Why do people who criticize Communism never actually know what it is?
It's almost as if Anti-Communists are somehow brainwashed by some kind of major force in society into thinking Communism is something it's not.
Why do people who criticize Communism never actually know what it is?
It's almost as if Anti-Communists are somehow brainwashed by some kind of major force in society into thinking Communism is something it's not.
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Do you think capital is evil?
Yeah, no. People despise your worthless cult because of the actions of those who affiliate themselves to it. You can say ABLOO BLOO BLOO all you like, you scum made your bed, now die in it.
Are you okay?
I'm not the mentally defective manbabby who thinks "HURR GOMMUNISM CULD TOTES WORK U GAIS XD"
Good for you my friend. Really.
You're using the term in a very broad sense.
Are you strictly referring to the theory of communism? Or are you referring to it's historical significance?
>'m not the mentally defective manbabby
according to your posts ITT thus far, I would call that into question. Not even a gommunist
>It's instead of its, fucking autocorrect
Communism by the definition of Karl Marx.
>From each according to his ability
Why though? Someone may have the ability to work on fixing cars but he may enjoy cooking more, should he have to work only on what he's more skillful at? And who determines where he's more skillful at in such example?
>to each according to his needs
Who is to say what people need?
List some examples of a succesful communist society. I'll wait.
If you manage even one, I'll concede communism hasn't been a complete disaster that is only supported by utter retards post 1991.
There's never been a Communist society
A currently successful Socialist society would be Rojava.
>Who is to say what people need?
Government. And they decided that you don't need food because you're a kulak
>say fascism is equal to national socialism, equal to capitalism
>proceed to hate the formers more than capitalism
>complains when people think you are a non-binarian lesbian afroamerican SJW woman
There is no state under Communism
Anti-communism is the natural position of anyone with an IQ over 80.
It makes sense, really, as opposition to communism is the worlds only objective virtue.
Funny how there always is, though.
Almost as though...communism is an unviable ideology? But how can that be? Some long dead old fart who's been wrong about pretty much everything so far said otherwise!
>here's never been a Communist society
thank you and goodnight.
You're proving OP's point.
>because of the actions of those who affiliate themselves to it
Like doubling China's population, doubling China's life expectancy, pushing China's literacy from 17% to 90% in just 2 decades? Like economic growth of 900% during Stalin's Five Year Plans, boosting Soviet literacy from 20% to 90% in a single decade, boosting Soviet life expectancy by 150% in just two decades?
Fucking disgusting commie faggots. Poor people don't deserve healthcare, education, or a lifespan over 30. Only wealthy Jewish bankers deserve fundamental human rights.
The People, in both cases. The Proletariat. Are you asking ironically or do you truly know dick about communism?
imagine being this brainwashed.
Communist delusion is a powerful thing.
Wait, not powerful, hilarious to watch. Keep sporting, retard.
Prove me wrong.
Capitalist countries managed to achieve that and more without massive famines, dictatorships, civil war and fudging their statistics.
This doesn't account for absolute shitshow a like in Cambodia and North Korea.
Really, what is the upside to communism, because I'm not seeing it.
If people were perfect communism would be great, but humans are naturally flawed so it's impossible to put into practice
There's never been a communist society, he admitted it.
People hate communism because it can't be achieved, but has failed catastrophically whenever someone has tried.
This fellow comrade has no idea what 900% means, nor how you measure real literacy, never mind all the crazy atrocities he chooses to forget
The only criticism I have against communism with respect to its original conception is the danger of a self appointed leader. One can refer to analogies in biology (but I'll spare us some of the cringe), but in this case Plato would be a better reference with respect to evil men taking power over a given society.
In short, communism allows a void for a leader-whoever that individual may be-to exploit a so called Marxist society.
>This argument is meh
If we don't limit ourselves to strictly theory and include communism in practice, the conversation becomes a shit storm.
>Real communism has never been practiced
>Muh Cold war mentality
It's fun arguing with people over this shit, but it does a poor job reflecting the true ordeals society faces in the 21st century (meaning, a.i, individualism, singularity, automation, North v South as opposed to East v West)
Nevermind, it's another Stalin was great episode.
>Literacy rates go up by 900 percent
Because all the people that couldn't read starved to death, they couldn't give boiled grass to everyone ya know.
Cold War brainwashing is pretty heavy. It's how Amerifags accept shit like faggotry, degeneracy and decadence BECAUSE IT ISNT MUH COMMIE RASSIYA
The wrong side won the Cold War.
