>It's a Chinese get absolutely fucking BTFO episode
It's a Chinese get absolutely fucking BTFO episode
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The better question is which country has never been BTFO before? I would like to say Canada because I don't know a single event where they got fucked hard.
We have been fucked hard ever since the 70s by our mere existance.
the USA cucked us out of our one chance at having a decent indigenous defence industry.
Soon anglo, soon your time will come.....
Canada has actually done pretty darn well in every war they've ever been involved in.
The US never got BTFO on their own land.
>muh emoo war
Nice Whitehouse you got there
>The White House getting burned down isn't getting BTFO
I'm American but come on.
They did pretty bad with Indonesia in WW2, sent some commandos then just left them at the Jap's mercy
the evils of the anglo legitimately makes me sad and honestly their anihilation wouldn't be bad like unironically they're genetically evil (you can throw in krauts too but at least they kept their evil within their continent for the most part)
That was a stalemate.
Are you going to specify an actual event or just "yeah something happened somewhere once maybe"
Tell me, what's your opinion on who won the Vietnam war?
>mfw reruns
Straight from Australian War Memorial site
>Japan entered the war in December 1941 and swiftly achieved a series of victories, resulting in the occupation of most of south-east Asia and large areas of the Pacific by the end of March 1942. Singapore fell in February, with the loss of an entire Australian division. After the bombing of Darwin that same month, all RAN ships in the Mediterranean theatre, as well as the 6th and 7th Divisions, returned to defend Australia. In response to the heightened threat, the Australian government also expanded the army and air force and called for an overhaul of economic, domestic, and industrial policies to give the government special authority to mount a total war effort at home.
You guys got fucked pretty hard by the Japs before you recovered.
Tell me, what's your reading comprehension level?
Because "on their own land" doesn't signify Vietnam to someone with even a modicum of reading comprehension skills.
Dude, come on.
Antarctic penguins never got BTFO.
It was to gauge how deluded you are
Most countries that have existed for more than a couple centuries have an humilliating defeat.
>I wasn't being retarded on purpose I swear. Let me just throw out some non-sequitur to cover up my own faggotry.
The Chinese are conquering you city by city without firing a shot.
>yfw a smaller army of Brits and Canooks bluffed Detroit into surrendering
Oh and here's another.
Canada is getting btfo by liberals as we speak.
What is the civil war? Sherman's march was pretty BTFO material.
>t. I know nothing about Thailand history.
They're totally annexed by Burmese during this war.
I wonder if the Chinese army nowadays would return the favor tenfold if they had the chance to
"Heavenly Candles"
Iceland got cucked hard by the allies in WW2 and did nothing about it
They played along to gain independence from Denmark, but I agree. Britain played fast and loose with the rules over there
The fall of Singapore was due to the British.
>surface warfare
>AD 2017
Ethiopia lost land to the Brits, Frogs, and then got bootyblasted by Italy.
Open a fucking book nigger
There British unit that lit DC on fire was promptly btfo from a hurricane that put out the fires in DC. You morons seem to always forget that party.
Just how bad was China getting BTFO in modern history?
I don't know much about China. All I know is shit gets real when China is in trouble. Half the top ten death tolls in world history come from China.
They were plunged into chaos for 150 years
that was the csa not the usa
Ignoring WW2, they did most of the damage themselves.
>Ignoring WW2
They were getting fucked up by imperialism too
>Ignoring WW2
How the fuck do ignore something as massive as WWII
Would China have fared better under Han rule rather than Manchu?
Of course. They wouldn't be wearing such faggy clothing and face ethnic discrimination.
war of 1812, only reason Britain didn't take anything was because they just stopped other nations from taking French land after defeating Napoleon. American Revolution, America was getting its ass kicked left and right, if not for the French it would have been an easy British Victory.
Iceland got taken over by Britain without even a shot fired, Thailand, no idea, Ethiopia got BTFO by fucking Italy, Israel was getting destroyed by the Arab nations in till America started shipping large amounts of weapons.
You seem to forget that the US took a bunch of land in Canada and just traded it back for the territory the Brits were occupying.
They got BTFO in almost every war since their existence.
>bootyblasting anyone but themselves
But they still exist?
They were still BTFO so hard to the point where they are now a shell of their former selves. The Communist revolution threw all of their past culture and identity out of the window.
Under Japanese rule.
Nice meme.
>Be American
>Get legitimately ass-blasted when I heard the fact that the British held a mock trial in the White House, WHILE THEY WERE DESTROYING IT, over whether or not they should burn it to the ground
I'll never forgive you noodle-armed cucks for that one, you smelly Brits. I want my F-35's back! You guys can't play with them any more! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-
Doctored and homosexual
They did that one time in the Futurama episode with the oil tanker...
>t. I'm /pol/tier China hater
Nice meme.
Btw, there are still many Chinese records have been translated. Here are some examples.
Exactly. If China lost every war that they participated in over their long history like some idiots say then they wouldn't be a large empire or even exist.
>The US never got BTFO on their own land.
*white house faintly burning in the distance*
>muh, like, 5 victories in 1,000 battles
>posts chincom propagana wiki (doesn't put any effort whatsoever into his shilling)
t. chincom 50 cent'er
Now post how they got rekt by mongols, anglos, japs, manchus and the 8-nation alliance.
>First few battles during the Revolution
>White House burning
>Little Big Horn
>Hawaii was American land
The fact that they've succeeded in holding a massive empire for thousands of years makes me highly doubt this.
Yanks are Yanks.
>5 victories in 1,000 battles
>chincom propagana wiki
You're really fucking degenerated /pol/tard, can you even count? I even spoon feed you fucktard the link.
>post how they got rekt by mongols, anglos, japs, manchus and the 8-nation alliance.
>my Chinese history knowledge only stop at the moment China got defeated,especially 19th century
You're a /pol/tard, aren't you? Why don't you go count how many percentage of those defeats in total numbers of wars in China? Let me give you the link again.
>my Chinese history knowledge only stop at the moment China got defeated,especially 19th century
This is literally the only relevant period.
>he reminds me of chink shitty military history so he must be from /pol/
>where are my 50 cents, mr commisar?
Wow, chincom, 90% of those battles are internal conflicts and civil wars and the rest are defeats against external forces. China has literally lost all external wars since the XVIIIc.
>This is literally the only relevant period.
Humanities faggots need to an hero like right now
>lol i laff at smelly yello ppl losing wars X-D chek this dank may may!
And you have the cheek to tell me what history is valid?
>This is literally the only relevant period.
>Humanity only exist after 19th century in my mind
Wew, such a deep thinker.
>chink shitty military history
You should ask your local military inititutes stop reading Art of War
>he must be from /pol/
You sound as retarded as (them), almost the same.
>90% of those battles are internal conflicts and civil wars and the rest are defeats against external forces.
Again, you're showing how fucking retarded you are and sound exactly like average /pol/ China haters. I see you're not only unable to count but also have comprehension disorder. In what way the statistic shows "90% of those battles are internal conflicts and civil wars and the rest are defeats against external forces"? What alternative reality are you living?
>China lost external wars since the XVIIIc.
>"Which means China always BTFO since their existence" in my degenerated mind
Next you probably gonna say Qin Shi Huang was red hair Gaul, right? Also I didn't know China lost WW2 and all those border conflicts during 20th century, you must be from a different dimension.
>"my Chinese history knowledge only stop at the moment China got defeated"
>This is literally the only relevant period to me
And you dare to say you're not a fucking typical china hating /pol/tard after this? You expect people to believe your utter bullshit?
Perhaps the Battle of Dieppe? Though I suppose that was an important test case for D-Day.