
Are you retarded?



>shorting bitcoin
>oh user

If this is not a troll, you're the dumbest person on Veeky Forums. And I got to tell you, competition for that title is though here

Bro I had an ETHLONG open for a few days now.

Started at 0.087
Finally got out at 0.0815 (it was my preset limit and it fucking hurt to close the position, -0.3BTC)
Then it fucking crashed to 0.065 with even a flashcrash at 0.0505; probably would've gotten liquidated
I thank that Gods that I stopped having hope and just accepted the fact that I might close at the bottom.

ETH is stuck at 300 level regardless how hard BTC is pumping

Hahahahah you can't stop bitcoin with segwit the network is no longer fucked . I put my life savings in plus 20k off my credit card . Get rich or die trying . And I'm not retarded biz I just dident want to sell my neo

>though here
Well,you are a decent competitor

Why would you trade like that on btc/eth ?

You just combine volatility of both btc and eth
What could possibly go wrong ?

i hope this is just larping

WTF I want to kill myself
Why didn't I cash out and buy a new car?

There's no way for burgers to margin trade on anything else, bitfinex stopped allowing us residents to trade USD pairs, yes, even with vpn.


Meanwhile I made comfy profit longing that XMR knife, quickest 2k i've ever made. And to top it off I'm gonna put that 2k into an alt that's going to x2 anyday, feels good man.

>cash out to buy a fucking car
>gamble it all on margin
if you think those were your only two options you're a fucking retard who doesn't deserve crypto in the first place

oh damn that sucks

not even on other trading platforms ?

Polo is the only one I think.

fuck eth

im in it but goes to zero

How do you day traders actually recover from margin call?
Please help me

1. Take out small loan of 100 dollars
2. Buy Hi-Point 9mm
3. ???
4. Lambo Land

you don't margin if you're inexperienced, that's written on every platform

if you can't read, maybe you deserve to lose your money and should do what recommand

Day traders only risk 5% tard. Either use margin to leverage your position and use a tighter stop loss or use no margin and wider stop loss.

Aim of the game is to limit downside and maximize upside.

Last time i put all my money on SIGT and waited for it to pump

Don't know if that will work out anymore

BTC Goes Down => ETH Goes Down
BTC Goes Up => ETH Goes Down
I am done with this shitcoin

REKT. Get this faggot out of here lmao!!

>shorting BTC
What the fuck, man? What were you thinking?

Because you're greedy and have no discipline. It's a dangerous combination.

He bet against Bitcoin!

It had some good news with Plasma, Metro soon etc, I didn't intend to daytrade this long, rather keep it up for a while, but the BTC moon disrupted my bet.