how do i show girls i have money
How do i show girls i have money
You want to do the exact opposite of that.
>show them you have money
Lmao are you a tard or something?
They sniff it out anyway but if you make it obvious 100% expect to no longer be rich. Your dollars and coins will turn into shoes and makeup
Show them you have class instead. Buy a good wine, have your money in a nice wallet, have a nice quality shirt on... nothing flashy, just high quality stuff.
You're fucking nuts OP
Take cash out of the bank and shove it in their faces
Go downtown and have your dick out in while leaning on your car. Make a trail of penny's leading to your 2001 Suzuki Aerio that your mom passed down to you since you got a job at KFC. Wait for anyone to take a notice at one of the pennies on the ground and immediately start swinging your dick like a helicopter. TRUST ME, this is the way to get her attention. Once you have her attention flip out your shitty blackberry phone with your +2% 24hr gain on blockfolio with your $20 investment in bitbeans.
buy expensive clothes and jewelry.
Stop spamming this shitty album in your OP
this album was awesome
Made my night
Good chain around your neck, diamond earrings and nice golden teeth implants.
>keep it classy, anons
He hides his powerlevel well, otherwise the girl to the left would be smiling
Take money out of your wallet, get their attention, and then show them said money.
I like Vitalik. But damn, he's an autist like no other.
Pull out you blockfolio
damn he looks like a poor slav meth addict
Hard to smile with buterin's finger up your ass
the quality of girls is so super low then
i have decent money and look like a hobo. lmao no gold digger aint have no chance
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