If Chinese culture was at 100% before the Cultural Revolution, what percentage remained afterwards? How much of culture is unrecoverable vs how much is easily revivable? Lastly, did the CR really make a difference to the common peasant, who I assume were the vast majority?
>Inb4 0%
Redpill me on the Cultural Revolution
You can't fucking quantify shit like that, nerd.
like none of you have fantasized about holding life or death over your own parents
It turned the nation into a giant cult based around Mao. Anything with a hint of being foreign was destroyed.
Chinese people determine Chinese culture
Beheading gays and stoning women and burning witches isn't Dutch culture anymore because Dutch culture changed.
Alright fine, just tell me how different modern China would be in a different timeline.
>no CR
>pic related
>Alright fine, just tell me how different modern China would be in a different timeline.
It would be like Taiwan, Macau or Hong Kong.
Not all chinese culture was good. The communists managed to put a stop to foot binding for example, then they went and killed tons of sparrows for w/e reason.
p much a clusterfuck period for china
Taiwan is essentially the richest people ditching the poorest on Mainland, so I'm not convinced.
Macau and Hong Kong wouldn't exist as they are if the rest of mainland wasn't as poor. It's not possible the entirety of China could have followed the same development.