The Bancor problem

Okay looking for a safe place for some actual Bancor discussion from anons without using the words jew or goy.

What is actually the problem with Bancor? Anyone who has looked into it will know that Bancor solves a massive problem that currently exists in crypto, it taps into a market that has completely no competition, it should be a game changer and it actually really feels like a coin that should take off and become a top 5 market cap coin AND it even has strong partners already with products like NEO which is currently experiencing the most insane bull run ever the past week.
Yet Bancor seems left behind and just bleeds constantly each day that passes.
>Is it because of the timing Bancor entered the market?
>Is it because they haven't done very well marketing or promoting the product?
>Is it due to how badly they handled the ICO situation and initial PR, is the Bancor image just too damaged? (There is people who literally believe Bancor ICO was the cause of the last huge market crash we experienced)
>Or perhaps the problem that Bancor fixes in its liquidation and stability in currencies isn't actually a problem that needed resolved in the first place?

This should be a coin that should of taken off and gone wild and it covers a huge untapped marketspace in crypto.... yet it stands right now as the biggest ICO failure of all time.
>Are we in for the biggest bull rush in crypto history?
>Or is another product going to come and claim this untapped market and Bancor will fade to irrelevancy..

FYI I don't hold any BNT bags right now, but everything about it makes me want to apart from the clear price trend and attitude towards it in the crypto community.

Other urls found in this thread:

I own 2000 BNT.

only retarded people invest in jew coins

I like it, when it moons everyone's gonna be crying like always.

t. MCO/ETH bag holder.

Well biggest problem is that 0x makes Bancor obsolete

The problem with the coin is that it literally doesnt do anything you fucking moron. All it does is change in between eth and bnt LMAO.

>not going in on the big three
why be poor?

If you don't even know what Bancor does please don't bother replying in the thread, actually looking for some smart anons opinion

jews love money and banks, so why not invest in them doing what they do best?

besides, as one of the holiest jewish patriarchs once said, buy when there's blood in the streets.

I have 1500 banc and i can tell you the reason its not doing well is because there is no actual uses for the BNT token yet. I regret falling for the hype and buying at ico but the BNT price will increase when there is actual demand for the services bancor has to offer. Just sit back and wait for a few months while the team gets their shit together and actually releases a product. You will be happy you held.

>Well biggest problem is that 0x makes Bancor obsolete

Bancor is one press release away from mooning, all they need to do is steal some ideas. They're good at making deals and partnerships = rocket fuel

>>Or is another product going to come and claim this untapped market and Bancor will fade to irrelevancy..
I think it will be one of a few.
>Is it because they haven't done very well marketing or promoting the product?
They have said they aren't able to talk about much publicly due to legal restrictions. I don't think we'll see any of that until they are resolved.

You see the partnerships they're making. Like many of those projects it will take time to be up and running.

Join bancor telegram to stay most up to date. Ask galia, guy or eyal non generic questions and they'll probably reply.

Right now it seems they're doing industry events while the developers continue working. Galia just posted this.

Its stuck with the eth price it sold for $400 once it breaks out from eth will rise

Ok so please tells me what BNT does and how does it fit into Bancor's project.

It's awfully close too.

AinĀ“t Banco just Shapeshift with more words and etc. ?

> Yet Bancor seems left behind and just bleeds constantly each day that passes.

Unmmm what, ? Look at the 10 day chart I phaggot this has been steadily increasing all month.

2 days in the red (like most alts) and now we get threads like this

Sell your crypto and take up knitting with those weak hands

personally I'd rather not help jews turn crypto to shit like they do with everything they touch.

also: this guy gets it.

Yeah and look at all the time chart, the downtrend hasn't changed even if it rose ever so slightly in 1 week.
I mean just look at this shit and sort by change %, it's literally the only coin in the red ( and don't bother trying to use the excuse that it sold while eth was ATH because status has managed to recover back into the green and had less time to do it than bancor)

Because the platform is not out yet. Once they release the first token changer, and allow people to create smart tokens, then it will pump. Also whales are accumulating.

>this whole post
/nu/biz was a mistake

Exactly. Best investments are made in companies that are not already hyped tf up, companies that have gone quiet and have big things in the works.


That's right. But the digimarines itt will never get that and buy the top, as always

0x is shit

The Bancor use cases I'm familiar with - creating tokens, acting as an exchange, allowing the creation of crypto index funds - don't seem to require Bancor. There's already little demand for Eth, why would there be demand for a middle man on top of Eth?

yfw Bancor is assembling a team of crypto
avengers, and is being funded secretly by some big big money.

>STOX huge mainstream Floyd MayWeather push out of no where. Will probably be the biggest Pay Per View Fight of all time

>NEO launchers into the to 5 Market cap out of no where

Keep an eye on anyone Bancor has partnered up with. I bet they too will get a huge push/support in some form or another down the line

Literally the beginning of the long tail.

