Who are the Sikh and why are they so well regarded on Veeky Forums?
Who are the Sikh and why are they so well regarded on Veeky Forums?
Because they are bro tier
Bro tier
Because they're the only brown people of the last four decades who adopted the old "I like baseball and bbq and alcohol america fuck yeah" mode of assimilation that European immigrants of yesteryear practiced and succeeded at it.
They are very highly regarded soldiers, plus they're not Muslims.
There are multiple levels of it. One is that most Sikhs in the west are pretty peaceful and friendly and try to reach out in concert to other religious groups sometimes. They are like the model brown foreign-religion practicing minority.
There is also the fact that people who are more well-studied in eastern philosophy/religions appreciate that some of the texts and teachings of Sikhism contain perennial wisdom.
They assimilate very well.
They also have been getting fucked by Muslims for so long that most would not dare to be kind to them.
All the love for Sikhs is ironic, based on thinly veiled shillings for Sikhs by a Canadian. You can see the meme here , in reality, people on Veeky Forums are largely indifferent to Sikhs.
Because Veeky Forums is reddit now
Nice theology. Hate Hindus and Muslims. Assimilate well. Cool aesthetic.
>perennial wisdom
Okay but who are they? Why do they wear the hat?
contraianism like with the zoroastrianism and gnoistic obsession
>Because they're the only brown people of the last four decades who adopted the old "I like baseball and bbq and alcohol america fuck yeah" mode of assimilation that European immigrants of yesteryear practiced and succeeded at it.
1: alcohol is bad and its nothing to be proud of
2: mexicans generally assimilate pretty well afaik
3: didn't muslims assimilate prior to 9/11? I do not know if I'm mistaken
>alcohol is bad
Tell that to the American Heart Association.
This user is right. It's just meme propagation based off that Canadian and him making threads on /int/
>Cool aesthetic.
Muslim aesthetic with oversized turban
No, they love their shithole country more than anything.
They assimilated until they had that Islamic Revival bullshit in retaliation to the West (and Soviet) continued influence on the Middle East. They intentionally set themselves back 1300 years with that shit, and globalists kill any Arab leader who wishes to end the madness.
I like the USA though and my parents are illegals. Mexicans love baseball and America and stuff. Its great.
the most powerful race in the world
It's not a race
If I take it off will they die?
>No, they love their shithole country more than anything.
That is because the US's current immigration system allows that sort of behavior, in the past when strict immigration laws were enforced, most latino families were cut off from the Old country. This allowed the 1st Generation Americans to assimilate, the 2nd Generation would be completely assimilated if the 1st wasn't. Now, at least in California, Southwest states and Major Metropolitan areas, the old country essentially came to the US and stayed there.
This is not limited to Latinos by the way, you see this with Muslim, Asian, Sikh and African immigrants to day. In the past the Germans and Scandinavians (i.e Swedes and Norwegians) were guilty of this as well. I mean some towns in Pennsylvania still had papers written in German up until WWI
The religion formed out of Hindus in the northern region of pre colonial India which included Afghanistan. Constant struggles from Muslim raiders gave rise to this religion. So they don't praise idol worship and have strong and firm disciplines. Or so they used to be... Now in Indian Punjab, they are all wasted on drugs and hip hop. And dream of going "abroad". Still the Sikh regiment in Indian army is top tier. Since world war I, as British used to deploy colonial soldiers in their wars.
Core reason is Sikhs were Brit bootlickers in Colonial India, allying with Brits against other Indians in 1857.
They were rewarded then with "Martial Race", and now with "Bro tier".
Another group with similar history is Gurkhas.
>Core reason is Sikhs were Brit bootlickers in Colonial India, allying with Brits against other Indians in 1857.
Basically beta orbiters more or less