I have 180,000 BAT. Am I going to make it?
I have 180,000 BAT. Am I going to make it?
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Maybe but you should consider splitting it out into the big ETH tokens.
That would be some pretty nice diversity on the ETH chain.
inb4 retards coming in and start calling Bancor a scam because muh Emin.
>1 billion bat tokens in existence.
amazon worth 100 million
even google is only worth half a trillion dollars
> add block doesn't even work
> cant find the dev tools
> expect everyone to switch to this
> ppl are stilll using internet explorer
sold all my bat bags today ,never looking back.
best of luck to you tho.
if this shit goes to a dollar in the next 10 years i wiill be genuinely suprised
1$ in 10 years? It will hit 1$ next year at latest.
I am betting on $1 with Mecury, $5-$10 by years end.
I actually use the browser it's not that bad. The potential is there.
Sell 130,000BAT
buy AdEX
If remaining BAT pumps to your buying price, sell
buy AdEx
you've already made it.
180k by the end of september.
second hand lamboland
Given what will occur in week, yes. Yes you will user.
Heh. I've been spamming and advertising this coin on Veeky Forums for a long time, telling you guys that someday BAT would moon really high (as soon as Brave Browser allow coins).
Unfortunately, I sold 80% of all my coins in order to buy CFI because it was about to moon sooner.
Biggest mistake ever.
The Brave browser kills Firefox or Explorer at any times, it's 10 times faster for fucks sake, it makes an old cpu looks like a ferrrari when browsing the internet.
It saved me the trouble of buying a new cpu
Make it? You'll have broads sucking your dick for 1 BAT each by next year.
people are all sad about missing NEO and OMG...
People don't realize that this is the time that another moon is being accumulated and primed.
all these retards jumping in NEO or OMG will only make 10-50% of their investment at this point, a lot will even lose money as these coins have already mooned.
I can see BAT going 5x+ by the end of 2 months, realistically it will go 2-3x at least.
Hell. I'll be cool with it hitting 15k
>I can see BAT going 5x+ by the end of 2 months, realistically it will go 2-3x at least.
what makes you say that?
mercury release next month. one month after mercury relase is their next release. They are implementing actual BATs into their browser once mercury comes out.
>Usecase expands
>Revenue generation for Brave may start, or is getting primed to start
One of the only coins / tokens that has a very useful roadmap and is following it.
And another thing, if you've been following it, you would know that it's steadily gone up, increasing its bottom floor. It was 4500 > 5000 > 5500 > 6000 and now it's back at a 5000 floor after the recent explosion of bitcoin.
The point is, is that it's a steady increase as we get closer and closer to the release. and once we're actually close (1-2 weeks beforehand) I expect extremely explosive upward movement.
Because it's actually doing things and not some poo in loo scam Pajeet coin.
ok, i'm convinced. seems like a solid bottom for such a hectic day indeed.
yup I bought more yesterday at 5800, 2400, and 4800.
I couldn't tell where the bottom would be, but I'm glad I bought at those 3 numbers anyways.
Is this a good time to buy or I should set buy to something below 5000 sats?
if what i read is correct. users of brave browsers will get tokens if they view the ads.
Also google might go down in the future if they continue to fuck up
>will get tokens if they view the ads.
christ, that sounds pretty big. might be THE holy grail for the adblock "problem".
Yes. Brave browser users get paid to click ads. Think of all the poos that will be using it.
thinking about buying in again, and I can see the reasoning for it to go to $1 per BAT which would be $1 billion market cap. but can you guys shill me on why you think it would go to $5-10
Bitcoin cash is a literal scam and it has a 5 billion dollar market cap. Tell me know why BAT can't get to at LEAST 1 billion?
By that logic any coin that isnt a literal scam could get to at least 1 billion.
I said that I can see how BAT can get to 1 billion with the big names behind it and the actual problem it can solve.
but in this thread im seeing $5-10 by years end or next year and dont see how. i can see $1 with adoption and usage though
>Bitcoin cash is a literal scam
it was literally free money, unless you actually bought more of them, lmao. made me thousands of dollars.
Yes, Brave browser users get paid to see ads. They will be able to trade their BATs for BTC at some point.
The dream of every pajeet and chink.
The idea is that instead of google and facebook which is the middlemen. BAT will replace that so publisher's, advertiser and user gets some rewards.
t. someone who works on ads
I use Brave and didnt know that.
the coinbase factor is also huge
I can imagine those pajeets and chinese will be lining up 50 computers and clicking ads all day
when is the release supposed to take place?
Won't this technically mean that the currency's value will go to shit?
do you think this is feasible? what would drive the value of the coin?
Not really. It's not like brave users are getting huge amounts of BAT. 2 bucks is probably more like it. A small fortune for Pajeet.
Consumer adoption.
If enough people use Brave, then BAT will rise.
As said before, chinks and pajeets will jump on it so we can be sure millions of people will use Brave.
BAT is obviously a good investment right now.
Thanks anons I'll look into it.
how are they going to prevent abuse ? like bots farms just pretending to browse
Also pic related.
Advertising market is big. From movies,shop,products,etc. For example a single YT ad cost 10k$ a single day. It depends on the publisher's and advertiser if they want to try brave or will it be cheaper or will bring in more profits.
Also the potential gains is big but the thing is will people adapt to brave from chrome like how people hop from IE to chrome back then.
Yes, ad business operates in the billions and ad blockers are a real problem. This is where BAT comes into play and it already has many adopters on board (big news sites and stuff).
IP logging and pattern recognition I guess. maybe also a max amount of tokens earnable per day.
Scheduled for mid next month (not exact date) and they stay on schedule
>but the thing is will people adapt to brave from chrome like how people hop from IE to chrome back then.
I'm a new user of Brave, and the only reason i switched is because I got tired of Firefox's political messages on the homepage.
I doubt people will change in mass to Brave.
>tfw just bought into BAT
What do you use to purchase BAT
You could have made it if you sold it at 24c a few days ago
BAT Mercury launches next week, people are going to FOMO in hard once it doubles.
>>What do you use to purchase BAT
Best place for ERC20s and ALTs is Bittrex. Liqui.io has it too. Distributed exchanges like Ether Delta have it too but they have low volume.
So is Mercury still on track to be released this month?
this week
is Brendan /ourguy/ ?
Does that tweet mean it's going to be released early or does he mean just an update this week?
Either way, once they announce which exchange is doing the integrated BAT wallet in the browser (either Coinbase or Gemini) it's gonna pop, and it'll pop again once they go live and you can get BAT from browsing.
clearly not
Fuck I don't know if I should buy BAT because of bitcoin
I'm afraid alts will tank again
just put a portion into it . there's a chance for megamoon like 100-400% gains, BTC is not going to rise that much that quickly.
I just bought 5000, I could see this going places long term.