How is a non-country like Belgium still existing? Shouldn't it have been partitioned?

How is a non-country like Belgium still existing? Shouldn't it have been partitioned?

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No, it should get all of Flanders and Artois back from France and the rest of Luxembourg.

same with switzerland desu

This! Just give it all to the Dutch desu.

I made a map of all the non-nations in Europe

GroßDeutchland is a meme

The eternal Anglo guaranteed Belgium statehood. Hence why Britain declared war on Germany in 1914 after the Imperial Germany Army passed through Belgium to invade France.

>literally 1st grade history
wow you really made a contribution to this board right now

This is acceptable I guess.

How about it's ceded to Ireland and made a Celtic cultural zone?
Sure beats the Orcish Dutch language and the snobby French.

The exact reason is Britain had an autistic fit way back when France tried to take the Belgium regions for themselves. To stop anyone from growing too big in the mainland Britain assured itd attack anyone who took Belgium. As far as WW1, its speculated Britain would have attacked Germany anyway to help France since their whole dont let any country grow too big strategy was already threatened. Belgium was just a useful way to explain it to the British masses.

Ireland is artificial, but not half as artificial as Northern Ireland.

Ireland should be all British, or all Irish.

>to Serbia


>how to start 5 civil wars: the short illustrated guide

I, as French Fleming, back this

Balance of power numbnuts. France is huge, why give it even MORE land? Better to split it into two more states.

If anything, France/Germany are too big as it is.


""""Macedonia"""" should go to Bulgarian and not Serbia.
Also Sweden should get Åland and some coastal areas on the mainland from Finland.

Luxembourg speaks german and not french

Only difference between flems and walloons is language and sossen. Other than that they are basically the same

Sossen are a pretty big deal though. You know they're fucked up when the largest party is unironically communist

>autists buying into the nationism shoild decide borders meme

FYROM is Bulgaria dipshit

Be my wife

If not the nation then what should?

>not giving Montenegro to Serbia
>not giving Macedonia to Bulgaria
Also Hungary should get some border areas and Serbia should join up with Croatia and Bosnia because they speak the same language anyways

>muh language

Why would FYROM go to Bulgaria? They have nothing in common with Bulgar's and don't even like them. Serbian culture is more similar to Macedonia than Bulgaria.

Fuck the s*rbs give them back to Turkey


Same language same people
Also the borders would look really fucked if Serbia got FYROM but not Kosovo

Absolutely disgusting

Fucking Portugal? They're one of the old European powers, with their own language, history and culture. Switzerland is almost half a century old too.

I think you mixed up Montenegro and Macedonia. Montenegro is basically savage mountain Serbs.

Nation states are even worse though

>Why would FYROM go to Bulgaria? They have nothing in common with Bulgar's
american education everybody
>and don't even like them.
decades of yugoslav and serb brainwashing, with Greek we wuzing

It's a stupid idea but not an insane one
Spain is a mix of cultures - Galicia, Aragonese, Catalan, Basque, Andalusian.
Why not Portuguese?

forgot Castillian

What is this shit?

i hope my country isn't teaching us much about serbia and bulgaria, seriously what a waste of time

Kaliningrad was never ethnically Polish.

Would make more sense to make it lithuanian if not german

I just wanted to take it away from Russia desu. Too far away from Germany to be aesthetic.

They speak Bulgarian...

>not giving hungary some of its rightful clay from romania and slovakia

you forgot Ireland, family.

>Andalusia to Morocco

>it's all about language
Never mind that Croats are Catholic, Bosnians are Muslims,Serbs are Orthodox and that they all hate each other.

Bombed would be preferable.

Back in the day, there were many more mutually intelligible "languages" that just got condensed down into a national dialect. See all the languages that now compose the French language just for an example. It can be argued that Portuguese is less its own language than a medieval holdover that could be (and maybe should have been earlier) absorbed into formal Spanish.

I support the partitioning of Belgium and Switzerland.

Yeah, restore the union


t. Actual flemish person

Why not have a glorious flemish republic and nuke wallonia

Don't fuck with the Chocolate Jew

I don't really care about anything but we should definitely nuke wallonia

The Brits IIRC are the main reason it even exists, they cucked the Dutch out of it in the first place. Frankly it's why the Belgians are so pro-EU and gung ho about it, their identity was wrapped around the monarchy which is anarchronistic nowadays.
>to Serbia
they're brainwashed Bulgarians like the Moldovans are brainwashed Romanians
and frankly if you're giving Russia eastern Ukraine you should give them Belarus too, where 9/10 people speak Russian as their first language and in daily life. Otherwise I'd lead it to Ukraine. That and Luxembourg is practically split between German/French so it's a literal coin toss besides aesthetics. Should do Montenegro to Serbia too

Belgium was first included in the Kingdom of the Netherlands then secured independence as a middle finger to France.

