Other urls found in this thread:
>mooned too high and too fast
>lot of people lost money (then lost trust in the coin)
>Vitalik acts like a dick on Twitter
>other coins are better (NEO, or even UBQ)
It retraced after a parabolic rise. I can't believe its holding as well as it did
it can not even stay above 0.1
flippening WHEN
Show one instance of me acting like a dick on twitter where the other party didn't deserve it.
VB, you're a loveable autist, dont listen to these anons
/biz wants 10x overnight, reasonably believe ETH won't do it / know they can't pump it, not much else to it
>show one instnace where people on twitter didnt deserve it.
Doesn't matter if he's right or wrong.
The fact is, Vitalik appears unprofessionnal, stuborn and childish.
>he fell for the flippening meme
I don't need to look professional because I'm not a professional. I'm not a CEO. Ethereum is a scientific undertaking rather than a business one.
you newbies should really learn how to relax
the nsa has like super autists with my little pony gear decorating their desks, so i wouldn't doubt VB
SELL YOUR BTC AND ETH NOW! The DENIAL Phase has just begun, crash incoming after the big growth of btc which isnt natural.
Dont buy at the Tip, sell now and buy back in the Dip or stay a poorfag!
It's manipulated. As soon as everyone loses hope it will go up again for no fucking reason. Extremely good news? Goes down. Every time.
Exactly 4 hours ago the press reported Bitcoin broke 4k for the first time.
I've been holding ETH for about a year now. If you think I'm selling because it's down 5% in 2 days you're fucking insane.
Eth is dead, neo is replacing it. Sorry man
Seeing a lot of this sentiment on here recently. Time to sell my neo
I'd like to note that although NEO promises to do more than Ethereum, none of it has actually been made. It has a lot of development work to do to catch up with Ethereum. If there are any major innovations I'm sure I'll be able to implement them in ethereum.
It went up 80% since the last month when it reached bottom
>shit coin
only if you're a shit trader, give it some time, bitcoin took many years to see the gains ETH saw in a couple years, relax a bit autists.
You are holding right user?
Microsoft confirmed for eth platform user this is your final boarding call.
I'd like to correct a common misconception about our partnership with Microsoft. They are just using the blockchain technology itself as it's implemented in ethereum, and their implementation will be completely divorced from ethereum as a coin. The extra manpower for Ethereum as a project is their main contribution
I may buy a Microsoft phone next time. Microsoft is less evil than Google these days and I never liked Apple.
Personally I would recommend flashing an android phone with a mobile Linux free of the Google parts.
Nice, just bought 100k
Regardless anything with the two names on it will attract investors like moths to a flame
join a big ethereum group on normiebook and see why
I hear talk about Etherium having blocklag. Any plans to fix that?
neo, exp, and eos are all better versions of eth and they are all cheaper. Why would i overpay for a shit project that isnt going to go anywhere
It's known and being quietly worked on. No recent developments. I wouldn't worry about it as it's not a huge issue.
Seams to be its only issue. Which makes it its biggest issue.
nice b8 m8
One day a patch will come in and I doubt anyone will notice. If you're just trading Ethereum to trade like most people on this forum it should be a non-issue.
its not bait. as of now, it is literally a better platform
What does NEO offer now that Ethereum doesn't and is actually completed and not in development?
eth redpill
but its not even a platform yet.
I've always envisioned ethereum as more of a currency to fuel smart contracts rather than a currency you'd buy milk and gas with. The smart contracts are more important to what ethereum is than their role as currency for normal exchanges.
What separates ethereum from other "functional coins" is that it can be applied to fit any purpose rather than targeting a single niche use.
This is literally what you look like.
At least that kid has his life set if he ever gets a role playing a halfling on a tv show or something.
The main problem with the ethereum framework are the icos around it. Too much promises and money flowing into tokens will harm the roadmap and perception
Yourself as well.
What price do you think ethereum will be at in one year?
What price did you think it would be at one year ago?
LN contracts and sidechain colored coins will basically do everything eth can do, with much less bloat and much greater security. The whole eth experiment hinges upon promises of PoS and sharding, the latter being a pretty far-out promise
>makeup artists love him!
found the emotional eth bagholder
>C++, java, N#, python smart contract support
>NEOQ quantum proof
>NEOFS cloud storage
>eth dapps being converted to be compatible with NEO
>Holders earn gas
>chinese dev support/chinese market exposure
I try to be as laessez faire as possible when it comes to the projects people are creating with ethereum. Even if I don't have the power to change anything I speak from a privileged position of authority I don't think should be disrupting a free marketplace.
