Sikhs are pretty cool. They carry swords, you know.
Sikhism is pretty cool
Other urls found in this thread:
I carry a gun.
Yeah but Sikhs have kickass clothes and are super nice to people.
>21st century
>people still think they have to wear turban because some guy in 16th cent told him to do so
Yea, I don't get this, why don't they carry guns instead, it's the modern equivalent of a sword.
I'll be honest, the beard looks good tied with those gains. Better than the average bodybuilder who looks like a shaved gorilla.
>Sikhs are pretty cool.
not according to /pol/
Look at him, he probably does carry a gun
But every thing he carries can be used as a weapon.
These are the warrior types you have posted in pic.-proceed with caution.
first user here, just saying that gun outmatches melee weapons at mid-long ranges.
But if a Sikh is armed with a Chakram,well you are done for.Godfather of Frisbees will kill any living thing up to 100 meters.
I've always loved this picture. That guy looks like he would be a pirate in Sinbad the Sailor or something. 10/10 manly aesthetic.
They also bomb air planes
Assassinate their first female prime minister is also cool
This, that pseudo Muslim traitor and her family were plants to weaken and worsen India after independence so India is enslaved to foreign powers to ever rise up and be a competent nation.
>muh current year
Many Sikhs do, in fact, carry guns. It depends on how literally they take the directive. For many, the blade is more a symbolic reminder than a practical weapon.
Sikh semper tyrannis.
>a SAD shill appears/
Damn he looks fine. I'd let him throw me off a roof
Killing 329 innocent people is great!!!
Sikhs are the white man's way of pretending like they aren't racist.
>I hate all Muslims and niggers
>I like Sikhs even though I have no idea what their culture is like at all and I've never met one IRL but don't worry you see I'm not racist because Sikhs are bro-tier, right /pol/
Sikhs aren't better than Muslims
This, sikhs lovers are the 2017 equivalent if muh based black man.
It's reddit-reddit tier too
>Not having the file name "Sikh gains" in pic related
You had one job.
I mean if a person doesn't even have to know exactly what your culture is before they like you whenever they meet you, isn't that a huge step in the right direction? As opposed to a person who introduces their culture by bombing people and treating most of their women like garbage to the point where they imigrate to the u.s as refugees to escape honor killings whenever they can. Then again, I know nothing about how Whites destabilized the middle East with colonization and during the WWs so I can't say for sure. India was colonized too though so...
Fuck off reddit