Does your country have a legendary founder/s?
Does your country have a legendary founder/s?
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Hell yea brother
An Egyptian Princess founded Scotland.
Aye, we sure do.
Bald eagles fear Andean condors.
Armenia- legend is that it was founded by Hayk the great grandson of Noah
Lol turns out we wuz the original we wuzzers. There is some evidence to suggest Kenneth MacAlpin was a real king.
DESU I am a little jealous of the central Asian countries, they have such cool fou Darien myths about horse lords and magical warriors etc.
Fucking autocorrect...meant to say central Asian countries foundation myths. They always have such cool horse lord stories like Manas. Etc.
France, Clovis the 1st, king of all francs and first christianic king.
Pierre de Préaux I guess, as he was the Governor of Jersey as we transitioned into being what are the last remnants of the Duché de Normandie.
Reality is that you're just a cockroach infestation the Ottomans couldn't handle property
Every part of Spain has it's own Myths more or less based in real people, Pelayo for Castile, Leon, Asturias,Galicia and conquered lands, Otger Cataló (and the nine barons of fame) in all the Oriental Spain, and Aitor for the basque.
I prefer Otger because in theory my family descends from him desu.
Tough the true founders of the country are the Catholic Kings.
Jawohl we do!
a pair of furries
You bet
Unfortunately most (((Aussies))) don’t know anything about our history. He’s not really legendary though.
What about Aeneas?
Based John A MacDonald founded Canada in a legendary binge drinking session with fellow politicians for the confederation.
Russian here
We wuz vikangz
Our tribe was founded by the Legendary Oghuz Khagan that married an ayylmao he saw come down from the sky in a circle of shining light while out in the steppes praying to Tengrii. He had 3 sons with her that would lay the foundation for our vast Turkic empire.
Also, he slayed a dragon and united the Bey's/Tribes.
A true russian would never admit that
Actually, it was Atatürk
depends for us we have a sheep shggar with a penchant for cuckoldry or 2 brothers who also may have been horses
It's pretty much settled even here
But Rome doesn't exist anymore.
Oh but of course!
We found out that Germans are fucking assholes who can't be trusted.
Bismarck is a meme, good politician but the state he created was shit
Some Fucking Indians smoking peyote and eating mushrooms said they were told by a God to make A city when they'd see a eagle standing up on a cactus with a snake in it's mouth
I believe that Hengist is very likely to have existed, but Horsa didn't.
Why is ben so fucking smug?
Unknown Archon
partied hard, fucked bitches, successfully broke away from England and established an oligarchic republic that you might suspect was for the lulz.
does it count if we are not sovereign?
commonwealth naval uniforms are the best desu
Yes. According to legend, Croatians were led to our current homeland by five brothers (Klukas, Lobel, Muhlo, Kosjenac and Hrvat) and two sisters (Tuga and Buga) in the 6th or 7th century. We were named after Hrvat (Croatians = Hrvati).
>tuga buga
Cause he knew he would be the best example of an American past, future and present
Please share more about Croatian myths I don't know much about the Balkans
t. Aussie
Kubrat is the founder of old great Bulgaria and Asparuh led the bulgars to the balkans and founded modern Bulgaria
according to the nominalia of the Bulgarian khans, the oldest Bulgarian ruler was Avitohol(probably Attila himself)
If you call dole-bludging, drinking, smoking dope and beating your wife then yes, yes I do.
We wuz Hunz n shiet
how do you like your eggs?
yes, pretty much
Did those guys bang their sisters
A Venezuelan warlord that broke away from the Spanish Empire and fought the British Empire to establish his own empire in latin america. How did he do it? He convinced african, irish, scottish, indigenous slaves to be on his side in exchange of freedom after the war. He also went to Haiti with his troops to help expell the French from the island. Needless to say he used that favour to bring Haitians to fight in the liberation wars.
laugh at maoris all you want but navigating the pacific ocean on a fucking canoe is pretty impressive.
Does it count if he takes it over and then founds it afterwards?
Well Norway's founder was a real person, and was sainted by the Catholic Church afterwards.
However, there have been mythical and supernatural elements added to him afterwards, that he bled blue blood and that his hair and nails continued growing in his grave etc.
There is one founding legend that West Slavs share
It says of a huge and prosperous Slavic kingdom to the north east (around Vistula river). That kingdom was ruled by a good king that had three sons, oldest Rus, middle Lech and youngest Czech. When their father died, they decided that the kingdom was not fertile enough to hold all of them, so they went on to the world to found their own kingdom.
