>People still think that Communism and/or Marxism-Leninism is a good idea
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It pisses off Internet Neo-Nazis and Nettouyo.
Because they're lazy fucks who want everything handed to them and think that Communism is the answer. They don't know the value of the dollar, they don't enjoy working, they're lazy, they're degenerates who want to smoke marijuana all day, and they're wastes of oxygen.
>t. has never worked a day in his life
Careful boy, he's you CEO boss.
It's 2017 and there are people who believe in god, people who believe that earth is flat and people who believe evolution is a hoax. There's always going to be retards despite it being the current year
ML is practical at least, the revolution needed to led by an intellectual vanguard for the betterment of all.
It failed on all accounts. Time to get over it.
>a small elite group runs czarist Russia
>replace them with another small elite group to run the USSR
This will definitely bring the revolution!
At the very least communists lost the support of the working class. They're just young rich idiots indoctrinated by their professors. It's clear now that the ultimate goal of marxism will not be realised. We won.
in my country marxist constantly antagonice the working class, since they are not "educated" and more traditional they are compeletly oposse to ideas like gays, no religion, transexual, women right, femiinist, not killing negros, abortion, the end of patriarcy.
thats why the only got 2% of the votes in the election making them a meme party
>People still think that Communism and/or Marxism-Leninism is a good idea
It's not an idea in the sense you're using that word, lad. It's a method of historical/sociological analysis.
Having a job makes it less likely your'e a communist.
"It pisses off a boogieman ideology, I'd better choose an ideology that's even more retarded!"
Having an IQ above 10 makes it less likely to be a communist. Frankly, communism (ironically) is the most middle class bourgeois ideology in existence.
Only pampered uni students think it has merit.
Hello Americans. Soviet communism has always instilled patriotism, and still does. Many in the former Eastern Bloc wish for its return and many socialist parties remain very nationalist and opposed to Americunt bullshit like faggots and other degeneracy.
I exclude UK, France and Germany from this.
You mean ruling half of the world?
Because Capitalism is even worse
Then it collapsed, usually spectacularly.
Hmm, nah.
Communism has literally never worked.
Lmao, say this shit in Poland or Ukraine, then come back to me and tell me how many teeth you lose after one of them smacks your stupid face around.
>Communism has literally never worked.
It's never been tried. ;)
Yeah, all those Americans fleeing to Cuba prove this...
Deluded commietards are so funny.
And it never will be, because it's the pipe dream of absolute fools.
Attempts at it have ended in nothing but disaster, though.
>first world communists actually believe this shit
No one looks back on communism except for a select few old farts. Your retarded ideology is dead, grow up and move on.
They're butthurt about Russians in general, and of fucking course they are. Russians shitted up Poland several times over so of course they hate them. Still, many Poles I know are actually most supportive of the USSR era because of the land Stalin transferred over from Germany as well as Poland having a bit more autonomy than other countries.
Not an actual country, has less right to exist than Belgium.
Actually he's not entirely wrong. Under Stalin's reign there was a lot of Communist fervour.
communism is the end goal, socialism is the way we get there and that shit works great.
Yeah that's why ex-communist and OPENLY communist parties are getting 20-30% of the vote and are second or first political party in many of these countries. Actually try looking around you, Sorosoid.
>and that shits works great
>/pol/kiddies think Soros is paying people to support Communism now
You people are so hilarious
>he can't read
Soros is against these communist parties you dumbass, because they're nationalistic in many cases. He's supporting liberal and pro EU parties. But
>having an intelligent conversation
>with an American
pretty much impossible
>"It pisses off a boogieman ideology, I'd better choose an ideology that's even more retarded!"
Exactly. Same shit happened in the lead up to WWII.
Tankies gtfo.
I really want to go in depth as to how retarded this comment is:
Doesn't even have a communist party, maximum is two totally irrelevant center-left parties.
Same as Poland, furthest left is a dying center-left party.
A center-left party that only Russians vote for.
No communist party at all.
No communist party.
>Czech Republic
Actually has a communist party! Aaaand, they're heavily reformed and can't even crack 15% of the vote. Ah well.
And we're back to no communist party.
Communist party with no representation.
Communist party is actually banned. Lel.
So I've went through most of the Eastern bloc and the only country that has a figure even remotely close to your vaunted 20-30% figure.
Maybe just accept that your revolution will never come, Marx was wrong again, and you'll be flipping burgers till you die.
>communists are actually dumb enough to believe this revisionism
>Because Capitalism is even worse
I think you guys really need to refresh your arguments. There are barely any Communists left that defend Sovietism.
There are barely any communists full stop.
The result of a functioning education system.
Communists are among the dumbest people on the planet, they aren't retarded because they're communists, they become communists because they're retarded.
Why are leftists so bad at memes?
>a functioning education system.
Don't tell me you're American
>There are barely any Communists left that defend Sovietism.
And yet, every Communist party, or socialist party in the Western world is using exactly the same arguments still, and we are expected to believe that if they ever gained the levers of power again, it wouldn't just degenerate into another totalitarianism.
It would've been funny if it wasn't so dangerous.
