I want your opinions on Great Britain and the British people!
Love or Hate the British
Please don't be racist or anything, that's not what this thread is for.
they're alright
Brits pls come colonise me in my wee bum hole I wanna get my "free work in UK" ticket
british is a meme made by butthurt anglos who want the good parts of the island
British just means English
Welsh identity is like a cancer in an otherwise healthy body
Fuck off sheep shagger
That was an American post.
Stay buttmad, Ahmed
Only Brits care about Britain. Nobody else.
I talk alot of shit about you red coats but I secretly want a qtp waifu with a british accent.
Indifferent. They were perfidious but they helped put Germans in their place throughout history.
Frog here.
I'd guess my main gripe with the English is how much History makes me notice that the lot of you tricked us a bunch, especially blatantly so around the XVIIth century when you were confounding us into fighting the Austrians, and not you directly. About almost one or two centuries were wasted away like that, pumelling at the "old traditional" enemy when we should've been wisening up to how to destroy Britain.
I also hate that your media entertains the influence and power that it does, and that you can trick the world into believing your "le so arrogant french man" stereotypes in a click of your fingers.
That said, we've fucked you up enough that I don't have an inferiority complex against you. Hell, you're even good chaps sometimes, and I wind up defending you a lot on Veeky Forums against my better judgement.
Hope Brexit doesn't screw you over too much. Here's to the rivarly.
I like them. Greatest ally.
>t. American
I wish they focused more on intervening in Europe and less around the world. Otherwise nice people.
Someone nuke this shithole. It's beyond redemption.
Bong here. I love France more than you probably do desu. I do hate this idea on here that we all despise you. The only people who actually hate your country here are major football fans. Otherwise, there's an overwhelmingly positive feeling towards France here.
Come here and kiss me, you!
>They were perfidious
Literally the best, most admirable thing about them
But that aside, I'm very fascinated by how anything to touch on, or even neighbor the French-British rivarly across History can sound like something that'd have been written by Homer, or Shakespeare, or Racine.
Oh the intricacies, the comebacks, the last stands, the mythical battles (Agincourt, Fontenoy, Trafalgar, Orléans, Blenheim, etc...), the pure passion in it all. Woah...
Too bad both our nations have been reduced to NATO Lapdogs. Especially the UK. Sort of a fitting end. At least until the US collapses.
Your "nations" ceased to exist after WW2 faggot.
>Especially the UK. Sort of a fitting end. At least until the US collapses.
>not believing that the American war of independence was an ingenious ploy by the French and British to prop up a fake superpower, so that they'd get all the flack of being "no. 1" while France and Britain were inventing ways to spread their wars to the stars
>not believing the Napoleonic wars were a very elaborate hoax by France and Britain to create another fake European superpower in the form of Germany
>not realizing we have the world where we want it, and only North Korea is the enligthened enough country to know what's going on
Oh you
Truly, France and Britain have ascended.
why are americans so retarded
You know, France, we've always had our differences, and really, fuck you, but i'm happy we're friends.
>yfw this a feel only 5% of the world population can relate to
Fuck you too champs, but also let's try to keep this Alliance cordiale-tier comfy for now.
call him a retard all you like, but I think you'd do yourself more credit not to call me a retard as well you cunt
Pompous and Arrogant.
i-i love France
why cant we tag team and invade the world. imagine if UK and France put their heads together instead of fight each other. i need a french gf
similarly i think germany, france and uk need to band together and dominate (or at least spoon)
>that feel when no one likes the english
Come on mate
poland pls
>why cant we tag team and invade the world.
>doing things on easy-mode
I'd believe that's against the values of France and Britain.
Portuguese here. You guys are alright.
The English used to be a very sincere people before cheeky Willy trolled them to death with his pretend retreats at Hastings so you frogs brought it upon yourselves.
Go back to /int/
I honestly hate them a lot.
I hate seeing British people post, even. Fuck them and their history and flag and country.
Ask Poland, France, India, New Zealand, Australia, or pretty much any other British "ally" how that shit turned out.
The eternal Anglo is ally to no one. He will provide a temporary cease fire and send some troops in as long as the situation doesn't get remotely demanding at best.
Kill yourself, you filthy worthless Mick.
I wish Cromwell had had more luck.
While you're hurling insults I'm laughing at your irrelevancy.
Also you're the only country to hate the Irish.
Insulting you or making a joke of you isn't worth my time, as living in Britain is both.
I'm American, you dumb Mick fucker.
Irrelevant? I don't even need an argument. Both the US and UK are leagues ahead of Ireland, in terms of relevance.
Eternal fenian btfo
I'm American too you dumb traitor fuck.
Angloboos should be deported if they love the Crown so much you fucking turncoat Benedict shit.
>How dare the Irish fight for independence like we did
Literally retarded.
Also Ireland is more relevant than modern UK. Modern UK is only relevant for weekly Paki attacks.
So you're a dumb plastic paddy, huh?
Liking the UK, a country very similar to our own, and being a traitor are two different things. Especially when we're so closely allied to them, you idiot.
Also, Ireland is more Left-wing than the UK is.
the french fear the longbowman
Ah, if only Edward III united the two realms under one sceptre back in the day. Imagine what the world would look like now. (Provided it worked, but I think it could've)
No, I'm an American.
>Similar to our own
Very funny however wrong it may be. And wrong it is.
Also Britain has no allies. See: India, New Zealand, Australia, Poland and France, all allies of Britain that got fucked first chance possible.
The British are entirely Authoritarian and have nothing in common with Americans whatsoever aside from the fact we fought some wars with them. They hate all White races that aren't Anglo yet suck Muslim cock unlike us. They don't brush their teeth and they lack the basic fundamentals of honor or word.
You've been fed lies. I'm less mad at you and more mad at this British propaganda you've been fed. I'm sorry for you.
Also Ireland can be Left-Wing if it wants as long as it's not an Authoritarian genocidal backstabbing perfidious piece of shit and a blight on human decency, which Britain is.
Kindly reavaluate your life. The Brits backing you for sucking their dick are doing so because you benefit their cause and not because of any comradery that was memed to exist between a freedom loving Nation and an oppressive genocidal shithole.
Wow, I thought you might actually be a dumb Mick,for a second there, and not just a memester.
I'm serious in all regards. If you want to forfeit your argument, feel free. I was satisfied before and I will remain so.
You're strictly un-American and support everything America was created to avoid. You're a traitor in the darkest sense, and I pity you.