Moon mission is a GO

Moon mission is a GO.

Strap in.

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I'm ready daddy.

i'm set, i just wanna be rich

Reporting in. Let's do this.

Locked and loaded

OMG Marine reporting, sir

Lift off soon

Not yet user . Probly 3 am in the fucking morning fuck you China

Almost ready

ready to ride this rocket to the fuckin moon. all the neo fomoers hopefully hop on this for the next moon mission

I will be rich.

If neo and neo alone dips, you omisemarines are going to be very happy.

How high do you think it will go?

stop the marine bullshit, we are omgods

Don't associate us with garbage bagholders like DGB and Sigt

The board is set. The OMGods are moving. We come to it at last. The great mooning of our time.

im sorry the mooning is canceled today

i prefer OmiseBros

the rumors are true

Want me to push it down so you can buy in before the next leg up? Or are you going to panic sell?

pls just raise the praise whale, my hands are weak

>tfw only 18 OMG

P-pls hit $8 OMGchan

you think this coin will be something to hold onto for long term?

im in

expect it to crash now

here we go pushing towards a new 24h high

I'm here captain i was sleeping in the luggage rack but I'm here

glad to have you on board, marine

Obviously. It goes PoS in January. Also debit card.

i expect it to crash in a few hours is 1500 a good to buy back in?

Sold my NEO at $45 to invest in OMG, the truly patrician coin with a solid business model and developer backing. I'm proud to be here Omise bros

I missed out on NEO, redeem me OMG. I love you.

I feel like a regular leo dicaprio on the titanic. i don't have much but at least i'll be here when it goes down, holding my bags to the bottom of the ocean ;-;7

Stalling bitfinex a bit longer.


whats the next high we are looking at roughly? and then how low can we expect the new floor?

How high can this thing go by end of month?

>tfw I should probably sell now and buy back in when it inevitably dips lower but I'm just gonna hodl

Its starting

better buy in before we hit 10$

W-we are the OmiseGOYIM

just hold

its going up

BOOM, we have $7.50


$25 max

Whalebro just tell me what the exit price is so I can put a sell order an go to sleep, missing the NEO Pluto rocket sucked all life an joy out of me.

if this is true i'll cry of joy



23k, 17.5 respectively fuck the FUDers and wojack posters they have had every opportunity on this ride up to get in.

News release letting it fly, as an extra fuck you.

Reminder Bitfinex will always be delayed behind bittrex by 10 minutes for any late minute arrivals.

t. (((nocoiner)))

>giant sell wall
that makes the price go down, not up.

>be me
>buy OMG at ATH two days ago
>hold onto bags for 24+ hours
>see NEO mooning
>sell OMG at 155k
>buy NEO
>NEO stops moving
>OMG jumps to 185k and probably beyond

I see a green wave melting those sell walls i dont know what you see

I only have 30, just a poor goy bro.

News is tomorrow, right? XRP/OMG/Alipay collab?

I traded neo stand 8 Dollars to omg cmone dude

OMGods is better a meme because its sacrilegious

Thank you kind omGOD

We're mooning, on the road to $10



Lets go to 15 boyss

i see the jews trying to trick me.


Why is there such a big difference between bittrex and bitfinex price??
>Bittrex almost 200
>Bitfinex highe 170s

Should I try and arb this mf?

thread theme


Can it reach 10?



ARE YOU READY FOR A MIRACLE ? whale here and we are gonna go further than and OMGod has ever gone before. Are you with me guys ?

These are NEO gains flowing in, isn't it


we are ready Omisebro

Not yet boys not yet , relax , dip comming

with you whalebro

Giving late arrivals 10 minute delay in case they haven't had a chance to spot OMG while retards post shitcoins.

tryna scalp and now you feelin' toasty pajeet?? never sell an uptrend faggot.


we shall see

Dip will be on bitfinex (10 min controlled delay),

leaving bittrex open so people can splash gains on recent other coins straight into the playground.

Most wojack posters use bittrex so happy to make them pay premium

thanks for giving me a nice chance to unload this shitcoin for a decent amount of real bitcoin.


i'm all in with 0.92047794, not even one (1) OMG. do you want swap with me?

I'm new to trading, why should i buy OmiseGO?

I'm on about 10, also you do realise 1 is only around $7 right?

can u elaborate on the controlled delay

how the hell did it fall back so much in a couple of minutes

the dip is real.

Bought 1k. Enough?

should've done that this morning

I bought yesterday at 186

wtf its dipping

OP of the "last chance to buy below $7" thread here to confirm.

Think I'm gonna short this and then buy buck in with these little dips

Past days opportunities have been given to get in, swing trade and actually accumulate a decent token.

During this time retards spammed pink wojacks on every dip and made poor newbies panic. These newbies are being given a chance to get back in while wojack posters who use bittrex will pay a premium.

I fucking hate pinkie posters and them trying to scare the new kids on the crypto block.

wise words

how high will you be pumping it?

Everyone's gonna be pumping it when the rumored announcement drops. $10 easy IMO.

how about now faggot.. hmm?

volume too low wouldnt risk it hold tight fella

Every time I buy OMG, no matter what it is, it immediately dips 20-30 cents from where I bought it. I bought at 5.90 yesterday and it stayed in the mid fives all day until I was able to get it up to 6:20 and sell it late last night.

I bought 200 OMG's just now and it went from 7.70 to 7.40 almost instantly. I hate this coin, should have stuck to NEO

hold u retarded weak hand pleb