Cryptoking again with upcoming ne(O)ws: watch NEO fall!

Remember me?

>I shorted NEO at ATH
>I warned you we will make NEO fall to 0.008 after conference mooning
>You did not believe

Then it happened
Remember now unbeliever?

But that’s ok.
You cannot spot a insider, r-r-right?
Not even if it is delivered on Veeky Forums with clear instructions, r-r-right?

And that’s the most fun we whales & insider have these crypto days.
>It’s basically „hidden in plain sight“ evolved with much more fun.
You have no clue how much fun whales have when we pump and dump.
But delivering you the informations is the most fun part.
Because some of you idiots blatantly ignore it.
Until it happens.
Then pink wojak.

So here is the new thing. You are well aware of how NEO is mooning. But don’t you think at this time it is a bit overvalued? Get it right idiots:

>Nothing our jap invitees have confirmed so far to us
>New logo (you will never get the epic joke we had with the ants. it was on you guys!)
>The Huff & Forbes articles

Compare the current price and the ringing of bells in your head.
So here is the next thing to come

>During the next 14 hours we will dump this very hard
>Will dump to 0.00777
>NEO mooning will be halted for a month
>Meanwhile we will spread the opposite of FUD (which is basically hidden FUD)

Jump in back at 0.00777 or GTFO forever (if you are retarded).
In less than 3 months this will be three digits big.
But that was already mentioned here many times before.

I am your cryptoking. Bow down bitches.
Ignore me and you’ll be the bloody pink wojak shitting the floor when the next mooning comes.

who is that bald cuck?

nice blog post

>I am very, veeeery rich!

OP if you want us to take you seriously you need to stop posting this hairy woman's face.


lmao 10/10

whats the story behind this

where to buy?

And what if this post is already the part

>Meanwhile we will spread the opposite of FUD (which is basically hidden FUD)"

This shit is a 2 billons market cap you will not change anything

it's Franz, the Germanfag claiming to be a WhaWhaWhaleWalfisch Insider

The story is:
>broad is the road to stay a poor faggot and many are on it
>and there is this road for me and my bro's

This is the gayest thing I've read on Veeky Forums thus far.

Low quality FUD and retarded LARPing
1/10, neck yourself.
As for my NEOs they ain't for selling, retard.

thanks, sold my neo. Going to buy the dip

wear a tripcode if youre gonna make predictions

newfags can't triforce, nor tricode


Sorry you missed out on NEO but posting obvious FUD isn't going to let you back in. Just buy now and hodl or come up with better bait

if that is you, you look like a serious fag

>somebody actually spent the time and effort to make this thread

he was right last ime
>nobody expected it
>the post was utterly retarded
but cryptoking faggot was right

Ahaha there is absolutely no way NEO will drop back to 0.0077

Even if you are not LARPing, best of luck in your feeble attempts to manipulate a coin with such volume.

I sold. Last time I did not listen. I actually laughed at his retard post and the faggot pictures. The it happened.
>Now I am scared
>Will buy in as cryptoking said

incredible dump king u fucking kike

This post is so fucking douchey but I think he isn't lying.

NEO looks set up to be dumped.

good. i want more

How do you fell now that NEO is at 50$ ?

well then sell but don't come crying if you're wrong and it moons to 70$ in a few days.

The king is probably right, NEO is overbought right now.


"Mooning" is when a bunch of cryptofags buys some shitcoin because "it's mooning soon".

>Remember me?
No, fuck off, nobody gives a shit.


>shitty amateurish source code
>NEO fuds via their twitter account (chink gov cooperation)
>no partnerships confirmed
>the chinese ethereum meme
it's radically overvalued

remember the dumps during the conference? why did it dump so extreme when they were presenting supposedly very good news?

I trust cryptoking and will never laugh again.

Interested, I don't have skin in crypto but I'll watch this prediction and see if it become true like the one before.
Keep posting a pic of your face for future threads if this one is corret.

Hurry, 10$ Drop Starting

how did it feel?

u shall see my face again
>in fear and then in love

Thank you based Chaos God

this is why you don't skip leg day

guys i started at crypto thinking i would get fairly rich, and im having green numbers but, my fucking life has been reduced to search and buy shitcoins and the other half of the day, reading Veeky Forums shit! DAmn i think i became a loser

today i played overwatch and then i killed people in overwatch

shut fuck up

Wow you guys are all fucking cucks. NEO up like a mother fucker.

>The Huff & Forbes articles
HuffPo has about as much credibility as Buzzfeed

Thats the pump part of a pump and dump dumbass.

So a fag living in a shitty apartment wants to manipulate the price of a coin with a volume of 300 million $ ? Lol

You cant p&d a coin with such insane volume

I will literally suck your dick if you do this, placing a buy order.