Amy or Linda or whoever the fuck works in HR was talking about buying bitcoin this week. Time to get out.
Going to be a good correction as soon as stock markets rebound after all this Trumpy/Korea FUD
Amy or Linda or whoever the fuck works in HR was talking about buying bitcoin this week. Time to get out.
Going to be a good correction as soon as stock markets rebound after all this Trumpy/Korea FUD
I don't understand how Veeky Forums thinks that more people investing in BTC is bad. Am I missing something?
Is this your first bubble?
We want it's price to rise, but when it's this quick it means we are entering a bubble again
Yep, I was Amy and Linda in late 2013. Saw BTC flying, FOMO'd and jumped in. Feels the same right now, if we top at $5k the bottom will be $1k a couple of years from now
a couple of years? try months, dude.
I think the landscape has changed since that era (that's when I got burned too) and the correction won't be as strong, but we went south of 2k very quickly before the fork less than a month ago. I understand that the market is rejoicing now that the scaling issue is 'solved'. But the real fix is a long time off and there are so many weak hands coming into the market and a lot of people discussing taking some profit now that there's new ATHs...
I was assuming we all bought before this unsustainable growth and knew how to see a trend reversal.
Just cashed out
1400 btc
Im officially work over 8 million Canadian. What should be the first thing I buy
I'm worth 33 million USD. Not a larp I promise.
the ride never ends
Bitcoin crashing all the alts with no survivors.
Congrats dude. Buy a trip to Japan, find any guy named Satoshi and high five him.
Pls explain how you could cash out that much without getting your bank account closed?
Dow explained it 100 years ago. Every market is a pump and dump. After the accumulation phase come the normies followed by crash caused by accumulators dumping their bags on them.
pick one
Is it enough?
Bump for this
What's FOMO. I've had a coin for less than a week
I did back in May
Fear Of Missing Out
The faster it rises the harder crash, once people start selling at the peek because they have a made a shitton of money panic will ensue.
It's the reason you bought in.