>being funded secretly by some big big money


>There's already little demand for Eth
Yep. That's why it's number 2.

Who funds the token changers in your scenario? Under bancor the other half is provided by the foundation.

BNT goes horizontally, pic related, I dont see no downtrend

>allowing the creation of crypto index funds
If you don't want to use bancor use prism for this. Quite high fees though.

Yeah user that's exactly what I've noticed Bancor seems to always be ahead of the curve in terms of its business partners. Partnering with NEO back when it was ANS and even before anyone was talking about it, Partnering with Stox before it announced massive sponsorship deals in Mayweather and SNT has also been successful so far and chinks seem to be going crazy buying it.

Bancor itself however.. is doing fucking nothing.
I cant figure why it shouldn't at least be above ICO right now

Why do most coins stay in certain price ranges?

If it is still below its initial ICO price it was released at ... its Technically only ever gone down in its entire lifetime

True, but basically because of ETH. It was down at most 15% relative to it ICO price (0,1 ETH).
>It's all Vitalik's fault then

whales need to work out best way to pump on exchange and the smart token. we also have to wait for more projects using bnt reserve that will push up eth value.

What part of "double coincidence of wants" do you not understand user?

Don't give a shit. Holding my BNT bags even if this kike coin goes to zero.

I wonder this too, and have been asking the question. What would it take for BNT to begin rising? I think a lot of people are getting into BNT right now, even the non believers. Where is the value derived from?

The way I see it, Bancor will work in a parallel platform that is not in direct competition with current exchanges. The main objective is to create an interface or theter between real assets or currencies and a permanent or temporal digital currency so it's possible to exchange this newly created bancor based token for an established crypto. The ICO was a mess, I give you that, but the objectives of the project are really far away from some conspiracy theories that have surfaced. Take sometime and read the whitepaper before falling in the classic antisionist narrative.

>Big ICO that flops hard
>Fingered as one of the instigators of the big bear market a few months ago
>Current bull market is built on hype and FOMO
Its a tainted brand.

I avoided it after the ICO drama but after looking into it more I see lots of potential. Having NEO and STOX on board helped as well, I'm buying some now and plan on holding mid/long term while they make more progress on the product and get more partners. What are your plans BNT bagholders?

Bancor is literally shortable.

>years later
>still hasn't gone past its ICO price


Yeah that was one of my thoughts too for the reason why it hasn't took off.
Too much negative press associated with the bancor brand after it was predicted to be the big name coming into the crypto scene and flopped like crazy.

Similar to the DGB situation where DGB has been labeled as a pump and dump and a lot of people will now avoid it like the plague now, Bancor has been labeled as a failed startup that will never recover

Do you think the bad image will help them outside of the speculative value? As in hurt their chances of picking up more partners for the network etc? I think if it started moving up people would get on board for the profits but the FUD would be insane if it pumped as hard as something like NEO.

hurt them*

They are giving talks left and right and people behind the scenes are crazy about Bancor. The FUD only stops retards from Veeky Forums. The team has not started marketing yet, that is the main problem. They will only start doing it after the product is ready to be used as intended. They have not even released the first token changer yet. But when things start moving, they will move really fast.

past performance is not an indicator of future performance

>people behind the scenes are crazy about Bancor

nice job pulling that out of your ass.

((((((Safe space)))))))

Also, i would like to point out that the Veeky Forums indicators known as redneck-indicator, ignorance-enhancer and jews-conspiracy tool assistant are not likely to be included in the next edition of OrderFlow LMAO.

I will never support a coin ran by women and jews

Whales can not accumulate bankcoe since the price will rise by default that's just the way bancor works.

Bancor can also rise but not moon. Again that's the way bancor works.

Did you do any research user?

At what price do you see it at the end of 2018?

They could accumulate by forcing the price down on contract/exchange. Scare the weak hands to sell, buy back up under ico price, repeat.

>no competition
hate to break the news to you but have you heard of kyber?

>This should be a coin that should of taken off and gone wild

It should not have, it was guaranteed to be overbought at ICO

good argument

>not going all in on the big one on tuesday

Yep. Also that they might be another banor partnership.

can't believe people are so impatient about Bancor. I want this accumulation period to go on LONGER. Once they start releasing shit and BNT really begins climbing, poorfags like me are out of luck. Frantically accumulating what I can in the meantime.

Yes the ICO was overbought and ETH was overpriced at the time. all the /pol/tards can fud this shit all day long, as far as I'm concerned... anything to keep the price going sideways a little bit longer...

It'd a pretty solid coin. They are working on the system. When it becomes live is gonna blow up.