How did Arabs convince most of the world that they are indigenous to any area outside of the Arabian Peninsula?
How did Arabs convince most of the world that they are indigenous to any area outside of the Arabian Peninsula?
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The same way people see America as a naturally "white" country.
Because all their conquered territories consider themselves to be Arab and have done so for over 1300 years. Hence Arabs are now indigenous to all of the Middle East and North Africa. Only Islamophobes try to sow division in the Arab nation like this lmao. You think if you are successful they will start naming their children Nebuchadnezzar and Ramses instead of Muhammad and Ali (praises be upon them both) and start worshiping the sun (astaghfurillah!)????? HAHAHAHAH loser
Force the whole ME to speak their language
This post exemplifies why I hate Arabs.
Amin brother
None of them can understand each other due to dialects
They didn't. If they had had their way no one outside of the Hedjaz would be an Arab. 'Arab' was a cultural identity that came to refer to the political and economic elites of the Umayyad Mediterranean.
>'Arab' was a cultural identity
No it isn't dipshit. Stop trying to white wash.
>The Arabs are first mentioned in the mid-ninth century BC as tribal people in eastern and southern Syria, and the northern Arabian Peninsula.
Arabs aren't from the peninsula's south. The south was inhabited by East Africans originally who were fishers, manatee hunters and herders of donkeys, cows and goats camels (they didn't ride them, they walked aside them originally and used them to carry loads)
>The south was inhabited by East Africans originally
>People originated from somewhere.
Nice refutation of user's point, who was talking about the Arab-led Muslim elite that formed during the time of the two big Caliphates who identified as Arab considering the founders of the religion were.
I hope the berber tribes genocide you.
You could cite the origins of the Romans too and it doesn't mean Roman wasn't a cultural identity. Stop being stupid.
What is the generally accepted term to refer specifically to the ethnic group(s) originating from that peninsula?
>What is the generally accepted term to refer specifically to the ethnic group(s) originating from that peninsula?
Arabs. Saracens.
You're bit of a Islamaphobic aren't you?
Stop being racist.
Fucking desert niggers destroyed this.
Arabs built it in the first place. Society as a whole is an Arab invention.
they convinced native Egyptians that they somehow WERE arabs the whole time.
Greece is actually quite temperate
You don't know kingdom of Sheba?
Yemen has been conquered by East Africans but East Africans were not indigenous to Yemen.
Arab is an identity that is much more so about values, culture and religion much like the "American" identity rather than genetics which is why it was so successful in assimilating various groups all over the MENA
I'll tell you why.
Unlike other empires when Arabs conquered they brought an ideology, a religion.
And Arabs were kind to non-Muslims (ofc it was Taqiya so they can believe in Islam) and if the indigenous people of that land believed in Islam it's like they are obligate to suck every and each Arabian dick.
But I guess Arab is both a culture and a race.
Also there are real Arabs in north Africa.
To know a real Arab from Arabized Arab is by their surname, Arabs still have tribes so if the so-called Arab doesn't have a tribe he's not an Arab
And then for depositing loads
>ofc it was Taqiya
>Thousands of years later all sorts of minorities still exist in the MENA
>Minorities starting to be wiped out by organisations introduced by the West
Really makes me think
Tell me more about Arab surnames
A lot of Arabized arabs still changed their names and lastnames for obvious reasons
Whitefags btfo
It's common to find your Arab ancestors in Islam.
Egypt is the place that supposedly turned Arab, but genetic testing shows that they just started speaking Arab.
They don't my wewuzer friend, Arab is a cultural term,not a race. The current "Arabs" from the Levant and N.Africa weren't Arabs originally.
>Arabs were kind to non-Muslims
>Arab is a cultural term
No it isn't. Most modern Arabs descend from Arab tribes in the same way Germans descend from Germanic tribes. It's pure WE WUZERY to pretend they were just indigenous people that were Arabized.
What do you think they did?
Christians forcibly converted two and a half continents in a matter of a few centuries. Describe Islam in those terms.
Muslims don't proselyte because the Koran makes it clear that Allah chooses to "harden the hearts" of the unbelievers so he can have the pleasure of burning them forever, and because the Muslim political and economic apartheid requires a substantial non-Muslim population to parasitize. It is no coincidence that the decline of the Moselm world has come hand-in-glove with the virtual eradication of non-Muslims there.
>Most modern Arabs descend from Arab tribes
Nope they don't. See pic and compare Saudi Arabia (real Arabs) to Tunisia or Morocco.
And it is a coincidence that the decline of the Muslim world coincided with the level of Western interference?
They didn't replaced the conquered populations,Tyrone. Imposing religion and language don't change people DNA.
I'm not joking
>There is no real doubt that the ancestors of both Epi-graphic (ESA) and Modern South Arabian (MSA) were languages spoken in the Near East rather than Ethio-
pia. But the date and processes whereby the speakers of these languages migrated and diversified are unknown.
Apart from inscriptions that can be read, some contain evidence for completely unknown languages co-existing with ESA. Beeston9 cites an inscription from Marib which begins in Sabaean but then switches to an unknown language. He mentions several other texts that have similar morphology (a final –k suffix) and may represent an unknown non-Semitic language (or possibly a Nilo-Saharan
language such as Kunama, for which such a feature would be typical)
This also is seen in modern Arabian Semiticizing languages all of which contain
>Additionally, Militarev identified a Cushitic substratum in Modern South Arabian, which he proposes is evidence that Cushitic speakers originally inhabited the Arabian Peninsula alongside Semitic speakers (Militarev 1984, 18-19; cf. also Belova 2003). According to Václav Blažek, this suggests that Semitic peoples assimilated their original Cushitic neighbours to the south who did not later emigrate to the Horn of Africa. He argues that the Levant would thus have been the Proto-Afro-Asiatic Urheimat, from where the various branches of the Afro-Asiatic family subsequently dispersed. To further support this, Blažek cites analysis of rock art in Central Arabia by Anati (1968, 180-84), which notes a connection between the shield-carrying "oval-headed" people depicted on the cave paintings and the Arabian Cushites from the Old Testament, who were similarly described as carrying specific shields
This also coincides with the biblical reference of Midianites as Cushitic (blacks) who were on the Red Sea fringes of Arabia Felix and also probably is speaking on Ancient Punt's range on both sides of the Red Sea.
>I'm not joking
I know you're not joking, you're just retarded.
Genocide, displacement, and refusing to admit doing literally anything wrong. Basically being the strong horse
How are linguists and archeologists stupid?
During the last glacial maximum Bab-el-Mandeb at one part was the width of some rivers. Sheba has archeologists vouching for either or both sides of the Red Sea. There is a literal 2k+ year old statement in the Torah speaking of Arabia Felix semitic speakers described as black and DNA shows a genetic shift of Jewish populations with subsaharan influx between 2-5kya
Like what?