I know nothing about philosophy, so what philosophers is good to start with?
I know nothing about philosophy, so what philosophers is good to start with?
you could start by not being a nigger but to quote a bunch of dumb faggots
>start with the greeks
Plato and then Aristotle
The older the philosophies the easier they are to understand even if you don't believe in them. The more modern the more confusing and convoluted it gets, you'll find yourself eventually arguing adamantly against the author while you're reading.
So start with ancients like Socrates or Confucius and keep going until you're butthurt.
I started with the Philosophize This! Podcast and it's pretty good to get an overview of things.
For philosophy it's not even a meme. Literally just start with Plato. It's the beginning of western philosophy and a good place to start.
The great coversaition or bertrand russel's history of western philosophy. Or do an online course @ openculture.com
start there
Buddhist thought
Tao Te Ching
Bhagavad Gita
Most famous western philosophy is centered around gross materialism and neglects spirituality, aside from those influenced by Plato so I recommend looking for those that advocate the spiritual.
always start with the greeks
they laid down and wrote the basic concepts behind communication and discourse. Rethoric, Cynicism, Logic, etc, etc. It's basic as fuck but it's the best place to start.
Then read about Descartes and the dudes who discussed the nature of the human being and how society got started, which applies some basic concepts and also some horribly outdated ideas
Finally you get to Marx and his opponents who will lay down the basics of economic systems and their history. Just remember that Marx's idea is utopic and imposible. You can skip all the class bullshit too.
Optional reads are Nietzche, who has excellent prose and is arguably the father of post modernism from certain points of view (he never said "none of this matters" but he pointed it out a couple times as a "stop disagreeing with me!" argument)
A second optional read is the utopian philosophers. Machiavelli, the medieval christian dudes with their various perfect societies, Marx and Bakunin. Some where legit ideas at the time of writting them, other were just the authors wanking over their wish fulfilment fantasies
These are the very basic ideas that you probably learned about in school. You can honestly skip all the others and just read anthropology essays. Which are basically philosophy without the hot opinions.
You should start with leaning basic categories, and popular themes in the "dialog".
Get a rundown of Epistemology, learn what the most popular arguments in Ethics are. So on and such.
And end here:
>Buddhist thought
>Tao Te Ching
>Bhagavad Gita
filthy life-denying pleb
lmao don't do anything this guy says
>you can skip all the others
>Nietzsche is optional
>fuckin' Marx
Marx is hot garbage
As everybody already said, start with Plato
Some would say that you NEED to read Mythology by Edith Hamilton, The Illiad and The Odissey. But to be honest, I think they're just nice bonuses and you can jump straight to Plato (or read The First Philosophers to learn about the pre-socratics). Read Apology, Euthyphro, Crito, the Symposium, Phaedo, Republic, Parmenides in that order.
This is a great guideline to philosophy docs.google.com
This. You don't even have to start with Plato. Just start with philosophers who sound interesting.
Do you want to metaphysical and/or practical philosophy?
Stoicism (not metaphysical but as practical as it gets this side of Buddhism)
Zen "philosophy"
Schopenhauer by far is the most accessible.
Do you want materialistic dreck?
Read Marx and co. and then hang yourself, one less insipid materialist
What the fuck is this Twin Peaks/Healthgoth mumbo jumbo?
Nietzsche especially is a hardcore materialistic philosopher to be discarded. How can one hope to label something as life denying if you have an imperfect materialistic conception of life? Life is a spiritual phenomenon, not a material one. Any rascal can tell that there's a clear distinction between a living being and a dead corpse. That observable difference is the presence of a spiritual soul, manifested as consciousness in the body. It is the spiritual nature that maintains the material nature, not the other way around. If you then seek to build a philosophy built on mental speculation of reality through a materialist veil, then you'll always arrive at an imperfect and unsatisfactory conclusion. If you're going to study philosophy don't constrict yourself to the West where materialism is dominant when all other cultures promote the spiritual
philosophy is for nerds
that hot garbage is one of the fathers of anthropology, the mother understanding of economy and ethnographic studies
nietzche is optional, nothing he ever said entered the cultural gestalt. He's remembered for his incredibly smug writing style that was completely unbeckoming of any philosopher.
The majority of philosophical though is hot garbage. The guys I mentioned at least contributed something to how the world worked
>modern philosophy
literally end with existentialism and/or modern logic work
>philosophy should just be preparation for anthropology and economic studies
compare with:
>The objects of philosophy, it is true, are upon the whole the same as those of religion. In both the object is Truth, in that supreme sense in which God and God only is the Truth.
please leave with your sterile """""""academic""""" biases. it's people like you have turned philosophy from praxis to hobby
arguing that Marx is in any way optional for ANYONE looking to become knowledgeable on philosophy is beyond retarded
Look buddie, it's ok if you don't get it ot think it's "mumbo jumbo" as you call it, philosophy isn't for everyone, but please, don't mistake your own opinion as fact, or truth. Rei is our generation's most profound philosopher with a bonus excellent aesthetic and personal style. You better learn to appreciate it, or at least shut the fuck up.
Depends on what you want to philosophize about.
I think the highschool philosophers are introductory enough. In order:
Socrates/Platon, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Marx, Nietzsche.
Maybe with some introductions of minor philosophers and philosophies like epicureism and estoicism, saint thomas, Locke, Hegel and Feuerbach, Hannah Arendt.