Does anybody know what music white people were listening to just prior to rock, or know a good book on the matter?
Does anybody know what music white people were listening to just prior to rock, or know a good book on the matter?
Other urls found in this thread:
Boring white people jazz
>White people
So do you mean an isolated sheep farmer in Iceland? Or a member of the Hungarian aristocracy? I'm guessing you mean American """""white""""" people though so probably big band or swing or something.
Yeah I could give a shit about other countries. I'm for whites but I love European competition. It brings out the best in them.
I know Scots did a lot of influence on 1800s American music.
Was there a genre solely white influenced after classical music? That was big in America
>I could give a shit
This thread once again shows why Americans need to be rangebanned
Something called folk obviously.
Does someone have that picture edited with Bulgaria Serbia and Macedonia?
It's evolved past a literal meaning much as "He was all but retarded" means you are retarded and not that you are everything except retarded.
Anyways, how's college going? You sleeping with any of your professors yet? No, just a loser stuck in your dorm room? Very sad
That's such a general genre unlike something mroe specific like rock or jazz or minstrel music
"white" is a meaninglessly general descriptor too
Literally fuck off Yank
Oh because it seems to imply I'm literally talking about people that are literally the color white?
Wow, you're so edgy and intelligent. I thought all language was relative for a purpose until I realized that there is an objectivity that has to be followed when it comes to race.
Seriously, how specific do you think you can get without reaching an infinitely long sentence?
I didn't think so, shut the fuck up
>misunderstands the English language and plays a passive-aggressive bitch game.
I dunno, guess you're the nagger now Brit. It's our language it's our world
>r a r e
>basing culture off of skin colour.
lel fuck off Ameritard.
>pic related, a white person and a black person.
>Thinks black and white solely refers to color of skin
Black has a larger connotation than skin color because brown would simply be more accurate. Many ancient civilizations called people black because they had dark hair and brown skin and dark eyes (native Americans were called this) Chinese and and ancient Greeks have also referred to foreigners who were darker overall as being black.
I don't knwo what tumblr profile you get your current information of the sides of the debate from but they are perhaps a couple years off of what is currently happening in the right wing spectrum.
>Oh if I pretend every right winger is a dumb christian conservative and I'm the good guy then everything'll be fine
>History is on my side guys
Why are you so uneducated, there's obviously no way you actually study this subject
>race is only skin deep
Yes and so is medicine that is prescribed based on race and sicknesses one can contract based on race.
Literally pick up on book, I dare you
This is recorded in 1956 although is supposedly composed in the 17th century
I liked this one a lot
I guess I don't mean to sound too offensive but this sounds like it was composed in the 17th century. It's missing a ton of elements
Man, OP will literally reply to everybody.
Massive butthurt
>pretending you're not the same person I already replied to
Yes it's my thread and I have 4 or 5 up on different boards. Two on this one. I'm high and I find this stimulating.
Any other passive-aggresiive comment you want to make baby?
I'm actually someone new. It gives me a little giggle when people take Veeky Forums too seriously.
You do know you're derailing your own thread by replying to me, right? But that's how these things go, we keep replying until one of us gets the last laugh
lol The noble silence game? I guess we're back in elementary school
I got my answers, I have another thread up asking another question.
Cheers, m8. Stay hydrated
I prefer his original compositions myself, though the tradition is wonderfully novel.
Are you in a field of study regarding music and culture or just an enthusiast?
> discriminating people based on their skin colour
You should know by now that OP is american and he is talking about his own country.
Are you ?
>white people
>just prior to rock
You're obviously an "American" darkie that gets their thoughts and experiences from lcd mass-media.
Classical, jazz, bluegrass, swing, various folk music.
This is about the US specifically, not Europe, since you're clearly referencing the US.
>I could give a shit
Space age pop?