New hit




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no thanks

I can't believe this guy is gonna run two scams out of the same coin and people going for it.

Pretty good looking opportunity with this coin. Contract loan system, manual mining. Seems unique, Low coin circulation right now as well so that inflation possibility is pretty cool. Would be like buying MNE when it was still a baby coin.

I agree, looks very promising.

On the other hand you never know nowadays what is scam and what represents a valid project.

On bitcointalk they speak very good of the dev team and the price is still pretty good to get in.


Does it even matter that much these days tho? As long as it goes up in value and you sell at the right time (which imo will be around 2$) than you've been successful. Most people here just want a quick buck, TME will definitely allow for that.

That is only up to you what kind of time span you are looking for. There are tons of coins/tokens that might be a good long term investment. I hope TME is one of them.

I am pretty sure that BYTOM is one of them. That shit will moon like NEO in the next few weeks as NEO is already overpriced.

But that's just my guess I am no crypto expert :/

this will go to 15k sat easy, right now its at 900

I agree man.

Considering there is just a 2BTC sell wall on 1k, which is easily breakable it might moon even higher...2-3k maybe tonight?

it should go really high really fast since the sell walls arent huge and have massive gaps from small to huge amounts.

get in on the next 10x double doubler

For those who wanna get it, do it fast I guess:


This shit is not even on coinmarketcap and it's already starting to moon.

Look at the order book. Once the 2BTC sell wall at 1k sat gets broken the way to 10k sat is completely clear. :)

its a beautiful site

ffs my 120 sat buy order never went through and now the price is already at 800 sat fuck

Going up too quick mate.

I bough some lower, but most of it at 900 sat, which might seems too high but cmon...just 3 btc and we at 10k sat...

Manually mined? WTF is that?

indeed it is, most well made crypto site ive seen in a while, still not buying this shitcoin though,

you need to manually mine it with a pickaxe

Manually mined:

Manual generation where reward is increased with time waited to deploy batches should encourage holders of this coin to have long term interest in its success.

Parent-child address holders will be the only owners able to deploy batches.

This coin can be used as a base token to create many more coins and manually generating contracts.

More info here:

A parent-child address pair is two Ethereum address linked within an Ethereum contract to produce batches. Together, they are able to generate coins like a mint when the owner moves any amount from the child address to the parent address. Only ten batches can be produced per pair and the reward from each batch increases with time, reaching maximum reward in ten years (5000 coins per batch).

i can give away 100 timereum to 5 addresses if you guys send me the necessary eth to use as gas to send the coins

Super Bowl quality commercial for TME

Thanks man, but I already own 10k of them :D

Can you hear any sound in the video? :O

All in man

yes i can he should change the music to something a little more catchy
video looks pretty professional though

timereum should get added to coinmarketcap in a about a week. we filled out the necessary form

So according to bitcointalk it should hit two more exchanges, one of which is Cryptopia.

Moreover imagine the pump it gets once its listed on coinmarketcap.com.

This will be indeed huge guys.

more like 5 people filled in the form :P, might get on faster than a week

Should I get it before it goes to Cryptopia? I'm tired of signing up for all these exchanges.

Feels good to get in early and profit

How much eth is that?

Isn't Chrono logic a similar thing?

Well, look at it this way.

Usually when coins hit bigger exchanges they go up 100-300%. This one is being traded for the first day on an exchange that's considered lower tier and isn't even fully public as it's not on coinmarket cap. That means you WILL VERY LIKELY buy that coin once it hits Cryptopia with a big premium... :/

Just from quick scanning of the concept I think it's different. But Chrono looks nice as well!

0.001 is needed to send TME
is my address

It's literally a ripoff of MNE

if your using my ether wallet you need 0.01 in your address before it will even let you spend the gas.

i'm not using myetherwallet

Now THAT is comedy

how? the name?

how the name?
it's called timereum because the longer you wait before mining your coins the more coins you get max. per address pair is 500000 coins if you wait 10 years

I don't think it's a ripoff of MNE.

MNE seems to be going for your own token creation.

TME is goins for manual TME token creation between two parties.

But of course it's probably too soon to call ripoffs and scams as we don't know much yet, except the fact that it's very new, has nice page, will hit exchanges and (from my point of view) is interesting. Don't want to shill though.


this looks so fucking stupid


Let's see mate. But if it moons, remember me hahaha

>he didn't buy at 70 or even 100
>now he's sad

lol rip
inb4 50000

Nice just bought 100k

Just bought 2k, 50k sats W H E N?

Apparently, some guy claiming to have insider info projected it's price to be $3 in a couple of days

vote on all exchanges they tweeted so theyll added them



>first day volatility
>it's crashing

kys weakling

Shows over
back to 1 satoshi

How the fuck do you buy this?

If you're smart, you don't.


So this is meant to be that MNE 2.0? Shouldn't we be able to transfer our MNE to it, because that's what the MNE dev said somewhere in the past. Any instructions on that if it's possible yet or am I gonna have to finally cut my losses on MNE and then move it over to the exchange with Timereum?

Timereum is not MNE V2
Might be the same dev though. Doesn't seem like it be it could be

>dev said
You trusted that guy?


feels pretty damn good to have a genesis parent/ child combo.

Untouched as we speak.
And I will keep it like that.

lol just 100k market cap. This is gonna moon sooooo hard

W H E N $1 ?

Nope, it's not. Mne 2.0 will come out at the of August, just wait.

At the end*

I will never own anything with such a gay name.

Blockfolio when?

hope soon


Missed the boat, just because you found something gay lol


If this fades into obscurity, I'm gonna neck every pajeet

i want to open a nomenclature school for crypto devs

what will you include?

what would be a target marketcap to sell at?

Just put 1k USD into this as it will only go up from now on but desu someone explain to me what this coin actually offers. I have read 0.

one of the use cases is Lending/Loans, the other use case is in time-related sectors, say construction or transportation

minimum 5m USD, right now it's 100k. You're early af, will make some sweet profits when it moons

sweeet. I got in at 90k market cap, so that should be a great little score!

Typical 4 word shill post. They only make 1 rupee per post so they have to make up for it in quantitiy

be sure to grab all the screenshot of the haters so we can thoroughly rub their noses in it when it makes us rich.

UPDATE its added to coin market place

lol i thought Ethereum was a shitty name too and look where it is now

How much have you guys chucked on this so far?

im in for 10k at 900sat

it's trading at 900 sat atm?

I currently own about 65k of them.

This is a mega scam, don't fall for this shit. Many people active to create big threads here and on bitcointalk with no actual info whatsoever, except repeating the same lines.

They spend all their time in creating a good looking site and a video but they are actually retarded.

Also wow, a white paper of 1 page, you must have worked really hard on that, gj !

Its the same people talking against eachother in this thread and on the bitcointalk etc, don't fall for this scam.

Read about the lending system though. It looks pretty legit.

Just get out, any semi possible idea they could have will instantly be recreated by any other decent coin anyway.

I put $50 in it for fun. I'm just going to see if it goes anywhere.

>everything new is a scam