I never give much thought to the price. I work on creating the technology and believe that an increase in price is only natural as ethereum becomes more powerful, featured, and widely adopted.
any proof that you're vitalik?
maybe post ID on twitter or something?
Can you show me a single actual application of neo utilizing that? Has anyone even made something like a gambling script?
Wtf is this actually Vitalik?
I prefer to have plausible deniability that I ever visited a cryptocurrency forum where most of the posts were either scams, memes, or completely malacious advice.
bought eth at 9.86, so fuck you, im set.
eth created this niche, leads it and nobody else even has a working product.
I'm on the fence. Probably a larp, but doing an excellent job.
stop the larp or prove yourself
People who will benefit the most from this free marketplace ico scheme are the one with the biggest marketing and funding. Basically the same ones that are thrivig in todays banking economy. Note that i am all in etger and the vision you planned over the coming years. But for me this part of the project is a threat
I'm just asking for a simple demonstration of working smart contracts. A provably fair gambling script was one of the first practical working things in ethereum that was actually used for a non-experimental purpose. Where can I gamble some NEO?
Neo has barely a commit a day on their github. Nothing has been proven as of today
What do you suggest I do? Condemn every scummy ICO on Twitter when they pop up? I think that the community has been doing a well enough job self moderating those.
Nice just sold 100k
its a totally fair question, but i don't have an answer. i'm not a developer, just a speculator with confidence in theirteam that they will deliver
Everyone always says that you're autistic. Are you legitimately on the spectrum? Diagnosed or self diagnosed
Investing in cryptocurrency is almost all speculation as there has not been one that has come into general use as anything other than an investment vehicle. But please don't try and talk about the advantages of NEO over ethereum when those advantages are all on a roadmap and don't actually exist yet. I hope NEO succeeds in implementing all of that just as much as you do.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone in the tech industry that doesn't show at least some autistic traits. As for myself I've never been diagnosed and don't intend to self diagnose.
What program did you enroll in at Waterloo?
He's already said he doesnt want to prove it's him. Just ask him an actual question.
I do wonder if they will. Theres been some rumblings that the dev team doesnt give a shit about it and only cares about money.
ETH will mon to 800 dollars by the end of the month. If you aren't buying eth now you are an idiot.
It was always a shitcoin
I want to believe that you're Vitalik so much, and it's a pretty damn good larp you're doing... but I just can't buy it. Sorry.
In 3 months everyone here is going to be talking about "it's the next NEO" of some new coin. As long as ETH just steadily increases and holds its strength from being one of the first major players with mainstream attention I am comfy.
You still around?
>2nd highest market cap and here to stay for good
> Bitcoin goes up, Eth falls
> Bitcoin stagnates, Eth falls
> Bitcoin goes down, Eth falls
Sounds like a solid investment.
Its been moving independently from Bitcoin lately. I think its about to break out of bitcoins shadow.
btc value goes down but fiat value actually has been rising steadily along with btc and it only corrected from 320 to 300 yesterday when btc mooned to 4200
I can't see it,
BTC moves up, it moves up. Check graph today. But it moves up less.
BTC moves down, it moves down, but it moves down more.
Seems like a sucker's bet.
Ethereum was always a shitcoin.
I have been watching these graphs for months. Before segwit, it was shadow boxing between the two. Now its only vaque and sometimes its inverse. But thats going to happen when the biggest coin on the block makes huge moves. But they really dont move alike like they did just a couple weeks ago.
but still as soon as we go to PoS or even get an official announcement of when casper will be released it will be easy 2x-5x gains
I'm dumping my eth into a couple of ICOs this week. Wish me luck.
Which ones if you don't mind sharing?
well im convinced. only vitalik would use a word like that.
I see I'd say if you wanna lose money so badly just long it
Tell us something difficult in math-speak. If you know what you are talking about, it only proves you are a math graduate larper posing as Vitalik. And if you can't we wont have any reason to trust you anymore. How does it sound?
The biggest problem currently is the constant ICO selling their ETHs
mainly bancor and status
If you look on Gdax, there's 5k sell walls at every 50 cent all the way up to 500$
ETH needs billions of dollars to break those walls before it actually can move without resistance
and those billions seems to flood into NEO and BTC instead atm
>that picture
God thats me. First thing I do when I wake up is grab my ecigarette and jump start my body. Then grab my phone to check the prices. Even woke up early to look at what price BTC crashed to. Only I was still sleeping, because the nightmare was still doing, it was over 4k.
This posted just now.
But this means theres no point for ether to rise
Jesus FUck. It's up $100 from last month you mong.