Has there ever been a society in history that faced a demographic crisis like Europe?
Has there ever been a society in history that faced a demographic crisis like Europe?
nazi germany
Modern Japan is worse than most of Europe in this regard.
Polish people's fertility is actually quiet high, and they're one of the youngest ethnic groups in Europe.
Too bad most of them don't live in Poland itself.
Guess that'll change as its economy improves.
Europe during the Black Death.
>Our country may not be an overcrowded hellhole
The only actual problem with an aging population is the fact that there will be too many old people relative to the working population and that could be dealt with via greater automation.
>tfw women once again ruin society
It would be less overcrowded if you didn't have two metro areas making up the vast majority of the country's population with empty mountains and forests in between them.
Bro all through out history yes. It ends either 1 of 2 ways. They drive them out. Or are taken over and become a memory
Ancient Rome before it got buttfucked by Germans.
The cities are overcrowded because that's where people are moving for economic opportunity. Even as the total population drops, cities like Tokyo continue to grow due to internal movement.
>England and Ireland average out
Damn sneaky Anglos.
> women
Nice way top say pensions.
The current crisis is a joke that only basement dwellers take seriously. Watch the real crisis.
Japan's demographic situation is totally unprecedented in modern history, there's not telling what kind of economic havoc that kind of population loss will cause
It's not really crowded though.
1.99 and still decreasing
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This isn't just happening in Europe, it's happening in the Middle East, east&isotherm Asia, and the Americas.
go back to /utg/, jon oliver
Well, if you look back, biology does her thing. As fast as a populus increase it can also decrease (if not faster). However, if you'd distribute wealth better people maybe stay in their hometown/local areas and wouldn't be forced to dwell in cities (which can only maintain their growth via migration from village to town/city)
>tfw highest fertility in Europe
>that's right goyim, there are still way too many Europeans in the world. The real danger is white overpopulation!
>lithuania and netherlands at the same level
>one is dark red while the other is yellow
>france is orange despite having the second highest rate in Europe
I don't get it
>he didnt actually look at what the colors mean
Central African Republic
I did
>same fertility rate is satisfactory in one country while a drath knell in the other
That's the muslims and puinlus breeding in numbers in Al-Britaniyya, lad.