Hahahah what the fuck

Hahahah what the fuck.

You know NEO is literally nothing but "muh Chinese ethereum"? Please go ahead and check their github, it is literally ONE GUY who barely understands .NET principles and OOP standards making it. Top fucking kek. In CHINA. WHERE LABOR IS FREE. A BILLION DOLLAR TECH PRODUCT






This thing is going to crash so hard once people find out NEO is literally nothing. Their latest release? Replacing all namespaces from antshares to neo. Top fucking kek.

You have been had. I hope you get out safely. Biggest marketing scam to unfold over crypto.

Other urls found in this thread:


only bad thing about neo is that I didn't buy when the biz-shilling started

Anyone who doesn't sell today is going to be poor forever. This is the beginning of the end for this vaporwave bullshit.

Fake News

lol I just checked

no comment whatsoever in his code

literally one guy and doesn't intend to work with anyone

Aww did you wake up and realized you missed out on even more mooning, you no NEO loser NEET? Keep FUDing. We'll keep winning :)

he's a chink they never comment shit

fucking garbage devs

Everyone knows, an no one cares.

You can still hop on the ride, user.

they don't use github

COPE. Missing ETH at 10$, you can still buy in at 50$ senpai

This OP is another noneo newfags balls deep in DGB ARK and LTC

NEO is bad cuz uhhh im a better dev than chinks....

This is how no NEOs cope


I am not saying you are not winning. Maybe today. Tomorrow. But one day this piece of nothing will come crashing down. When someone with authority in the scene pinpoints every single thing wrong with it.

Go check the github. There is a contributors tab. One guy. And a few others with some mundane edits. Check out the code. Looks like absolute garbage. No documentation about anything. No clear dev roadmap. Not even proper issue management. Just watch it and come back and tell me how you are not holding a hot potato.

Have you dumb fudding fags not heard of CoZ?

Yes we get you are salty. You sold early, or didnt get on board early enough. no you cant influence price with biz shitposting. stay poor fellas.

Are you shitting me? Do you even know the project you are in on? It is fucking linked everywhere. They have a closed repository? Haha, even better.

>muh github
Shut up and cope more, loser. They don't use github lmao

they don't really update it is what i mean

if youre a good developer you dont need comments. your code should be easily readable and understandable on its own. unless youre using perl or some shit. comments are for hacks.

Neo is King. Already made 20k out of it. Soon #3

>muh they don't use github
What do they use then? Haha, it is actually FUNNY how you are trying to defend yourself with the same VOID neo is based on.


I am a developer and I have never met a competent Dev with +2 years experience who unironically comments their code. It's always overeager new devs who think it'll impress in code review. People who can actually code don't waste time on extraneous bullshit like commenting.

i'm not here to defend whether it's a scam or not. i'm here to make money. i've made close to 20k. you must be a no-neo


I am not saying you can't make money from this hype, just that people who pretend neo is some sort of holy crypto grail are wrong. It is just a massive FOMO and thus daytrade paradise. Once the sell off happens, the blood bath is going to be beautiful.

Especially because you are so emotionally attached and will still want to stay on the sinking ship thinking it will actually be something someday. News flash: the NEO platform is fucking nothing. No joke. Just try and find ANYTHING useful about it other than their wallet which even barely works either.

So what, it got me 5k. I swear some people here are fucking retarded.

>code has no comments

Please enlighten me. What is CoZ, and why should I invest because of it?


It is not about no comments. It is about it being a one man show by a mediocre developer at best.

You're just jealous dude. It's ok to admit it

Shit like this is what I mean.

Unoptimized spaghetti garbage code by a developer who doesnt listen to anyone yet thinks he is senior because what he made is "worth" a billion now.

>the NEO platform is fucking nothing.

Just like all fucking crypto lmao. If you see ANY crypto as anything more than a way to make money you are a fucking tool.

Jealous about what? Are you implying I don't have neo and don't know when to get out?

PAY. Real product. OMG. Real product. Ethereum. Real product. And tens of others which have actual products and usecases or interaction with block chain technology.

Crypto and fundamentals is here to stay. Shitcoins like neo are not.

