Name 1 (one) Russian leader who wasn't a complete asshole.
Hardmode: [spoiler]no Peter the Great[/spoiler]
Name 1 (one) Russian leader who wasn't a complete asshole
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You kidding right? He was a fucking commie bastard! Complete with terror n shit.
Brezhnevs USSR was pretty comfy by the standards of the USSR.
Clueless incompetent idiot
Does Stolypin (sp?) count?
If not, I'm going with Yeltsin.
Alexander II reeee
maybe, but he wasn't an asshole
Nice quads but he threw millions of lives away in a war that he and the Russian army knew they were ill-prepared for. Not a bad man but extremely incompetent and negligent.
Nicky was most chill Tsar ever.
He fucked up the Japanese war as well.
But not an asshole
What country that lost to Russia are you guys from, it is pitiful that you can't accept strong country with strong leadership as your opponent
the one that came after catherine the great
How exactly is Putin a complete asshole?
Cathrine II
ivan just stop they don't pay you enough to do this
>actually born in Russia
he was too pure for his time
Fuck da commeeez, Nicholas dindu nuffin' fbrisbxvr (incomprehensible sub-human noises)
Alexander III
What is Stephen Fry doing in that photo?
>Peter the Great wasn't an asshole
He tortured and killed his own son and made divisions of children fight for his own amusement. He was a great guy and all, but he was an asshole.
Also, Brezjnev
Well that's just pathetic
>be a nice guy
>invades Czechoslovakia and installs hardliner
Try again.
>be a nice guy
>don't invade Czechoslovakia
Yes, you can invade other countries and not be an asshole
Not when you oust their elected officials and break up their liberal movement. They just wanted reform. Instead they got an iron fist and tanks.
In all honesty, he was a bit of an asshole, but in the grand schema of Russian leaders he wasn't the worst.
Aleksandr Suvorov was a pretty cool guy
This guy definitely does not sound like an asshole. Actually, he sounds more like a monk than a political leader.
Gorbachev. The guy genuinely seemed to want to end the Cold War, and took huge political risks trying to work things out with Reagan.
Who /revisionist/ here
Gorbachev for sure, I dont think the Cold War would have ended so relatively peacefully were it not for him being willing to concede so much ground. His one mistake was not breaking character and shooting that drunk Yeltsin while he had a chance.
incompetent ruler but was a good guy personally
Did someone say revisionist here?
Forgot the pic
Good meme
He was surprisingly decent and had a good plan.
Then... then Stalin came...
Lol at all these plebs who think the Communist USSR is the same thing as Russia
Get in faggot, we're killing germans and hopefully avoid getting raped by mongols
He wasn't cut out for ruling, but he was a genuinely good dude and recognized that he embodied the state and thus should think of the state first no matter what.
Indeed he was a rus'.
Literally kys if you seriously believe Stalin did anything wrong
He's the reason they're even called Russians, you cuck.
The impression I get from this pic is that it's producer was a Stalinist and thinks Gorbachev is gulag-worthy, not that Gorbachev was a good guy
Gorbachev was gulagworthy
Gulag is far too merciful a punishment for Gorby
>Gorbachev for sure
one of the most corrupt men in russian history?
I want to say krushev but he was so clueless he genuinely believed not liking communism was a mental illness
All of them are better than the limp-wristed limp-dicked western "leaders".
>but in the grand schema of Russian leaders he wasn't the worst
I can't dispute that. It's not even close. That's not saying a whole lot though. Other than the Mongols, Aztecs, and Assyrians, name one nation/country/empire that has had more asshole rulers than Russia. I'm excluding those three because they constantly try to be dicks, which puts them in a category all their own.
Not liking Stalin is literally a mental illness. The only cure is bullets.
Not to mention a faggot. Most of his court was filled with fags just like the Bourbons in pre-Revolutionary France.
This so much.
Here we go.
This guy can't be an asshole, right?
Look at this faggots stupid fucking face
Also, I could be wrong, not knowing much of Russian history pre 1917 though.
>forcing men who live in the snow to shave their beards
Pretty dickish, but as far as Russian rulers go, she's great.