This is Olive Cromwell, the Napoleon of England who rose from obscurity to free his beloved country from monarchical tyranny.
Say something nice about him.
This is Olive Cromwell, the Napoleon of England who rose from obscurity to free his beloved country from monarchical tyranny.
Say something nice about him.
Other urls found in this thread:
He killed Irish
Sent many papists to hell. Good man.
Apparently he really was the Napoleon of England, Napoleon was very intrigued by him and read voraciously about Cromwell on route to Egypt.
Interesting man, not enough about him remains public knowledge.
He revolted against the monarchy long before it was cool.
t-though desu it was never really cool.
faggot puritan who ruined everything.
An ugly cunt
>t. assmangled papists
He was puritan
He was a puritan which makes him ridiculously stupid
Couldn't give two shits about the pope. The king is the representative of God on Earth. Long live Queen Elizabeth!
He's dead, Britain is a monarchy and catholics sit in parliament. Who's assmangled now?
>Olive Cromwell
Hungry work in parliament!
He instituted the first religious freedom for Puritan Dissenters in England. Congregationalists, Presbyterians, proto-Low Church Anglicans, and Baptists all fighting under the same banner found their religious freedoms in the aftermath. A gentlemen's agreement among Trinitarian and otherwise orthodox Reformed Protestants. Sorta like a prelude to the church environment set up by the 1689 Act of Toleration.
He was based.
You, judging by this post.
Judging your post you're living in the past and don't realise that that stuff means fuck all now.
t. Prince Rupert
In Hell forever.
Nobody gives a bollocks about the 400 or so different denominations of church tbqh desu.
>freed his country from tyranny
>ruled as a tyrannical king in all but name
last english king of england
he re-invited jewry.
Better the rabbi's yamakah than the cardinal's hat
wasn't Trotsky a fan? does anybody know if he wrote anything on him?
Did he ever face a decent opponent or did he just whip lousy untrained British nobles
A Catholic sat on the English throne shortly after he took his place in Hell.
I cant, the cunt not only ruined Anglo-Irish relations, but he vanquished High Church Anglicanism and made Lauds efforts to Bring the Scotcucks in line all for not, with only the Tractarians to make one final gasp of tragic relevance
pretty much, outside of Veeky Forums Christianity has been so ravaged by secularism no one gives a shit about all the autistic interfaith fights of old
Have you ever walked the lonesome hills
And heard the curlews cry
Or seen the raven black as night
Upon a windswept sky
To walk the purple heather
And hear the westwind cry
To know that's where the rapparee must die
Since Cromwell pushed us westward
To live our lowly lives
There's some of us have deemed to fight
From Tipperary mountains high
Noble men with wills of iron
Who are not afraid to die
Who'll fight with gaelic honour held on high
A curse upon you Oliver Cromwell
You who raped our Motherland
I hope you're rotting down in hell
For the horrors that you sent
To our misfortunate forefathers
Whom you robbed of their birthright
"To hell or Connaught" may you burn in hell tonight
Of one such man I'd like to speak
A rapparee by name and deed
His family dispossessed and slaughtered
They put a price upon his head
His name is known in song and story
His deeds are legends still
And murdered for blood money
Was young Ned of the hill
A curse upon you Oliver Cromwell
You who raped our Motherland
I hope you're rotting down in hell
For the horrors that you sent
To our misfortunate forefathers
Whom you robbed of their birthright
"To hell or Connaught" may you burn in hell tonight
You have robbed our homes and fortunes
Even drove us from our land
You tried to break our spirit
But you'll never understand
The love of dear old Ireland
That will forge an iron will
As long as there are gallant men
Like young Ned of the hill
Daily Reminder: New England is a prison colony for this lot.
A waste of time and lives... 4 centuries on, the UK is one of the few consolidated monarchies... and probably outlve the UK itself, once the Scotts leave and Ireland is reunited.
