>the year is 2140, and the very last Bitcoin has been mined
What happens there?
>the year is 2140, and the very last Bitcoin has been mined
What happens there?
Other urls found in this thread:
>last bitcoin mined
eva rebuild 4.0 will be out
Miners get transfer fees, as BTC has replace fiat this amounts to billions daily.
>has replace fiat
When I can buy toothpaste?
I'm not even surprised by Veeky Forums anymore
20 fork coins pop up, ranging from 0.1% inflation to 2% yearly inflation, these will be known as Keynesian Bitcoins
You mean rebuild of rebuild 1.0 with no rebuild 4.0 in sight.
Just swipe your implanted payment chip across the reader to transfer 0.00000000000000001 bitcoin at your local store
lowest amount of bitcoin is 1 sat
>swipe bitcoin card on my computer by accident
>1 sat is withdrawn out of my account
>i'm ruined, that was my life savings
>have to explain to my wife why our kids wont be going to college
>I start sobbing and crawling around the house at this extreme loss of funds
>reach the window and take one last look at the beautiful no ozone layered sky one last time before i off myself
>hear buzzing like a swarm of bees
>gets louder and i start to panic
>A million amazon drones carrying 2 ton crates of toothpaste appear on the horizon
>Drones start letting off their payload infront of my house
>children and cars being crushed by crates of toothpaste eveywhere
>it's like the d-day scene from saving private ryan
>i close my eyes as the remaining boxes prepare to drop on my house and end my bloodline
>"SAAAATTTOOOOOOSSHHIIIIII" i yell out one last time before my absolution
You get transer free?
How do you think premined coins with proof of burn as initial distribution works?
been buying my toothpaste with bitcoin since may
What about the dead or lost coins from stupid people who lost their access? Is there some way of adding these back into circulation?
No, change from PoW to PoS might work
No, they are gone forever.
Seems to me that bitcoin is tainted because people failed to take it seriously.
>gf tells me about how someone on yahoo answers gave her a bitcoin back in 2011 because she was being really helpful
>doesn't remember her account info because she was 12 at the time and used all fake information
The sat could be further broken up in a future software update if bitcoin really does get so valuable that a single satoshi isn't divisible enough.
You will need Toothpastecoin for that.
>24 hours marketcap in the trillions
>miners get bitcoin from fees
does Veeky Forums know anything about the thing they are dumping their money into
I jejed
>dumb cunt can't remember a password for 1 year
>year 2140
>pocket money
just return them
1 sat will be worth $4k by this time next year
One lambo is 3 satoshis.