Really makes you think.
Really makes you think
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if you disagree you're a barbarian savage
China is still barbaric today.
lol no though
history is written by victor
lol yeah though
And is China not more equal today than yesterday
Whilst also the Chinese were literally barbars
same tool, different function
The Qing broke the non-aggression principle when they denied goodly Anglo merchants the right to trade freely in their realm.
Who is this victor and who left him in charge of writting history?
>Letting it fly over your head this far because of biggotry.
They're literally both barbarians. It doesn't matter who you think is more of one.
So what are the thresholds for being primitive, savage, barbarous,semi-civilized and civilized?
My opinions> your opinions
If the barbarism holds a purpose, it's civilization.
Subjugation of native culture in order to establish a system that leads to a first world nation? Civilization.
Cutting off hands because you decide God hates left hands? Barbarism.
The past isn't even past
Whatever threshold serves the "civilized" side's propaganda.
Half of (you) are the bald "gentleman" in the video
>that memorial
>literally fought so they could keep selling their drugs to the chinese
He was speaking the truth. Whether it makes people uncomfortable matters not
This. It's a two tier system.
my country > your country
This is dumbest saying ever.
What are the thresholds?
Anyone still human and not a higher life form as far as I'm concerned. Idc how edgy that makes me sound. Humans need to do better or naming word that is supposed to come from the word that is supposed to mean opposite of cruel or apathetic(humane/humanism) is a mistake.
The same comparison can be applied to the Europeans "civilizing" the Native Americans as well.
>Man speaks the truth entirely
>The joke is he has a funny voice and some guy calls him an anus
British really suck at arguments huh
>the marine was a barbarian
He would have had some training in Latin and his officer would know a fair amount of Greek
Shut up you have no points
Watch Yes minister
>this is what bribongs actually believe
Why was China so scary to 19th century Europe? I see these propaganda and political cartoons all the time with a big, scary Chinaman as if China was going to conquer the world or something then.
China is big.
Guys... Both used guns to kill people, so that means both are the same. I get it now, it doesn't matter WHY you're fighting, because simply fighting makes you both as evil as each other. Am I woke yet?
As you can see from my picture. Both the criminal and the policeman have a gun, therefore there is no moral distinction between the two. Aren't I clever?
Kidnapping someone at gunpoint is morally equivalent to the police arresting the kidnapper.
No it isn't you absolute fucking imbecile. Not unless me killing you so I can rob your house is equivalent to you killing me in self-defence.
It's a cliche but obviously true
So, you're assuming the Chinese guy OPs pic is in the wrong just because he's Chinese?