Anyone got any advice for me? This is my blockfolio currently waiting on 1k to clear on gdax...

Anyone got any advice for me? This is my blockfolio currently waiting on 1k to clear on gdax. Looking for very solid long term holds

Also, general blockfolio thread

Buy Monaco and ETH now that they have dipped, thank me in a year when you're rich.
I can see something like %10000+ gains

Sell your espers for safe exchange coin or ark. They're the two big POS coins

Needs more cat.

buy my bags

you need more OMG. You hold too much BTC and ETH.

get iota before the finex B&

ditch the espers, buy BnB

you need XRP u dummy

Need advice. Want to put my btc in something that will 10x next week. Pls

Respected sir,
I begg to differ espers very good coin but only in yobit exchange website. Thank u.

Not enough stx to retire mate.

I'm planning to push the remaining eth into stx as soon as it hits bittrex.

cry yourself to sleep in a few weeks when you could've bought more OMG while its low and it explodes to $20

I feel like I'm in for a wild ride, either a good or a bad one.
Any advice for a new-fag?

>inb4 buy high sell low



Be gentle Veeky Forums

To add, initial was $600

Dude dump the fucking NEO it's literally a scam. This thing is going to crash so god damn hard

Look into Monero for a long term hold

I need something to but my weed with is investing in cc's a good idea

real question is whether you're holding NEO or not