Yep capitalism work great.
back to reported
communism in theory would be something everyone regardless of class, status, race, sexual origin, age would thrive in, BUT....as with any form of government, communism also has to be run by someone. People have flaws and ulterior motives.
In practice going back to 1917, communism has been ruled by ONE Man telling society how much they can have, what they can have, and where to have it.
under communism, if you are a successful fisherman and can supply your family all the fish you can eat for two weeks, you can kiss your catch goodbye as that goes into the "pool" to be shared into the community. What communist apologists fail to see here is that there ARE going to be people within that community who will not pull their weight to help the community for the benefit of the whole. So they will do less because someone else will provide for the community anyway. This isn't always true. But for the most part, if humans can take advantage of it they will.
I've only touched the economic side of it. When it comes to health, if you have cancer and need treatment, you are at the mercy of communist bureaucrats telling you whether or not you need treatment and instead of referring you to a specialist, you are given someone from another field. How do I know this? I knew someone from Cuba who went through it. What's ironic is that Fidel used to go to Spain for his treatments. That's communism for you.
Capitalist countries like India have a literacy rate of 74%. Maoist China had a literacy rate of 90% in the 1960's, Stalinist Russia in the 1950's.
In your capitalist utopia of India, social mobility for 90% of citizens is literally impossible. 80% of children are severely malnourished. Most of the population lives on the brink of starvation.
The Khmer rouge in Cambodia was actually supported by Kissinger. It was Communist Vietnam which invaded Cambodia and overthrew Pol Pot.
North Korea isn't a "shitshow". According to the South Korean Hyundai Research Institute, North Korea's annual economic growth of 9% makes it the fastest growing economy in the world.
>communism says capital is ebul
>but ohh people are too evil to accept communism
>believing communist propaganda about literacy
China has different dialects, their language system is a mess, only the minority is marginally literate there
IMO Marx was just able to recognize negative consequences of industrial revolution, crazy amounts of overproduction that only furthered the gape between poor and the rich.
Our world actually accepted many positive things of Marxist teachings, we (well most of us anyway) no longer slave away 14 hours in pitiful conditions for a meagre pay, we have public schools, healthcare, paid vacations, etc. People generally live in work in a far more dignifying way than they did in Marx's time, and i think Marx would be pleased by that. Social democracy is at this point probably the most realistic thing we can come with from Marxist ideology.
The hierarchies will always naturally be formed and the state will somehow always still exist, so i don't agree with Marx with the whole "end of history" thing (which is funny because liberal capitalism actually accepted the same idea with after fall of the Wall, albeit modified). Maybe some form of communism will exist one day when most of the manual jobs are automatized and technology allows the production to be high enough to support it all. It is to be seen.
Marx is a VERY important thinker and his works should be approached more carefully.
Worst post of the week, congrats
>17 posters
>43 posts
Kek, shit bait copy pasta thread
Soviet Union under Stalin. China under Mao. Democratic Korea under Kim Il Sung. Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh. Communists in Kerala brought that region's HDI (Human Development Index) above that of some European countries. Cuba under Castro.
All of these societies provided their citizens universal healthcare and education, something you blatantly lack in the "Land of the Free". Those countries took care of their children, spending large sums of money on free after-school extracirricular activities, so kids don't start joining gangs and shooting each other like in the JewSA. Those countries promoted a culture and value system which lionized bravery, honest labor, and patriotism, instead of porn, drugs, and degeneracy like in Western crapitalism.
Even Western crapitalist scholars are forced to grudglingly admit China's spectacular progress under Mao.
This is a literal US government website:
>China's growth in life expectancy between 1950 and 1980 ranks as among the most rapid sustained increases in documented global history
Funny how I'm the only one actually citing reputable sources, facts, and statistics, whereas your anti-communist "sources" consist of Veeky Forums screencaps, memes, and "redpilled" YouTube videos.
I have read Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto. All the way through there was a double standard, attributing all the world's ills to capitalism while glossing over the possibility that corruption might also afflict the communists and workers.
It really made me think. What about the person who obtains capital through free exchange and without exploiting anyone?
Even the Jew York Times admits China under Mao saw a remakrable growth in literacy and education. It's true China has many dialects, but the Communist Party tried to address this by creating simplified Chinese, much easier to write, read, and learn than traditional Chinese.
>What about the person who obtains capital through free exchange without exploiting anyone?
