Though all years of human history has anyone found a truly consuming purpose to life outside of religion. My life was Christianity up till recently till I pretty much wholly disproved it in my own mind. Now I am agnostic and I feel like I've fucked myself because now my life has 0 meaning. So can anyone tell me what the point is without God? I love Christianity with its culture and art. Not sure I can live without it and I completely regret being so skeptical. Was Orthodox btw.
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Sorry for grammar but my sanity is slowly getting worse and I am getting less and less sleep. been about 42 hours since I've gotten a wink just from steess thinking.
The concept of Christ is great, but the way if the world is Greatest. Nothing can happen without the implicit will of God. And even through agnosticism towards Christ you still follow the way of God.
Trust me on this bro you need to re-think it because there's stuff going on in the un-seen that would make you realize it's not all just moralistic "philosophy" as some would claim. It' s real spiritual truth as told by the holy spirit which governs things beyond human conception due to our own voluntary sedation of the mind's true capabilities to be fully aware of what's going on around us 24/7.
Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Jesus literally cast out demons that caused insanity/sickness/etc in people multiple times it's not a metaphor what does that tell you in itself
Praise Jesus and God Bless
>My life was Christianity up till recently till I pretty much wholly disproved it in my own mind. Now I am agnostic and I feel like I've fucked myself because now my life has 0 meaning.
I was an atheist for a decade until I was guided by God towards a mature understanding of the gospel documents.
I never really presumed life had much meaning - it just was and then was not. Being given evidence of divine powers was the greatest gift I could receive in life... Now my belief is, basically, "the best cure for the hopelessness of Abrahamic religion is theism."
Eat a bit more healthily and take some exercise and you won't feel like this, it has nothing to do with philosophy or religion.
Just choose whatever religion your culture is predominantly. Religion is an integral part of culture anyway.
Trust what you believe to be right and do good for goodness sake.
Live in the present and always keep your hands busy, wandering thoughts are just a time waste.
Reflect on what you hold dearest and cut off anything that doesn't seem worth keeping, improve and keep building. This is the path you build for yourself, but the journey is just as important as the destination. You must love yourself before you can begin to love life or anyone else. Good luck brother x
Religion IS th purpose of life. Anything outside of developing your own spiritual practice is merely done out of desire to enjoy temporary sensorary gratification. By seeking to enjoy life and exploit the fruits of his work, a man has wasted his life and an opportunity to know God in this life. The path of religion is not temporary, it is eternal and ever blissful.
"What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" - Mark 8:36
>till I pretty much wholly disproved it in my own mind
You cannot know God by way of your mind. God has two energies, one is the inferior material energy and the other is the superior spiritual energy. The soul and God are composed of the superior spiritual energy and are eternal, but the mind is material. So attempts to understand God by way of merely thinking and mental speculation will always be unsuccessful. One can only come to know God by cultivating a personal relationship with God by constantly remembering him and devoting himself onto God.
My question is does God provide a point? Like does having this super entity that can do whatever the fuck it wants with you somehow make you otherwise not regret your existence? What could there be other than some predator/prey relationship in the whole thing? Personally I find the possibility of God a terrifying prospect.
You are so far gone I don't think there is any helping you
That's exactly what I am saying tho. Such a point exists.
but god isn't real
>My life was Christianity
No, no it was not. You just thought it was.
>herp derp i's a wizard now!
ITT: pocket philosophy
>My question is does God provide a point?
Yes. Being adopted into God's family confers meaning and purpose to your life that you cannot find elsewhere.
>Like does having this super entity that can do whatever the fuck it wants with you somehow make you otherwise not regret your existence?
Yes, absolutely.
>What could there be other than some predator/prey relationship in the whole thing?
Creator/creation. Father/son. King/nobleman. High Priest/priest.
>Personally I find the possibility of God a terrifying prospect.
Actual God is a far more terrifying prospect than possible God.
Convert to islam
No need to tell him to go to hell.
How dare Christians destroy pagan religions?
All pagan religions were destroyed when Jesus rose from the dead, for real. Notice how they all just kind of slinked away?
What about the idea that the Jewish religion came from Canaanite paganism? Any of you done research in the the Canaanite pantheon in relation to the Bible? Quite disturbing.
They were competitors. When the Jews failed to worship YHWH and turned to the gods of their neighbors, especially the Amorites, it was to those demon gods they turned. And were punished for, again and again, and very harshly.
God saw Israel as His wife, Himself as the faithful and good husband, and Israel the wife as a cheating whore. In fact, He made one of his prophets marry and re-marry an actual cheating whore, and raise her children as his own just to give the people an idea of how they were being looked upon by their God.
Abraham was called out of Ur of the Chaldeas, and he left, lock stock and barrel. He turned his back on his family and their gods, and struck out to the unknown on the faith that the one true God had told him to.
He was right, and became friends with God.
OP, try entheogens. Then, explore both western mysticism and eastern schools of thought.
Wonderful wastes of time.
I meant the belief that Yahweh was part of the Canaanite pantheon. Look up Hebrew/Canaan "EL" on wikipedia and you will see what I am talking about
Discover meditation and that general path. It has a very similar effect minus dogma.
OR just add Buddhist dogma whatever.
How so?
No, that's rubbish. The Meshe Stele itself identifies Jehovah as the God of Israel, and Chemosh as the Ba'al of the Canaanites.
The Canaanite gods are all demons; calling the one true God a demon has eternal ramifications nobody is prepared to deal with.
Are you 12?
Have you not seen people for 50 years turn on, tune in, and drop out?
Have you not seen what happens to them?