What would each pure race look like today if racemixing never occurred?
What would each pure race look like today if racemixing never occurred?
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Europeans would be dark skinned with blue eyes, Asians would look like pic related but with varying degrees of hair color, and Africans would look like the Khoisan or Pygmies.
In actuality, if race mixing didn't exist, no one would be alive except for the San and other related groups. Neanderthals and Denisovans might even be still alive, though that's species mixing. Basically OP, your question is pretty dumb, you might want to expand on it.
If everyone stuck to their tribe and never interbreeded beyond third cousins or do anything that would create an offspring with genetic defects since the dawn of humanity until now.
>if racemixing never occurred
This is nonsensical since a separate "pure" race has never existed nor could exist.
>though that's species mixing
Actually the Denisovans, Neanderthals etc are branches of Homo Sapiens. For perspective, they're Homo Sapiens Neanderthalis, while we're Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
>dude race is a social construct lmao
You're going by the "species = fertile kids" thing right? What do you think of wolves/dogs (Canis lupus, canis lupus familiaris)and coyotes (Canis latrans) mixing with each other successfully? Or brown bears (Ursus arctos) and polar bears (Ursus maritimus)?
That's not what he meant you fucking brainlet.
There are literally no pure races on the planet. Even a woman who's skin color is so dark she looks purple is genetically mixed.
Even the San, who are pretty damn close to Paleolithic African (Homo sapiens and its spinoff subspecies, H. sapiens sapiens, which includes the San and every other race, and H. sapiens idaltu, now extinct) are mixed. There are few San people with 100% San DNA, most of them are BANTU'd or BLEACHED by Dutch and British Europeans in some degree.
oddly beautiful
Aboriginals. Unironically
This question depends on what a pure race is defined as.
When the Celts and Germanics first made contact, would they have looked more physically distinct from one another than they do now?
Southern Germans are the product of Germanics absorbing Celts.
This proves that race IS a social construct
Obviously humans are genetically distinct from one another, but these differences don't map over the racial categories we've created.
It's interesting that even just in west Eurasia before the advent of farming you had a shitloads of genetic differentiation. It's one of the main points of the last years papers on the advent of farming from a genetics point of view.
The genetic distance between European foragers and Iranian foragers was comparable to that between modern Germans and the Chinese.
Really sad that all that differentiation got lost.
Genetic distances blow up in small inbred groups which drift hard compared to large groups.
But if these small inbred groups merge together with others from the same geographic area some of the drift goes away because of the way allele frequencies work.
true but the point remains, other stats support pretty long term genetic isolation between those groups
>This proves that race IS a social construct
You ever had any doubt?
Is this supposed to represent pure "white" woman? lmao
post a more beautiful -pure- woman
I'll wait
and before you post some doe-eyed medi girl, they are MIXED
I didn't say they weren't beautiful, I'm just saying they don't represent pure whiteness at all (like it was intended alog all the other pics that were dumped). Look like regular mediterranean/american women.
Nords are more mixed than South Europeans
That claim makes no sense.
It does
Northern Europeans are the same people they were in 2000 BC.
Southern Europeans have mixed with MENA since then.
>Southern Europeans have mixed with MENA since then.
[citation needed]
South Europeans have a sprinkle of Phoenician, that's it.
Besides Phoenician is just the pleb tier answer.
Rome and Greece imported slaves from Anatolia, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt etc for a thousand years. Merchants from those countries also settled there.
Romans and Greeks settled in Anatolia and Levant much than natives of those areas settled in Greece or the Italian peninsula. Besides extreme examples like Malta there hasn't been any serious genetic changes in Southern Europe in thousands of years.
You're a literal brainlet who probably thinks Greeks got TURKED and Iberians are moorish.
There would be different species
Greeks didn't get TURK'D because they lack the Central Asian DNA which Turks have a notable amount of.
They do share Anatolian DNA with Turks though.
As for settlement, Greek Cypriots are essentially pure Levantine Lebs who have a Greek identity. Easy to imagine Greek culture spread to other places through assimilation as well.
The ultimate whitey. Ready to carry that burden.
Well yeah, but the user I was talking to was making fun of the people who say we have absolutely no differences whatsoever. We do, but they're minor compared to other animals.
And those people were mixed. The oldest North Europeans had relatively dark skin (they were lighter than their cousins in West/Central and South Europe) and blue eyes. North Euros didn't get lighter until people from the East (both Central Asia and the Middle East but at different times) came over.
What a weird nose.
At least African and Semitic admixtures weren't involved.
Can't say the same about Southern Euros..
Your point is?