SHIP GUYS.


LOL this guy knows absolutely nothing.
Lexicon isnt a scammer wheres the proof of this?. he was actually a really great dev. take a look at the history.

So with biz standards this means buy right?

You guys are the lowest of the lowest scams. Enjoy Your miserable life You fagots. Don't forget to suck Adam's balls on Your way out. He will rain 1 BURST for this amazing work.

rip sig

SIGfried dies in the end


get out niggas.

Knock yourself out.


how does this fucker crowetic can still run scams like this? someone needs to find where he lives

>people are still buying sigt RIGHT NOW

This is the one time that a shitcoin has become so obviously a cliche shitcoin that even Veeky Forumstards can't mistake it for something good anymore. I honestly don't know who the fuck is still placing these buy orders.

>all altcoins dip
>"SIGT is a scam!"

just some bots. trying to keep the price afloat.

>damage control

You can call a shitcoin a shitcoin all you want, but "scam" is something that needs to be backed with evidence.

It's fucking Veeky Forums, I don't have to prove shit. Suck my dick lmao

Thats me. Honestly - if you're not comfortable - sell all your coins. Do what's right for your money.

I still believe in the project. Veeky Forums believed in it when they were making money but - suddenly - the market corrects and everyone's hands turn to spaghetti?

I should be unsurprised. Feckless, impatient, entitled, spineless bitches. Everywhere. As far as I can see.

Good luck in life.

>make claim
>get asked to back it up
>" its Veeky Forums ok?"
Sounds like you are the one in full damage control mode.

If the market is correcting then there is no sense bagholding like good little soldiers while we risk losing everything on an exchange with no option to stop loss.

I am generally against day trading and making emotional decisions but I'm not going to sit around and lose hundreds of dollars of profits because of blind faith in a 3 week old community. I could have made $3000 if I sold at the peak but held through various dips. Today was the final straw. I was not going to lose money on SIGT.

I didn't claim it was a scam, just called it a shitcoin at the moment. Most alts are down but not all of them are.

fucking devs, there was a pump a few hours ago when they were online!

then a few hours later, the dump begins. this is fucking scam!

everyone get out before they implement their advanced HODLing technic.

LOL this discord is a ghost town. What a fucking joke.