Can you give an example?
This. Took the words right out of my mouth.
Nice. That screencap from an anonymous image board totally BTFOs all those cited facts, statistics, and documents. Capitalism wins yet again.
>links on solely mortality decline
Seen under many circumstances, most were non-communist circumstances
Ncbi is full of bad science, it is just a standard place to post stuff. I'm from STEM, I have to deal with this daily
Pre-capitalist china was so great they had to make capitalistic and enslave their population again on cheap labor, huh brother?
Don't you think you are being delusional? Education in China is still horrible
>it's wrong because it's from an imageboard, if you don't spend all your day here on this imageboard talking to me you have lost.
>but if you did take the whole trouble to argue I won't ignore your posts, I swear
Ah yes, make me laugh
>Seen under many circumstanes
Name one
>Education in China is still horrible
China is no longer really communist. I would call it state capitalist, because the state is still the biggest player in the economy.
I read most of your screencap. It sounds like some whiny faggot complaining about first world problems. Most of his problems wouldn't exist if China wasn't crapitalist.
>Soviet Union under Stalin.
100,000,000 citizens murdered by their own government.
>China under Mao.
78,000,000 citizens murdered by their own government.
>Democratic Korea under Kim Il Sung.
400,000 citizens murdered by their own government.
>Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh.
200,000 citizens killed by their own government.
>Cuba under Castro.
30,000 citizens murdered by their government.
Billions murdered through poverty or sent off to die in wars for the corrupt Pentagon-Wall Street deep state and their vassal states throughout the EU.
You could count the Civil War dead against the USA if you'd like.
You just couldn't count them against "Capitalism".
Communism is for useless losers, and therefore only useless losers promote it.
People who have value in the free market value the free market.
When Stalin took power, the population of the Soviet Union was 148 million. Source:
If Stalin killed 100 million, the population had to be only about 48 million when the Nazis invaded. They killed 27 million more, so the Soviet population must have been only 21 million in 1945.
This means the Soviet Union, a global superpower, had a smaller population than Mexico in 1950 (population of 25.7 million).
Sorry to inform you of this, but You're LITERALLY Retarded
>Most of his problems wouldn't exist if China wasn't crapitalist.
Kek, here comes the ebul capital
What do you expect from American education that worships capitalism because Wall Street and the Pentagon want it maintained at all costs so they subvert socialism to be about faggot rights, 3013913891th wave feminism and God knows what else just to not have themselves as the target as they rightfully should be.
Yes, I said that Stalin killed all of those people before WWII ended.
>another thread where tankies get BTFO
What's it like knowing your meme ideology will never, EVER be relevant again?
>Why do people who criticize Communism never actually know what it is
a fantasy?
All that's important is that attempts to apply the theories of communism have resulted in greatest humanitarian catastrophes and economic failures of the 20th century
Except the Civil War was literally caused by capitalism. Northern crapitalists wanted cheap southern cotton for their factories. Slavery was only a secondary cause of the conflict. This was the primary:
I know what Marxism is. I know what Marxism-Leninism is. I know what Stalinism is. I know what Maoism is. I know what "socialism with Chinese characteristics" is. I know what Juche is. If you have to alter an ideology to the point where it's unrecognizable just so it doesn't abruptly fail, it's probably a shitty ideology.
My uncle who left high school at 16, trained as a mechanic and eventually started a garage.
Tell me what crimes against humanity he has committed and why his life's work should be stripped away from him.
At least communism actually had a state. Ancap fags never will lmfao.
Juche isn't communism. Not even memeing here, they literally removed any mention of it from their constitution.
You had that in the Eastern Bloc too, no one was autistic against mom and pops, but all you got is trumped up Cold War hatred of something you don't understand. Unless you're unironically a Wall Street fanboy.
>At least communism actually had a state. Ancap fags never will lmfao.
You don't have to be an equally retarded ideologue to realize communism is garbage
I don't think Stalin killed 100 million, but I can tell that you are bad at math. Stalin didn't lose the war, so 48 million wasn't supposed to be the population when the Germans invaded. What is interesting and suggestive about Stalin killing a lot of people is that Russia has today what it had when Stalin took power, even though they had a huge birth rate of 44.0 per thousand in 1926.
Then you subtract more numbers, never adding births, which makes me think you never got beyond basic sum and subtraction.
Soviet population was 171 million in 1946 according to the article I linked here:
That would put the Soviet population at 71 million after Stalin's brutal barrol bombings of his own people.
