There are no women in cryptocur-
There are no women in cryptocur-
Beauty toes
Based on your pic, we should change that to "There are no hot women in cryptocurrencies".
Post more low-class plebes pretending to be investors.
that JUST hair
Why would you go to the effort to photoshop a /pol/-tier shitpost on Veeky Forums?
where's the photoshop?
which site is browsing on middle monitor with the charts?
I'd be willing to believe that some women might be into crypto currencies. But I think this pick is staged.
So many screens, that looks like a man-setup. Women wouldn't setup the work place like that. Also she is holding the mouse backwards.
>Also she is holding the mouse backwards.
There is no where else for the cord to go though
>So many screens, that looks like a man-setup
She had her boyfriend do that set up for her, duh
How is this /pol/ tier?
>rx 570
Right on the peak of the mining bubble.
wawa weeva!
indeed a masculine face.
was "she" born with a penis?
lmao post more Veeky Forumstards making asse o f themselves
Lame. Kys you ain't funny
There are no normies in cryptocur-
No way that's her setup
Ugly ass low tier gooks
Someone photoshop Veeky Forums on the monitor I'm too bad at it
yes please
gimme dat stupid normie money
nice obvious trap
OP is the girl who posted this. very embarrassing.
>her soles are on the table instead of sliding across my tongue
>There are no women in cryptocur-
im not ready for the normie influx yet
Why are her feet on the desk? Does it have some special crypto meaning?
>multiple monitors, no phone
little league detected. should have bought tits.
What the fuck is /r9k/ doing? The beta uprising should have decimated the normies by now! I blame traps for this.
>Bottles transgender
How many BTC do I need to get my own crypto hottie?
got 17, gotta keep hustling
in 2021 when it's worth €100000 a coin i will buy a nice dondo and a nice escort
>vitalik buterim
this name sounds like a tongue twist or a thing rappers would sai