Good ways to make side money as Comp Sci major (especially passive income)?

I'm a Comp Sci major with a lot of experience in C and C++ as well as some experience with Python, Java, C# and Bash shell scripting. I've worked with Linux, Windows, Raspberry Pi and Arduino, you name it. Are there any good ways to use my skills to establish a passive income stream, or at the very least some side income? I went full retard with alt trading and panic sold all of my NEO, CVC and Qtum the night before the huge boom and then went all in on OMG after hearing it get shilled everywhere. I'm down on my cash now and need a way to make that money back since I don't know how the fuck to handle crypto.

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Yes. I'm working on several dApps right now, and I'm going to jump on Microsoft's Coco framework as soon as they release it. Blockchain tech is going to be big in 5 years in enterprise and small business. Understand it now, get a portfolio going, and you can freelance or contract easily.

Oh, and buy bitcoin.

Programm some ransomware?

I just started learning programming this year - what language should I be focusing on if I want to all in on blockchain tech?

I did web dev shit and have a portfolio in javascript/ruby/react, but have started learning Java for the greater job flexibility. What do you think?

>Focusing on a language
You should just learn how to program and then the language becomes irrelevant.

Neat logo. When's the ICO?

I too am looking for pointers.

I feel comfortable programming, but many jobs still require a specific range of languages you specialize in and frameworks you understand

for me, picking a stack makes it easier to focus my learning since I can build projects and see how practical my skills are. I've been doing freelance websites for people this past two months, so I feel comfortable enough with javascript that I wanna move into a widely applicable backend language and get a cushy developer job

I settled on java for now so that's what I'm working with

>Cushy developer job
Nah. If you want cushy, learn C#. Or go full-stack web dev instead of just being a "javascript" dev. So...still C#. MVC, Entity Framework, etc.

I do full-stack, just that the stack I chose to learn is pretty shit for employment in my area. My first backend language was Ruby, so I build Rails API-only backends with angular/react frontends (usually react). I know enough Node/express to get by if I had to write a backend in javascript, but yeah

my area seems to have high demand for C#, but I avoided it at first since I thought it was for pajeets and didn't know any better. How long do you think it would take me to get decent enough with C# to bullshit my way into one of those jobs?

How long have you been programming and how are you learning?

you can try, it was made by the co-founder of DNT aka district0x and is the original district. you can maybe find people to do a project with on ethereum or a competitor and maybe sell that product if you want to really work for it

I began January of this year, but spent the first few months of the year doing nothing with my life but learning ruby and javascript on my own, using free online resources like egghead, reading textbooks, and building my own projects. got good at it and felt I was picking things up naturally - built a portfolio of about 8 projects i completed

I recently got into learning Java from basics using these courses: which I blasted through since they all felt very simple and easy to grasp.

I'm currently looking for the best way to go about learning C#/.NET so I can enter "real" web development instead of my meme stack

How long did it take you to get competent with javascript? I'm starting out now but I feel like I'm too late to this racket and it will take too long

Also do you have programing abckground or math background?

make a bot that buys tenX

Javascript in general takes some getting used to and I would say its better to start with Java or Python or something and then Javascript later once you have some fundamentals down

it took me like 2 months of really focused studying 8-10 hours a day before I understood api requests, promises, async shit etc

nah man i was a poli sci major in college didnt know shit about shit

picked this up in a moment of clarity when i realised i was sick of studying for the LSAT

ah so you're still quite young and just finished highschool. im an old guy so maybe it is harder for me.

im 26 so im not too young i would say

i think you can do it man. theres room in the world for even shitty programmers, just dedicate time to it every day and little by little your brain will make connections

thank you you have done me a great service today. you couldnt imagine how encourage you make me. what have you made to date?

imo javascript is ez as fuck.
especially since u can just execute it in the browser.and u can fuck around with cute html i/o shit. and even graphics with html5 canvas .
oh also node.js
so u can do serverside code even.
if u know js u really dont even have to learn anything else if u dont want to .

i think fuckin with js makes u pretty well rounded

stay away from external libraries of anytime , unless they are made by a big tech company and u absolutely cannot do waht u wanna do anyother way.

R for ML

thats the holy trinity iMO.

put a portfolio of some cool shit u want together.

think of some buzzwords that interest u and u wanna learn more about
and smash that all together into an interesting application that does something impressive.

you learn most by doing ambitius shit.

who knows u might invent the next "facesmash"

usually that shit u would have thought was pretty ambitious can be pretty easy to learn and code if u apply urself,
theres more videos and stack overflow articles out there than ever.

so i should start with javascript? i hear that the react is the new big thing

Agree you can basically do everything in js. Still good to know a pure backend language like c# though since it's fucking everywhere if you're job searching

>Python, Java, C# and Bash shell scripting
Those happen to be the NEO languages, check out the dev channel on the Slack and find out how to host a node.

There you find the CoZ team and the main guy is

Since NEO doesn't use proof of work but the bookkeeper system, a NEO block is signed in 24 seconds on average and I believe it's the future of smart contracts.

angular 2 is better than react.
react is for literal gays.

c/c++ is as pure as it gets

im certified in all major languages
c# is a faggot language.

there's a .js library for the basic commands too, pic related

Angular 2 , node.js ftw

i heard angular is outdated and that react is the new adopted standard

Fork BTC and make a shitcoin like everyone else

angular is outdated.

thats why we keep saying angular 2 .

and technically its angular 4 now.

the first angular was a bit sketchy but
2 is worlds apart

anything react can do , angular 2 can do in both directions and more

newbs just dont like angular 2 cause it has a wikid learning curve,but thats cause its so versatile and powerful.
also its new so there isnt so much help out there.
but they official documentation is all you need.