Rus went south, where he found land full of vast steppes, where he started his kingdom (Ruthenia)
Lech went north, where he found great white eagle sitting in a tree during red dawn, so he founded city of Hnězdno there (Poland)
Czech went south, where he found fertile land surrounded by mountains, so he founded his kingdom there (Bohemia)
>local madman drives army trough some of the highest mountains in the world, beats the shit out of the Spaniards (yet again).
>is asked by everyone to be absolute ruler after the fact, tells them to fuck off
>dies in France like a ouiboo
>latin america was a mistake.jpg
>city when they'd see a eagle standing up on a cactus with a snake in it's mouth
And they found out that eagle was in the middle of a fucking lake.
each region has their own stories but the one officially adopted by the state was the story of gajah mada, a majapahit empire prime minister who took an oath saying he wouldnt eat anything with with spice on it before he subjugated all the outer island (nusantara),and the absolute madman actually did it. anyway one of the reason he was chosen was because of the majaphit territorial expansion cover roughly(this is still debated btw) the same area as the current day territory of the modern indonesia. the funny thing about about this was that the majapahit concept of mancanegara (core territory) and nusantara (outer island) can still apply to modern indonesia somewhat with the island of java (home of the majapahit
) being the most developed, populous and having the most influence in the country while the outer island are beeing bleed out of their resource for the central government in java and are still lacking in developtment and infrastructure.
>Please share more about Croatian myths I don't know much about the Balkans
Well, my knowledge is limited, but the most famous legend in Croatian history is the "curse of king Zvonimir". Zvonimir was the third-to-last (or second-to-last, if you count Petar Snačić, who was never crowned) Croatian king and the last of our great kings. After his death, he was succeeded by Stjepan II, who only ruled for about two years, and spent his time in a monastery due to heavy illness. With his death, the Trpimirović dynasty also died out. Now the kingdom faced dynastic war with one side being led by Zvonimir's widow, Jelena from the Arpad dynasty which ruled Hungary, who invited the Hungarian king Ladislav (Lazslo) to become the heir, and the other being led by Petar Snačić, a Croatian pretender. After Ladislav's death, his nephew and successor, Koloman, defeated Petar Snačić and his forces in the battle of Gvozd, which resulted in Petar's death. However, Koloman was unable to bring the Dalmatian nobles to heel, due to the natural barrier that the Dinarid mountains pose. So he decided to make a compromise. He signed a legal document, the Pacta Conventa, by which he ensured benefits to the Dalmatian cities and nobility. He was thus in 1102 crowned king of Croatia, which entered a personal union with Hungary under the crown of St. Stephen. Now, that's the historical background. The legend says that Zvonimir called the Croats to participate in the First Crusade, but was murdered by the people, who were unwilling to go to war. With his dying breath, he cursed the Croats not to have a Croatian king for a thousand years, but to be ruled by foreigners. The legend is dubious, as Zvonimir died in 1089, six years before the beginning of the First Crusade, but the legend nonetheless survived. And it somewhat came true, as Croatians regained their independence in 1991, 902 years after Zvonimir's death.
No, they just led the people.
I didn't knew Indonesia was a single country.
Well, it wasn't. It was more like a hegemon outside of Java and half of Sumatra.
pic related, the island of java has more people than the entire country of japan
King Æthelstan might be a more appropriate choice but pic related is the most well known.
Literally a knock off compendium to the Irish bullshit about Nemedians
Charlemagne and Clovis I
>klukas, lobel, kosenc, muhlo, hrvat, tuga i buga
those are our 7 founding father-mothers and they were all sisters and bros, so says the legend, apparently the tzar in constantinopol called them to deal with some avars
but probably those are names of tribes consolidated into some confederacy that took over parts of panonia along the danube and crossed the dinarids down to the adriatic in the 6-700eds, and for whatever reason they called themselves all 'hrvati'
beat me to it...
Three brothers came from far north, the land of dead and land of dreams. One of them was called Kalev. Its not clear but others are probably called Olev and Sulev. Kalev rode on an eagle down south and founded his kingdom - Kalevala.
No one has any idea where Olev's kingdom and Sulev's kingdom are supposed to be located.
If one stretches it, one could argue that Olev went to found the Norse, since Olev and Olaf are pretty close in spelling terms and was the Olaf for the Norse.
For those who have no idea what I am talking about - Kalevala is the mythical kingdom that Estonia and Finland originate from.
Pic is Kalev's son, popping the poppy of an island maiden/nymph.
You and Ukraine literally were Viking (n sheeit)
The idea of Russian as a stocky little half-Asiatic didn't come about until we got a good look at you as commies, full of central Asian zergs.
who is it?