Literally DGB 2.0

Kek that code

Lol salty eth bag holder, are we

>muh real productz

OMG is yet another fucking erc20 fundraising token with a meme name

Redpill me on this what is the problem
I 'm an architect not a software engineer although I dabbled with it

zip it.


ETH has been grandfathered in by the newfags into "legitimate coin" status.

Holy fuck, if the newfags could have experienced the ETH fud that went on here and on Bitcoin talk before February they would realize how fucking stupid they are.

I use comments on long term projects so I remember what I was doing

To be more specific, ETH is just as much a piece of vaporware as it was in February. All that changed was the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and a whole lot of hype. There are still no dapps, PoS hasn't been implemented, and there have been many hacks and exploits of the Solidity programming language, yet ETH still reached $400, and is now sitting close to $300.

My point is, none of this matters. NEO can reach $300+ too, simply because of hype and greed. If Ether could do it for these reasons, NEO can just as well.

This is nonsense. Document your code you lazy faggot

Im a neo holder but I agree with OP.
Their github looks very sketchy.

If you have investments in NEO, pay attention to their announcements, when NEO is ready to be programmable, if their project is shit, it will be very easy to find complains about it.
Also if this is a scam they will delay the date of the first release of their platform.

Notice how they didn't actually make any specific criticisms of the code? That's because there's nothing wrong with it, it just doesn't look particularly attractive visually, hence the "spaghetti code" meme, often invoked by junior developers who obsess over the appearance of their code at the expense of functionality/getting shit done.

If you knew what Omise and the relationship to OmiseGo was, you wouldn't make such bald statements. I am not even going to explain it.

If you knew anything about programming principles, you would know what is wrong with that code and how it can be made better. If you don't, head over to /g/ and ask what is wrong with that code. Someone might be nice enough to spoon-feed you.

I work as a dev.
Made a kraken account 3 weeks ago.
Looked into Ethereum, Stratic, NEO.
Went on the Western NEO community slack.
Talked with some devs.
Deviced to buy 1k NEO


You're welcome

If you knew what Omise and the relationship to OmiseGo was, you wouldn't make such bald statements. I am not even going to explain it.

>If you knew anything about programming principles, you would know what is wrong with that code and how it can be made better.

>I have really great arguments but I'm not going to bother elucidating because I'm totally disinterested in all this, despite having 20 posts in the thread


This isn't even core. Basically something like myetherwallet (third party). So there might be a "nice" wallet, the actual product itself is still utter garbage. Maybe they should work on that instead of their minimalistic wallet aesthetics.

Riddle me this, when is the next neo release? Or anything noteworthy coming out? Like any of that promised "new economy" shit?

I always said it's a fucking shitcoin. Just because the Chinks have a TON of money to throw around doesn't mean they are suddenly trustworthy or capable in tech.

Looking forward to the great crash and all the NEOcuck tears.

>t. no neo loser NEET

>bought a couple of months ago when it was under $10
>just checked randomly today

Holy shit. Why did it moon?

Don't know.

I know the blockchain is faster and more accessible than Ethereum.

I fully agree that Ethereum has a much better infrastructure and more devs, and some known to be very good.

When Ethereum manages to translate a normal language to their Virtual Machine, I'll do that. For now, I'll try to set up the Python kit.
I talked to the Western devs and it looks fun.

why are you cunts so caught up on the language, it was created purposely with it's own language

>the blockchain is faster and more accessible
it's a completely worthless shitcoin with an ambitious roadmap, it has absolutely nothing going for it right now.


yeah whatever.
Why do you call me cunt?
Why do you imply it's not faster when it is?
Whatever, don't respond.

From a practical perspective, people want to hire folks who know a language, not ones who learned one 2 months ago.
That's not to say it will not establish itself in the future, but it's not practical.

Yes we get you are trying to shill your own investment. Its true it is just an ethereum token

thanks for the warning just bought 100k NEO

FUCKING THANK YOU. The sooner this shit antship crashes, the better off crypto will be.