In comparison, America's population in 1950 was 151 million.
Somehow, despite over 40% of the country being destroyed in WW2, and despite having less than half of America's population, the Soviet Union became a global superpower.
There are two possibilities: eiither Slavs are superhuman ubermenschen (they're not) or you're a colossally retarded dumbass
Please don't stop posting. Every post you make further exposes the completele intellectual bankruptcy of anti-communism
Go to bed Mao.
Anti-communism mostly stems from Americans and their Sorosoid fifth columnists throughout Europe going on about MUH DEHMACRACY MAH GAY RIGHTS. They aren't very smart.
>If Stalin killed 100 million, the population had to be only about 48 million when the Nazis invaded
Are you actually this retarded?
Private businesses that don't exploit anyone weren't just allowed, but encouraged in communist countries. During Stalin, there were thousands of such small businesses, called "artels". They made most of the Soviet Union's childrens' toys and furniture.
There is not a single word in all the works of Marx, Lenin, or Stalin which prohibit non-exploitative privately owned businesses.
>There is not a single word in all the works of Marx, Lenin, or Stalin which prohibit non-exploitative privately owned businesses.
Soviet-born 30-something here.
I remember your communism.
Fuck off.
Adler, N., Victims of Soviet Terror, 1993 cites these:
Chistyakovoy, V. (Neva, no.10): 20 million killed during the 1930s.
Dyadkin, I.G. (Demograficheskaya statistika neyestestvennoy smertnosti v SSSR 1918-1956 ): 56 to 62 million "unnatural deaths" for the USSR overall, with 34 to 49 million under Stalin.
Gold, John.: 50-60 million.
Davies, Norman (Europe A History, 1998): c. 50 million killed 1924-53, excluding WW2 war losses. This would divide (more or less) into 33M pre-war and 17M after 1939.
Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago,
Intro to Perennial Classics Edition by Edward Ericson: Solzhenitsyn publicized an estimate of 60 million. Aleksandr Yakovlev estimates perhaps 35 million.
Page 178: citing Kurganov, 66 million lives lost between 1917 and 1959
Do some reading.
I found him to be as such, yes.
Capital is amoral, which means its existence is invariably destructive to human life. The interests of capital are oppose to the interests of people.
Russia =/= Soviet Union
Russia = Soviet Union - Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.
Ukraine's population today is 44 million. Kazakhstan's is 18 million, Belarus' is 9 million. Those are just the three biggest former Soviet republics. Adding up all the rest will give you at least another 15-25 million
>he actually believes this
According to who?
The reason USA is full of crime and drugs is because of niggers. Substract niggers and they're the same as any European country.
I hope that picture is a well crafted bait and not something someone actually believes.
Those numbers separate these from the Russian count, there is no such problem, can't you even read? Ukraine not included.
Poor retard
Numbers from actual data, a 5 mins baby research.
Which is pretty high because of Reagan and the Hollywood libertine degenerate culture that made crime 'cool'.
The funniest thing is they honestly think they're "woke" and "redpilled". The /pol/tards even think they're anti-Jew, even though most big corporations and anti-communist "think" tanks are Jewish-controlled.
Is 148 million minus 100 million not 48 million? Go back to middle school shitbrain
Niggers are animals regardless of culture.
Former USSR countries RIGHT NOW have a combined 280 million people. Russian empire had 150 million people in 1907. Meme harder faggot.
> t-shirt that growth in literacy and life expectancy, plus massive gpd growth all while being boycotted by most of the world economy and genocided by Nazis/Japs is impressive but China and Russia had famines and killed people while developing, not like capitalists
What is:
The global slave trade
Genocide of Native Americans (millions still survived small pox retards, they were systemically dispossessed of their land and exterminated)
Congo Free State
Opium Wars
French torture and war to keep Algeria and Vietnam
...etc, etc...
Seems an awful lot worse and more wide spread. I mean jeez capitalists, hereditary chattel slavery... Using human hands as currency... That's pretty fucked.
Hey m8 I'm Eastern European too but there is literaly nothing, and I mean NOTHING wrong with exterminating Africans.
Kek, this cunt totally missed the point. 150 Mil in 1907 to 144 Mil 100 years later, he doesn't see it.
Ukraine was not listed there, brother
>150 mil to 280 mil
Fixed. Modern Russia doesn't have the same borders as Russian empire.