>tdw I made $700 in 3 minutes by clicking two buttons yesterday
how can I go back to wagecucking after this?
Tdw I made $700 in 3 minutes by clicking two buttons yesterday
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top kek
Breaking your back for money is dumb goyim shit
Someone teach me.
I have $10,000 that I want to turn into $100,000.
Maybe buy NEO. It should keeo going up for a while.
Can you afford to lose it?
If so, just buy any coin that's not Bitcoin and see how it goes in a week.
>buy this coin that has already mooned reaaaally hard and is already starting to dip
that never goes poorly, right?
I've been there. It's a lot of fun when you make 1k in 3 minutes. But then you start to question your life choices when you lose 2k in 3 minutes shortly after.
How do I do this? What sites do you guys use?
very carefully
I've been keeping a ledger on my trades and it turns out I make about 0.1BTC profit per week just by daytrading. IF I can keep this up for a few more months - just to prove myself that I can do this - I'm gonna quit my job.
I know 0.1BTC per week isn't much but it's enough and I don't like working.
>tfw I made $7000 in 1 minute by throwing two dices yesterday
how can I go back to wagecucking after this?
I use Coinbase for bank deposits and then but BTC and then I transfer BTC to Bittrex and trade on that site.
Didn't that happen to Bitcoin though? Also this is in a country with 1.379+ billion people.
wtf are u talking about thats $1200 per month. if u make that much with trading and still wagecucking u're an idiot.
I want to be absolutely 100% sure I can keep this up month after month after month before I do something as drastic as quitting my job.
>$15k a year is a lot
NEET detected.
keep working and keep trading and earn even more? Do you hate money?
August is crazy, right? July was normal? This is a fluke, right? I can't possibly make 10% every day for much longer, can I?
I made over $9,000 just on friday in GBTC, not counting my others cryptos. Good times!
Lurk moar ffs
what? 1200/month is definitely an amount you shouldnt be quitting your job for lol
I want to quit my job after my current contract . I could of slot earlier but I fell for the university meme and dident buy bitcoin when I was going to uni. I'm not wagecucking anymore fuck this. Neo to the moon
if u can do this month after month, wont the gains just keep getting better with time?
if u do 0.1 a week, in 2 months u can be doing .4 a week lol.
i'm making roughly $1200 a month from my job dude and i'm considered upper-middle class. dollar is expensive here. so if i make equal money by trading i'd certainly quit.
Which developing country do you live in?
It's all fun until you have to go somewhere and see the poor wage cucks, some of which work an entire month for $700
Top kek
Yeah, if you're in a developing country it'd be worth it but in the US that's really not enough to live off of unless you're in a very rural area and even then you'd be stretching things.
Lol I make 10k a month and no rent I'm not upper class
There is a lot of research to be done. Watch hours of YouTube videos and spend time on coinmarketcap ans tradingview to figure it out. Make less trades and hold, remove emotion out of the picture.
I'll teach you for $1000 - 1.5hour noob friendly lesson should cover it. Was a noob 2 months ago so i have noob strats but i did get from $500 to $5000
temp mail: [email protected]
Stop thinking in dollar fags, think in bitcoins only, my goal is 1 btc a day trading
>i have noob strats
Don't email this guy unless you want to get JUST'd
are u retarded?
what YT channels do u recommend?
that Dunn guy?
I wouldn't either but idk, it worked for me and It's nothing super crazy
the house always wins
this dude updates almost daily go back and watch his last five videos. He made a sit ton this week.
First of all you didn't make anything until you sell and then cash out.
Second of all for someone to make money somebody else has to lose it, so this isn't a magical solution to your financial problems.
In any case newfags will learn this overtime.
>i'm making roughly $1200 a month from my job dude and i'm considered upper-middle class.
That's minimum wage in the US
Depends what counry you live in.
Where I live thats what, managers, analysts and programmers make.
if he's american, he would be better off quitting desu. I'm european from mid tier country and I earn 1300 € a month after 3 years experience.
minimum wage is $400 here lol
In my country minimum wage is 120 usd
damn, is it some southern asian country? South America?
кaк дeлa бpaтишкa?
Fuck me. I have to go to the office tomorrow man. Post this shit on a Thursday not a sunday.
I want to do this but am less than excited about the the sending fees I'm gonna have to deal with because of coinbase. Still, I would have made a nice profit buying NEO last night if I had gone for it
>yfw you lose even more money in 3 minutes after a whale decides to dump the moment you buy in
>how can I go back to wagecucking after this?
Because you can lose that $700 in 3 minutes by clicking two buttons too.
nice gif
>>yfw you lose even more money in 3 minutes after a whale decides to dump the moment you buy in
it's a pattern on bittrex. people are getting scammed hardcore
>tfw I'm a network engineer/support and 90% of my job is remoting in to client VM's and routers
>sit and my pc and trade crypto all day at work and watch youtube
>make money while i make money
why the fuck would I quit? I'd be at home doing the same shit
the second worst part about akira is that everybody makes that face all the time
the worst part is that the second act has an explosion and a dust cloud every 30 seconds
Uganda average is like $350 a month I think?