If the Bible "interprets itself" why are there 3,000 denominations of Christianity? Why are non-Catholic "Christians" so stupid?
If the Bible "interprets itself" why are there 3,000 denominations of Christianity...
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>implying c*tholics got it right
This is why Judaism is right.
The Oral Torah exists solely for this.
>the Bible "interprets itself"
Nobody believes this. Well, you might find a few crazies who will say this, but no sane, mainstream person believes this.
>why are there 3,000 denominations of Christianity?
>The Oral Torah
You mean the Talmud?
>t. goy
The Talmud contains the Oral Torah, but that is just one part of it. Nazarenes love to slander the Talmud, without knowing much about it. Without the Oral Torah, my interpretation (or my sect/denomination/religion’s interpretation) has as much authority than any others.
>If the Bible "interprets itself" why are there 3,000 denominations of Christianity? Why are non-Catholic "Christians" so stupid?
90%+ of the Bible is a fraud and not a theological guide of any sort.
> This is why Judaism is right.
LMFAO - Well, you got the "who is God?" part wrong so there's that...
>who is God?
No man can ever be G-d. Jesus can't be the Moshiach because the Moshiach is not G-d. The Messiah is supposed to keep G-d's laws intact. Jesus broke commandments throughout his life.
Nazarene worship is filled with idolatry. Judaism is the worship of G-d. There are no middle men. Nazarenes don't just worship Jesus. They pray to Mary, to Anthony, to Christopher, to Joseph, to Michael. Catholics have statues with all these saints in Churches all across the world.
It's blatant idolatry. G-d is the source of all things and you need not go through anyone else but G-d.
>If the Bible "interprets itself" why are there 3,000 denominations of Christianity?
Political and personal disputes theologically there are probably under wholly distinct groups. Just like with Apostolic/Tradition based Christianity which has not only the Catholic/Orthodox divide but also the sub groups like Miaphysities, Eastern Catholics ect
*under 10 wholly distinct groups.
>No man can ever be G-d. Jesus can't be the Moshiach because the Moshiach is not G-d. The Messiah is supposed to keep G-d's laws intact. Jesus broke commandments throughout his life.
Maybe the gospels are full of just enough bullshit to try to correct the bullshit of the Hebrew Text.
> Judaism is the worship of G-d
Prove it.
Look at all these lovely Jewish women under our control:
>Judaism is the worship of G-d.
You're a liar - Jews have never known God.
I know God - you know nothing.
>he thinks all Christians are Catholics...
wew jew
That's a meme
None clergy weren't even allowed to interpret the bible until the reformation
>Nazarene worship
this is gold thanks for this one
Protestant Nazarenes think that man gets to decide what G-d wants. That is dangerous. Almost as bad as Catholic Nazarenes.
Sola scriptura just doesnt work. Speaking as an Orthodox chatechumen.
It works just as well as tradition the only difference is that it works on entirely different axioms.
No method is universally perfect
There are not 3,000 denominations.
There are:
1. Mainline Protestantism: Calvinist to Semi-Reformed... Lutheran, Presbyterian, Congregationalism, etc.
2. Anglican Communion: CoE / Episcopal
3. Catholicism
4. Orthodox
5. Arminianism (example: Methodists, dissenters from the Anglican Church who disagree with Calvin on predestination)
6. Baptists / Anabaptists
Everything else is not Christianity. Especially millenarians, seventh day Adventists, mormons and so on.
Where does my church fit into?
Looks Charismatic. Your church is probably heretical. If you could find any doctrinal statements, but Charismatics don't tend to keep those around a lot.
Great list.
Arminians are JUST barely orthodox, because most of them are inconsistent Arminians. The second you go full Pelagian you're lost, in the historic church's eyes. Romans 5 means nothing to these people.