>every Communist party, or socialist party in the Western world is using exactly the same arguments still
Prove this blanket statement.
>The former activists of the PUWP established the Social Democracy of the Republic of Poland (in Polish: Socjaldemokracja Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, SdRP), of which the main organizers were Leszek Miller and Mieczysław Rakowski.
It gets 1%, so you win there.
>It is the partial successor of the communist Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (or MSZMP), which ruled Hungary between 1956 and 1989.
Yeah most were banned.
>Czech Republic
Its split into two. A SocDem one that gets 20% and an openly Communist one with 15%. That's about 35% collectively. Try again.
Current ruling party, Party of Social Democrats is a successor of the Communists and keeps much of the same traditions.
>Politicians of the party have occasionally employed "utilitarian anti-Semitism". This means that politicians who may usually not be anti-Semites played off certain anti-Semitic prejudices, in order to serve their political necessities.[15] PSD Senator Dan Șova, at the time party spokesman, claimed, on 5 March 2012, on the Money Channel that "no Jew suffered on Romanian territory, thanks to marshal Antonescu."
Current second party is a successor to the Communists. Also keeps social conservative traditions like their Romanian counterparts.
Not a country.
>it wouldn't just degenerate into another totalitarianism.
This is a good thing, and I would love if Yanks didn't enforce their brand of democracy in my country.
You can believe the earth is flat, but if you're not a communist, you're already smarter than a communist.
That's all I needed to know, thanks.
ITT: Retarded Yanks.
>Prove this blanket statement.
Well, I can only speak for the Communist Party in my country. And they just use the same old anti-bourgeois arguments, and still to this day argue for state ownership of large parts of the economy, even though they should know from history at this point that it's not a good idea.
>they don't enjoy working
nobody enjoys working idiot
That's because he killed/tortured/inprisoned every non-communist
Okay how about Baltic States, they openly hate the Soviet Union to the point where the Soviet symathisers are considered betrayers of the state
>moving the goalposts
Slovakia too, communists can't even crack 1% of the vote here.
Same as Poland. They hate Russians because, you know, they've been occupied by Russians for centuries? And there were many crimes executed on them, primarily by the Tsarist rule and then somewhat continued during Soviet rule?
I'm not going to pretend Stalin or the USSR were saints, because they obviously weren't, but the matter isn't communism vs anti-communism. It's liking Russia and not liking it. Bulgaria and Romania still fucking love communist times, as does Serbia. Because they were liberated by Russia from the Ottomans and that love carried on to the USSR because effectively the people and culture of Russia didn't change under Soviet rule.
Yank history educates you that everything was black and white. It isn't.
>Okay how about Baltic States, they openly hate the Soviet Union to the point where the Soviet symathisers are considered betrayers of the state
>hate the Soviet Union to the point where the Soviet sympathizers are considered worse than Nazi sympathizers
Ehhh I guess ou are right. Soviets did help those people and improved situation of peasants especialy after Stalins purges, but it still doesn't excuse theyr actions against countries that didn't want to be a part of it, especially deportations and that a lot of dislike of USSR also comes from disliking the russians in general.
>Yeah most were banned.
I you can't have Nazi party, you also can't have Commie party.
As an example, if the British turned communist instead for whatever reason, the issues with Ireland wouldn't just end, and we'd be arguing on how the terrible British Socialist Federation (or whatever) oppressed the Irish, when it was an issue for centuries, just like the Russia-Baltic-Poland relations.
And I'm not even a commie. I support a healthy dose of patriotism and social democracy, something like Sweden's Folkhemmet (en.wikipedia.org
I just don't like this Cold War-tier black vs white interpretation of history. Both power blocs did some bad and did some good.
Yeah forgot about that part, we even have a special remeberance day for Nazi soldiers
You do realise every year in Estonia they have a commemoration for the dead Waffen-SS Estonian soldiers that served in the Eastern Front for Germany? And that each party (even the most progressive cuck ones) go 'Eh Hitler wasn't that bad'. This is because the world isn't black vs white. See Estonians liked Nazi Germany because it liberated them from the USSR and treated them well as semi-Aryans. Vice-versa for the USSR and many Eastern Bloc countries.
There's no denying that both sides were dicks, honestly most of the dislike comes from Stalin and his purge, because honestly after Stalin everything was kinda chill in USSR
Same's with Latvia to which I was reffering. Curiously both Latvian and Estonian Waffen-SS soldiers were ones of the few that were declared not-guilty in trials after WW2
> even have a special remeberance day for Nazi soldiers
>even have a special remembrance day for our people who fought for Nazies to prevent Russian invasion
This is an important distinction. It would not have probably mattered who the big bad was in west, /ourboys/ would have still joined whoever promised to K.O Russia.
Compulsive equivocation is the hallmark of the cuck.
Sometimes history is black and white.
Even that's overplayed. There was a genuine Trotskyist plot. You REALLY wouldn't want fucking Trotsky to have taken over the USSR. Stalin made good deals with US and British firms and invited Ford over to build car factories and industrialize the country. Trotsky would've agitated for world revolution and started a World War even earlier than it started in real life.
That said, yes, he also 'accidentally' killed off many simply because he was paranoid.