>>coping this hard

i wish i was around to see all the eth fud and cope when eth shot through the roof

and i wonder for how long the fudders kept shitposting even as they saw eth rise before their eyes and they could have jumped on the ship

i also wonder how much shitpost there was on how eth was going to crash any minute

it's not nonsense. are you an actual developer that has an actual job where you're paid to write software? most places frown on comments, since they're mostly used as a crutch to explain shitty, convoluted, unintuitive code.

it feels about the same.

Yea, it is pretty bad. I was thinking of making a refactor pull request and completely revamping the wallet to proper mvvm

what shit hole do you work for? Obviously there doesnt need to be comments every line but saying that is frown about is flat out wrong. Documentation is key if your company ever scales.

I mean what hes saying is true and I don't quite understand why we're mooning this hard but fuck it, set your stop loses and enjoy the ride.

I'll never underestimate the power of FOMO again

Oldfag 25 years in dev here... You're an idiot

last 3 companies ive worked for have had this policy. work for a crm software company now and network device companies before this. company now has scaled big time and our codebase is doing just fine. we're still using and maintaining coldfusion code our CTO wrote back when he was an entry level dev 10 years ago.

suck my ass.

>most places frown on comments
Ok pajeet.

What the fuck

someone pls give a proper answer

>year of our Lord 2017
Jesus fuck. Can't believe that's still around

there is no problem. the code works. it's fine. these autistic coders wanna act all superior because they are used to code looking different for some reason.

Guy is streaming about NEO in 20 mins
Get Smart with Fellow Biz/Tard


best part is we just spend the last year rebuilding our entire app to use angular /typescript and dualbyte support for international markets, but saved replacing the coldfusion code for last and went past our deadline, so its going to be around for at least another couple years until we try to get rid of it again.

nigga i work for a crm company too

there's probably dozens of us.

fuck me just review the damn code


I hate my job passionately btw.

the product i work on isnt crm tho

still hate my job

we work for crm companies. that goes without saying.

>the product i work on isnt crm tho

Again, same. Who knows, we might work in the same company.

Worst FUD attempt I've seen here in a long time. Their Github page hasn't been updated since Jan 2017, i.e. they don't use Github any longer.

This is how you know crypto is in a bubble
Beginning stages or not, bubble

hmm where are you located


>Hahahah what the fuck.


I invested a quite a lot of cash in NEO when it was 40 dollars and now it is 50. I am anxious as fuck about NEO, where do you guys see NEO in a year or two?

Now THIS is copeposting

Read the AMA on reddit you dumb cuck

Software dev here for 5 years. There's no real issues with the code. I understand it fine.

The only complaint I have is the function doesn't actually calculate (it's doing pre-validation before calling the internal calculator. A proper name for that function should be validateCoinReference().

nowhere it's literally a useless shitcoin directly competing with eth, something that isn't useless with tons of infrastructure and shit in the works on top of it

neo will literally be a year behind

Hilarious, the run's gone too far for any more shilling to affect it, top 5 coin and not stopping til 10b cap.

Stay poor faggot

If you think NEO is just gonna burn to ashes from the #5 spot anytime in the near future then you're fucking delusional. I work in advertising and let me tell you, the branding is fucking everything. You're too smart for your own good, most people buy the brand, not the tech. However, this one happens to have decent code and a solid idea behind it as well. How many awesome coins with great teams have you seen just sit on the runway doing nothing because 95% of these fucking nerds know NOTHING about how to brand a product or idea (seriously, the branding is just awful on most of these).You're absolutely retarded if you're not holding a few of these just in case the momentum keeps growing. I expect a correction at some point but the coin is a good hold for at least 3-6 months if not more. Also, fyi, the fact that it's based in China is irrelevant to almost everyone except you dumbass racists on Veeky Forums, it might actually be a good thing for public perception.

There are no "hacks" in solidity, there were exploits due to shitty programming. Just like in any other language.

There is however a ton of support software for ethereum, frameworks, working products built on top of it, oracles, stackoverflow entries, etc.

>he thinks the language matters

>works in advertising
>thinks he can tell if NEO has "decent code"

kek. this isn't about different brands of toothpaste, this is about actual software that companies are supposed to work with