Not enough.
t. benjamin israeli
Charles did nothing wrong
0/10 got me to reply
You can do better user
P.S. Protestants are worse than Jews
Anglican=/= Catholic
Yet another possessed person who persecuted the true faith.
>Smashed the papists
>Slaughtered the Irish
>Hammered the Scots
>Was a true patriot and devoutly religious
>Crushed this squirmy little fuck (pic related)
Overall I'd say he was a top lad
you mad bro?
He did nothing wrong.
Yas! Hail Mary! Queen of Heaven and Mother of God!
>Hey why is it 2300 degrees C in here????
Fuck Cromwell, and fuck common people
in if we lived in the Commonwealth protectorate, I would drag you out of your house while you shit and piss yourself in fear, then I'd put you up against the wall, ask if you have any last words while you hysterically beg for mercy like a little bitch, and finally free humanity from the burden of your existence. To end the day, I'll go for a swim in the free public swimming pool with my hot GF (also in the independent church ), cracking jokes and laughing about the counter-reformation faggot I just blew the fuck out of this universe.
The forward youth that would appear
Must now forsake his Muses dear,
Nor in the shadows sing
His numbers languishing.
’Tis time to leave the books in dust,
And oil th’ unused armour’s rust,
Removing from the wall
The corslet of the hall.
So restless Cromwell could not cease
In the inglorious arts of peace,
But thorough advent’rous war
Urged his active star.
And like the three-fork’d lightning, first
Breaking the clouds where it was nurst,
Did through his own side
His fiery way divide.
For ’tis all one to courage high,
The emulous or enemy;
And with such to enclose
Is more than to oppose.
Then burning through the air he went,
And palaces and temples rent;
And Cæsar’s head at last
Did through his laurels blast.
’Tis madness to resist or blame
The force of angry Heaven’s flame;
And, if we would speak true,
Much to the man is due,
Who from his private gardens where
He liv’d reserved and austere,
As if his highest plot
To plant the bergamot,
Could by industrious valour climb
To ruin the great work of time,
And cast the kingdom old
Into another mould.
Though justice against fate complain,
And plead the ancient rights in vain;
But those do hold or break
As men are strong or weak.
Nature that hateth emptiness
Allows of penetration less,
And therefore must make room
Where greater spirits come.
What field of all the civil wars
Where his were not the deepest scars?
And Hampton shows what part
He had of wiser art,
Where, twining subtle fears with hope,
He wove a net of such a scope
That Charles himself might chase
To Carisbrooke’s narrow case,
That thence the royal actor borne
The tragic scaffold might adorn,
While round the armed bands
Did clap their bloody hands.
He nothing common did or mean
Upon that memorable scene,
But with his keener eye
The axe’s edge did try;
Nor call’d the gods with vulgar spite
To vindicate his helpless right,
But bowed his comely head
Down as upon a bed.
This was that memorable hour
Which first assur’d the forced pow’r.
So when they did design
The Capitol’s first line,
A bleeding head, where they begun,
Did fright the architects to run;
And yet in that the state
Foresaw its happy fate.
And now the Irish are asham’d
To see themselves in one year tam’d;
So much one man can do
That does both act and know.
They can affirm his praises best,
And have, though overcome, confest
How good he is, how just,
And fit for highest trust;
Nor yet grown stiffer with command,
But still in the republic’s hand;
How fit he is to sway
That can so well obey.
He to the Commons’ feet presents
A kingdom for his first year’s rents;
And, what he may, forbears
His fame, to make it theirs,
And has his sword and spoils ungirt,
To lay them at the public’s skirt.
So when the falcon high
Falls heavy from the sky,
She, having kill’d, no more does search
But on the next green bough to perch,
Where, when he first does lure,
The falc’ner has her sure.
What may not then our isle presume
While victory his crest does plume!
What may not others fear
If thus he crown each year!
A Cæsar he ere long to Gaul,
To Italy an Hannibal,
And to all states not free,
Shall climacteric be.