I was reading this old Monograph on Gerard David, and the author totally roasts the Fleminks

Are you retarded?

>The Brits IIRC are the main reason it even exists
I keep hearing this but this is fucking wrong.

>they cucked the Dutch out of it in the first place
Out of what? What do you even mean by this, that the Brits are responsible for the break up of the united Netherlands or what? Because that is hilarious

>Frankly it's why the Belgians are so pro-EU and gung ho about it
The people have zero power over the EU and so do our politicians. If you think everyone here is an Europhile because the parlement is located in Brussels you're greatly mistaken

>their identity was wrapped around the monarchy
Not any more or less than any other monarch. How do you come even up with these ridiculous ideas?

Why do people pretend like Habsburg Netherlands didn't exist?
I mean they weren't pretending to be a nation but still, the country has major historical basis - it wasn't just invented in 1814

butthurt brits

Ok kiddo, nice try, but
Belgium should be split three ways with Eupen-Malmedy going to Germany, Bosnia should be divided between Serbia and Croatia, leaving two enclaves of Bosnia as neutral zones, FYROM should go to Bulgaria, and give the west to Albania, Kosovo should be partitioned giving the North to Serbia, the South of Albania should be given to Greece, and Cyprus too. Also leave Portugal alone.

Perhaps because it wasn't a country on paper. Charles V did a lot to realize that though. It had an own capital, institutions and languages. The grand place of Brussels would have been never as beautiful as it is now if the Burgundian dukes didn't make Brussels the capital of the Netherlands. Charles V brought Flanders and Artois under imperial rule and then he tried to get rid of that imperial influence. It would have been a small step to theoretical independence from the empire.

>French Fleming
As a Fleming/Fleming from France/Fleming inhabiting France

Fixed that for you

>Sweden should get ... some coastal areas on the mainland from Finland

Swedish-speaking Finns are not swedes by any means

Thank you, I appreciate that :-)

Since when is Rubens not on of the great Flemish painters

Aesthetic borders.

What about San Marino?

No need to thanks me, Blond haired Friend

Did Jan fuck his wife or something?


Fine but Eupen-Malmedy is German clay. Its time to unite the Eifel region under one flag

They were not as mutually intelligible as you think they were. That depends on the sheer luck surrounding a particular region and its development. What really happened is that one dialect asserted its dominance over the rest, resulting in extinct languages such as Occitan that was once spoken by millions of people. You're unwittingly advocating for culture genocide.

What are you implying, Gaul? I might be Fleming, but I'm still French (how hard that might sound). We didn't choose to be annexed by Louis XIV and I think we have more in common with the Low Countries than France.

come home, white man
also do they use the Flemish lion where you live?

give slovenia to Italy and it's perfect. Also Croatia is a non-country and should be divided beetween serbia and Italy

as a portuguese this triggered me.
You know that Portugal was created centuries before Spain right?

don't bother m8, you're arguing with this dumbfuck

Yes. The lion is especially used in the Westhoek and around Lille/Rijsel.

Soon, soon, Belgium would annex Europe.

history is repeating itself

> but I'm still French
No, as a Flemish, you are of Gaulish blood and perhaps Saxon blood as well

You have no French blood in you.

>We didn't choose to be annexed by Louis XIV
We didn't choose to annex you either

Why are you so angry, hans ?

I'm just stating fact

Race is the truth and can't be denied

Do you really have nothing better to do? Even your own countrymen are telling you to fuck off

/pol/ kiddies,in their own logic, have nothing else to be proud of other than being white and tall
so they ram it everywhere
That's why you see genetic/manlet hate threads
t. 188 tall, inb4 you ask

>Slovenia to Croatia
>Portugal to Spain
>Macedonia to Serbia

fucking why?

>Spain isn't a real country
>so Portugal shouldn't exist

What? Macedonians aren't actual Macedonians, they're larping

>what is Galician


thank you user for replying cuz i couldn't be bothered

lmao what kind of art history butthurt is this

some shit in Ukraine



It should go to Bulgaria desu


>rheinland to france but not flanders
>königsberg to poland
>"""greater""" serbia
trash tier desu