If we go by that path, in terms of net-worth profit, the wrong side won the Cold War. Sorry, while I like democracy, I'll take conservatism over degenerated social values, whores half-naked everywhere and complete and total moral decay that the American victory brought.
>watered down pro-Capitalist pro-US "social-democrats" are the same as actual Communists
You can tell most unironic commies on Veeky Forums are clueless Westerners.
Yeah, many older socialists in Eastern Europe were "Communists" in the sense that they used to be part of the bureaucracy, as most institutions were under party control, but these never cared about ideology.
After 1990 many became wealthy businessmen with mansion, yachts and foreign education for their children, while sucking up to the capitalist West, and are only "socialist" in the sense that they promise stuff to poor people during elections. If an actual Communist revolution happened most of these would be imprisoned or executed.
Capitalism produces winners and losers.
The losers get together and promote communism.
True for many of them, like Hungary's, wrong for others. Romania's for example is drifting away from the US and that's why you had Soros-staged protests. Again, it depends on the country in question. In some, the ex-communists are the only form of resistance to globalist rule, ironically.
Yes I know about Trotsky who was a fucking communist zealot while Stalin was just paranoid and power hungry while smart enough to not start war with the west
>Romania's for example is drifting away from the US
Not this shit meme again.
Capitalism in national doses is fine. Nothing wrong with private enterprise. As long as its beholden to the people and to the nation rather than going rampant like 17-18th Century aristocrats.
There's many factions of communism. As you can see with the PRC, some have even accepted capitalism in their system.
Nope, PRC capitalism is beholden to the nation and to the people. They don't abide by the meme free trade that the West enforces and this is what got Trump to suggest protectionism, which is a good idea, only he'll never do it because of his Wall Street/Pentagon masters. And no, Shillary/Bernie/Jeb!/Rato would've been all the same as him.
Any particular reason you brought them up?
Actually it's the opposite. Communists always have a point in exposing the flaws of crony capitalism, but they make the fatal mistake of implying that Communism is a much better system (no).
Cleaning up crony capitalism is the true antidote. Not tearing everything apart and installing communism.
Lack of intelligence, plain and simple.
Eastern Ukraine is literally run by heavily armed Stalinist fanatics. If you say something bad about Stalin, you will most likely get NKVD'd
That's because Ukraine is half Russian, half Polish and a ruling class of globalists with a manufactured identity. It's literally FYROM but made giant and holy shit thank fuck Yeltsin took away their nukes.
>Wealth coalesces in one area that leaves other areas devastatingly poor, torn apart by imperialism/colonialism and resulting reactionary terrorism/despotic autocrats, and centralizes any realistic potential for higher education or activism to represent and protect their homes and culture
>durr they come here cus we so much better
Protip: wrecking the living shit out of a country or region by way of Capitalism will naturally result in people who want to leave their wrecked homelands. This is why anybody who lives in the US and is against refugees/"illegal" immigrants is a hypocrite.
I'd argue the non-brainwashed Americans are in the same mind as us and don't support their globalist government. The problem is, its hard to find such inbetween the Drumpfkin cultists who support him even after betraying all of his promises, the Berniebot SJWs and the YAAAAAAAAAA SLAY QUEEN hundredth wave feminists.
Nice euphemism for kike. Despite Jews making up only 2% of Ukraine's population, Ukraine has both a Jewish president and Jewish prime minister. Most "Ukrainian" oligarchs are Jewish as well.
Sorry I don't want to give free candy to people that give up.
Korea was once a hermit kingdom with little trade, resources, and lots of poverty. Then it was taken over and brutally exploited by the empire of Japan for decades. Then it went to hell and back during the Korean war and all of its major cities were pummeled to the ground and more than half of its population was displaced without homes.
By the end of the Korean war, South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world, receiving food aid from nations such as Nigeria and Somalia.
Nevertheless its people persisted under two dictatorships and built itself to the 13-11th (depending on ranking system) economy on the planet within two generations.
Same goes for other nations such as Germany, which rebuilt itself over and over again, never becoming "refugees" or running away.
That's why I don't like economic refugees that run away from their homeland- their responsibilities. Stay mad that some countrymen can't play the game of capitalism better.
Yeah I'm pretty much against the /pol/ ITS DA JOOS meme but even I can't deny this. I think Joe Biden's son got put in charge of some Ukrainian company too. Even more hilarious are the literal neo-nazis in coalition and supporting these guys BECAUSE MUH EVIL RASSIYAN COMMIES!
North Korea was propped up by the USSR and stayed equal to South Korea. It even went over South Korea in living standards for a few years. SK is still propped up by US companies to this day. Gee, I wonder why the one with its superpower backer still around is more powerful.
People who think, plan ahead, and work hard will choose a career that they will enjoy or get some satisfaction out of. Yes, work is work, but I get a relatively decent amount of enjoyment from my job. I'm not 100% excited to go to work everyday, but my work gives me a sense of purpose, my wage provides for my wife and myself, I get to invest in hobbies, and go on vacations.
Just because you have a shitty job, that doesn't mean other people loathe their own jobs on the same level as you. You might want to re-evaluate your career.