The Pict no shelter now shall find
Within his parti-colour’d mind;
But from this valour sad
Shrink underneath the plaid,
Happy if in the tufted brake
The English hunter him mistake,
Nor lay his hounds in near
The Caledonian deer.
But thou, the war’s and fortune’s son,
March indefatigably on;
And for the last effect
Still keep thy sword erect;
Besides the force it has to fright
The spirits of the shady night,
The same arts that did gain
A pow’r, must it maintain.
Cromwell would have eventually restored the monarchy albeit with limited powers.
Charles I used to ride around with little lap dogs that he cared about more than his actual soldiers, during a war he was LOSING. Cromwell would sing hymns or give sermons with his men whenever possible to raise their morale.
Cromwell also outlawed Christmas, so he lost pretty hard in the popularity and morale contest in the end.
why celebrate christmas when everyday is god's gift :)
Burning in hell
dogs are bros though
Ironically, Massachusetts and Rhode Island are among the highest % Catholic states now.
I'm sure they are but the loyalists sure didn't appreciate having a Beverly Hills Bimbo for a King
Just wait until the great SPIC-ening.
America will be Catholic
>And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
>And why am I so honored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
But they only use Celsius in Hell
Wasn't him, it was his mayor generals, who he fired after like two years and lifted their bans.
>monarchical tyranny
what a fucking meme
he was a dictator
His government had the best spy network of the time.
He had nice warts and without him we would not have constitutional monarchy but I still am saddened to read of Charles death just like that of Nicholas'
>but I still am saddened to read of Charles death just like that of Nicholas'
They arent comparable at all, one was a clean beheading and the other was a botched firing squad that ended up bayoneting and clubbing him to death along with his wife and children.
Nick had lost all power whilst Charles still had his and and sparked a second civil war with his secret treaty whilst in captivity and negotiating a peace with the parliament. The man was a snake, albeit one who lacked foresight and luck.
Horseshit. Christianity is still a major thing today faith wise
Chuck, Nicky and the cuck Louis deserved it. Libertines need to fuck off and these monarchs were the predecessors to the globalist elite we have today.
He banned Christmas and dancing.
Literally NOTHING wrong with that.
Yeah, but isn't that the point of this thread?
They still executed a defenceless man
Culturally I would say
>implying I want non royal bloodlines to be in charge of everything and the vote should have stopped with the middle class
He was a fag and fiddled kids, just like the whore Marie Antoinette. There have been good monarchs like Napoleon Bonaparte, and perhaps some of the Brit royals, but the Bourbons, Romanovs and Stuarts deserved everything they got and more.
>They still executed a defenceless man
Is a man with armies and foreign supporters really that defenseless?
After treating him with great dignity and respect and getting it constantly thrown back in their faces with repeated acts of literal treason.
How do you think they should have morally responded to a man who whilst under the guise of negotiating was constantly working to arrange armies - including foreign ones - to overthrown the Parliament.
Just look at how mild the Parliaments demands were and how small an imposition they were
>Royalists had to wait five years before running for or holding an office.
>The Book of Common Prayer was allowed to be read but not mandatory, and no penalties should be made for not going to church, or attending other acts of worship.
>The sitting Parliament was to set a date for its own termination. Thereafter, biennial
>Parliaments were to be called (i.e. every two years), which would sit for a minimum of 120 days and maximum of 240 days. Constituencies were to be reorganized.
>Episcopacy would be retained in church government, but the power of the bishops would be substantially reduced.
>Parliament was to control the appointment of state officials and officers in the army and navy for 10 years.
Not just a catholic, but also an adulterous, lewd, hedonist.
With this in mind, I think we should've kept Cromwell around, maybe even crowned him King.
We basically did.
Why not keep his dynasty going on then? Would've been, you know, an actual English King in England.
>just like the whore Marie Antoinette
His son inherited the job but was too much of a pussy to keep it and quit.
