Thomas More

Why does the Church of England consider him a 'reformation martyr' when he was a Catholic until the end and was literally killed because he refused to partake in the Church of England?

Is there something I'm missing?

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British propaganda

baka dumb protestants, truly degenerate.

Maybe they meant reformation era martyrs?

The Eternal Anglo strikes again


They seeked to reform the church from within not without

Thomas More wrote utopia, literally everything from communism to post-modernism is his fault. HVIII chopping his satanic head was based beyond all measure.
Tyndale on the other hand, is a man worth remembering.
The CofE is just trying to respect papists because there just tolerant faggots nowadays.

He also was self-aware enough to actually call it utopia, which if you do not know means "No Place". Clearly he did not intend for anyone to actualize what he wrote in there.

>holy communion to a dog
this made me distressed, and I don't even believe in god anymore

>people on this board circle jerk about early Christianity
>Anglos do it

REEEEEE degenerateeeeee.

Make up your minds.

The Church of England didn't even start out as a reformist church, they just added that later. It began as Catholicism 2.0 but with the King instead of the Pope.
Thomas More was killed because he refused to call the King the rightful church authority of England, not because he refused to acknowledge any new doctrinal developments.

>killed because he refused to partake in the Church of England
>reformation martyr
Well he was a catholic martyr to the reformation. Those are still reformation martyrs, from a certain pov.
I'm sure the anglican church is not fussed in the least if plebs mistake the martyred to angle with the martyred for angle in this case.

More importantly, why is he venerated by anyone? He had protestants burned alive. He was clearly a sick individual who got what he deserved.

Is that the truth, or did you hear it from Thomas Cromwell?

Yes it is the truth, he's rather a controversial character in British history because of it.

He's a rather controversial figure because they want to make him the bad guy and prop up Cromwell as a heroic, secular figure.
Fucking Anglo tricks.

And who cares if he burnt heretics, they're heretics

Well, you're certainly a very strange fellow. I don't really have any idea what you are on about. Cromwell lived in a different century.

>Cromwell lived in a different century.
Are you fucking stupid? Thomas Cromwell, not Oliver Cromwell

this reminds me of when I was like 8 years old and baptized my cat.

That's not an excuse for burning people alive, Pedro.

