Why was the Middle-East incapable of creating any civilization or culture of great value?
Let's settle this once and for all:
Because it became full of retarded /pol/tards.
if that's true why do millions flock to our culture?
They didn't wanna
They did
You wouldn't let them hold office if you didn't.
Also, no one ever came to Islam, it always came for them
They were and oil is of enormous value
pure nonsense, islam is taught in public schools and is all over the internet
they know what they are getting into and yet they gravitate anyways , we don't need jihad
How come no whites want to move to your 3rd world shitholes while all you sandniggers want to move to the West?
It's almost like whites constantly bomb and terrorize brown people every day
we cant expect to know what a white person is thinking at any given time
we all know they must go
Obvious OP bait is obvious
Can't believe the bunch of idiots who replied didn't even mention math; idiots
Not to speak of the rest of western civilization that was founded in the middle east.
Why even bother answer
The discussion is not even historical
This is now an An-Cap bashing thread.
Please, bash the an-cap.
Lol this,75% of pol is Arab self loathing shitskins which explains the cuckdom the rest is "white" mutts,gooks and gunieas.
Your fault for having psychopathic leaders.
Someone post that /pol/ meetup photo.
poor genetics
Semitic religions dominate the world, the origins of civilisation lie there,you had things like the Baghdad house of wisdom etc.
Even nowadays people are constantly talking about the middle east so that impact must come from somewhere
Also, "value" is subjective
>psychopaths feed, house, clothe, and educate the people
How did they acquire such an empowered position?
Arabs haven't contributed anything important to math since antiquity and even then it was overblown and not unique
Why? Who gave you the signal?
>shifting the goalpost
Mohammed was a faggot and brown people are ugly and stinky
Pretty sure everyone agrees on the value of concrete, plumbing, electricity, freedom of thought, un-mutilated genitals, and uncovered faces.
There's something oddly aesthetically pleasing about that hut.
A lot of people don't agree on those values, hence why they are not found in some places :^)
The goal was civilization and culture of great value.
Contributions to math are not these things. However, if you wish to focus on math, I say their contributions were minimal.
Show me one (1) example of a little girl about to be de-vulva'd who is happy about it.
Actually, nevermind. Even if she were it is still demonstrably wrong and not a valuable contribution to society. ESPECIALLY on the global playing field.
>umm no sweetie you can thank sand people without plumbing or electricity for that great civilization :^)
Well the ME invented civilisation as we know it, first writing, first state, first rule of law, first urban society, etc.
Whats your standard for civilisation and culture of great value? The Mesopotamians, ancient Egypt and Persia was always counted among the great ancient civilisations
I'll never understand the infatuation with Islam in the West, there's something nefarious about it all. People may see a well groomed, articulate, westernized Muslim but I'll never get the image of a short, hairy, dusty haji fondling a boy while 3 women in full burkas plow a field under the Middle Eastern sun.
Sorry guys but I don't think I'll ever trust a Muslim
You forgot spics who comprise like 25% especially hues for some reason
They were the first people to make civilizations of great value you fucking retard.
Brazilians hate themselves
Stop crying, redditor.
Mods will never delete these based shitposting threads. They're like my own /tv/ away from /tv/
> all awhile hating their neighbors as well as their leaders encouraging genocides of Persians/Iraqis
Mommy issues.
Be honest Veeky Forums, which would you really choose?
Persian empire
U retard m8?
>implying arabs don't constantly bomb and terrorise white people in their own countries
Constant inbreeding and lack of abstract thinking without the contact of neighboring or foreign influence
Central and lowers western Africans (east coast Americans)the ones who want to be ""le based conservative""" blaxk man xDDDD"""""
It's pathetic .
>anti-/pol/ autists are actually unironic stormfags who think /pol/ is too moderate for them
>these are the ones Larping and constantly shiting everything
>its was 8(lefty)pol cancer that was destroying Veeky Forums all along
What caused them to do constant inbreeding.
And what caused them the lack of abstract thinking?
>Rome 150 AD
Thats Sicily 500 bc
>first known townships and cities
>creation of wine
>underground water irrigation and internal heated floors
>first code of laws
>first nation-states
>first empires
>first GLOBAL empire at that (Persia)
Yeah no "civilization" while Sven in the frozen hinterlands of Scandinavia is squatting taking a shit on his tundra.
>were they scared of the european warrior?
3/10 bait. too obvious
M8 the achaemenid empire was a thing, the bronze age civilizations were a thing, and heck sassanid Persia was Rome's greatest rival until the Arab conquests
convert to islam and get all 3
checkmate atheist
>What is the Babylonian empire
>What is the Persian empire
>What is the Ottoman empire
>What is the Caliphate
>What is the Ummayad Caliphate
>What is the Fatimid Caliphate
>What is the Abbasid Caliphate
read some history friend and educate yourself, that way youll be less retarded. have a great day
also you
Thats sn african thing faggot, middle easterners don't do it normally.
People from the Middle East are who brought civilization to white mud hut dwellers. You should be grateful.
t.Saha Shitru Bahesh Kajat Haifa Lashitsofar Mucuphuck Shitskini Mudhumud
>Extreme lack of Education
>And Their Shit Absolute useless Culture