>Louis XVI was a fag
You have perception due to the warped nature of modern politics where penetrating boipucci is an identity not an activity
Napoleon was an emperor not a monarch
Bourbons did some good and Louis XVI genuinely cared for the common man as seen by his world view
Peter the great and Alexander brought Russia to the modern world
Trough the Stuart's you get William III and Anne who led some of the most successful reigns and through the Stuart's you get the Hanoverians
So defenceless no one interrupts the execution
You have that one set of terms but how long would the parliamentarians keep it for, the next parliament would set its own end date what stopped it sitting ad perpeteum like the Rump did under Cromwell
Also rich calling the king treasonous when parliament had literally let criminals escape and took up arms against the king thus breaking all oaths sworn
Fuck off /pol/lacks, the king of England is English, and Cromwell was offered the crown but Pride and several others said they would kill Cromwell if that came to pass
Why did every revolution get a nationalist fascist dictator like Cromwell, Napoleon, Stalin to come and undo its work?
Is the American Revolution the only successful and good one?
I mean, I guess the Chinese got Mao, who wasn't ideologically corrupt, but he was just oldschool incompetent instead.
>You have perception due to the warped nature of modern politics where penetrating boipucci is an identity not an activity
It's degeneracy no matter what you call it.
Most noble families that ruled over England after the Tudors were Germans.
From your words, it seems like they succeeded. Removed the decadent ruling class and restored the nation to greatness.
>From your words, it seems like they succeeded. Removed the decadent ruling class and restored the nation to greatness.
More like removed the king and made themselves king. This is a coup, not a revolution.
Stalin restored power to the Orthodox Church for the first time since the 1600s. Cromwell removed Catholics and brought down the Irish rebellion. Napoleon brought France to heights that it had never seen before.
Those are kings things. They replaced the old king with themselves. Thats not what a revolution is.
I am not saying they were bad kings, I am saying they weren't meant to be kings. They hijacked the revolution and turned it into a military coup.
Not being more powerful than the Parliamentary Army =/= defenseless
>You have that one set of terms but how long would the parliamentarians keep it for, the next parliament would set its own end date what stopped it sitting ad perpeteum like the Rump did under Cromwell
Because stability would return to the realm and Parliament would not have to create an entirely new system of governance and law making whilst having to worry about foreign and mercenary armies invading.
>Also rich calling the king treasonous when parliament had literally let criminals escape and took up arms against the king thus breaking all oaths sworn
Doesn't excuse rallying foreigners to take over England. Likewise he was not an abosolute monarch who could do whatever he liked Parliament had an established role and authority and he sought to destroy that.
You still havent told us what the moral way of dealing with Charles was yet.
It was a revolution, against the decadence of old. People are naturally conservative and do not like the excesses of decadent leaders. This is why every time a ruling class gets too full of itself, too overconfident and decadent, someone comes in to fix the problem. As it should be.
Overthrowing a king to replace him with some sort of a parliament or senate is a revolution.
Overthrowing a king to replace him with another king is just a military coup.
The moral way was to declare a regency and to get his son to pass reforms with something similar to the bill of rights, but allow Catholics in all but the Church of England
In the modern sense yes
But a revolution has 're' because it used to mean removing someone that was changing everything for the worse, e.g. Removing ancient privelieges
He's dead.
The real problem was that his son, Richard Cromwell, was a hopeless beta male. There's no point in starting a new dynasty destined to be run into the ground immediately after it starts. All it would do is damage the prestige of the concept of monarchy.
Didn't he have any cousins, brothers?
>bring scotcucks in line
>literally cause bishop Wars and fuck over the monarchy
Laudian reforms were Shit lad. At least Cromwell allowed them to have a greater degree of toleration.
Sure, but by the time Cromwell had died there was more than enough popular support for the restoration of the old monarchy, albeit with more limited powers.
Those demands are actually really radical for the time though
>The moral way was to declare a regency and to get his son to pass reforms with something similar to the bill of rights, but allow Catholics in all but the Church of England.
And why would Charles II betray his father like that and why would the people let alone Charles I accept that and stop working towards getting a foreign army(ies) to reinstate him in a more absolute role?