Rialto.ai XRL

WEW lads.


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What a great run so far.

Was wondering how long it would take for this hidden gem to show up on Veeky Forums.

what is this?

aren't they suppose to be listed on exchanges in August?

Most of the time people get told to shut up about it.
market maker/trading bot. will eventually pay dividends to holders from profits.

Don't want to shill too hard, but if you missed DICE or TAAS. This might be your next opportunity.

Supposedly. I wonder if they will have issues with trex as they pay dividend.

actually I was checking on them last week, but using etherdelta was too much of a hassle to get in.

if you try again in the future with a metamask account follow this guide imgur.com/a/cOMNk#htbWyTP

>RIALTO.AI is a team of data scientists, trading economists and signal processing experts, designing proprietary algorithms for arbitrage and market making.
Why do they need a crypto coin to do this? Isn;t this a security that's going to get blocked by the SEC?

Why would they or anyone share or even sell a bot that is working ?

i think the point of conducting an ico was to raise the liquidity for the arbitrage to work. no point having a bot if you don't have the funds to work with

Yes they wanted more liquidity on on more exchanges.

Copy pasted from an interview (google investitin rialto):
"Why is an ICO needed to run this AI trading algorithm? Wouldn’t it be more profitable for the team to run the whole thing for themselves?

To scale up. A person or a team can successfully execute arbitrage only among few exchanges on a very limited volume. Transactional market for crpytocurrencies and digital assets is growing rapidly and there is a real need from its users for large institutional market makers. Spreads among gateways are too large, transactions too slow and matching of orders inefficient. By establishing a market-making fund, we will have the advantage of creating one-point access to largest numbers of gateways, earn a fraction on growing number of transactions, and drastically increase efficiency of the crypto markets.

Example of two gateways, where, at its peaks, users had to take 15% and even 25% haircut for USD dollar to USD dollar transaction. Of course, the whole market consists of much more gateways and 15+ crypto and fiat currencies. The potential for market making on Ripple payment protocol is unprecedented."

>can successfully execute arbitrage only among few exchanges on a very limited volume
This is completely stupid
Arbitrage is not scalable by the one doing it, but by the people trading normally and who give an opportunity of arbitrage

And the volume that is profitable from arbitrage is pretty low

Unless I'm missing some important point that you're not mentionning, there is absolutely no point sharing your method with anyone

When people eventually shift to a single decentralized exchange won't this be pointless?

It's a bot running 24/7. They needed more money to make more money. How are you not getting this.

If they're so profitable they wouldn't have needed an ICO and could have just taken out a loan or gotten investment capital. They're a bunch of slavs from University of Potato.

Do you not know how arbitrage work ?

I've made a bot myself that computed arbitrage possible gain and it was minimal
Interesting for a few person to take profit of, but not many, as the average gain for each person doing it would decrease dramatically

Great ICO catch, great product opportunity

How many currencies were you running it on?



all that were listed on bittrex

With how many other exchanges?

There is no market for arbitrage. I've tried making bots before and found the same thing as well. The prices all move within the range in which fees make arbitrage unprofitable.

Oh ok you failed at this so it could never possibly work. I'll sell now. Thanks.

I'm a master's student in applied math.

Check the prices yourself and see if there's room for arbitrage after fees.

What is your main source of news?

So clearly more qualified than the 5 PhD's on their team. Don't worry. I'm selling.

Have you actually checked any of their backgrounds? There's an unbelievable amount of busllhit in crypto right now.

Yes. Have you?

No because I'm not a bagholder. I can only speak from my experience writing trading bots, and from my knowledge of microeconomics which states that market inefficiencies will disappear the more that people try to exploit them through arbitrage.

Also I call bullshit on your background research. If you had really done that then you would have already known that arbitrage is unprofitable.

Nigger you can click on all of their profiles on their website. This isn't difficult. Go do it. Read the whitepaper. You might find it interesting even.

So you call reading their own marketing material background research? Whatever, stupid people deserve to lose their money.

I'm out.

I'm up 570% you fucking moron.

Future top 10 coin. Everything NMR wanted to be, but couldn't.

not too late to get in now?

It would be worth trying to see if you can get in closer to $0.40.

actually I did some stalking on each individual LinkedIn and I was not impressed, although I must say the idea and the gainz were appealing

>not buying when it crashed below ico price