Redpill me on opening a restaurant, Veeky Forums

Redpill me on opening a restaurant, Veeky Forums.

gtfo normie

lotta work. how many years have you been working in a restaurant?

dont do it

Get a franchise or don't bother

Sometimes I wish Bailey Jay had a vagina.

Find a good spot and open a Burger King. Otherwise don't even bother.

You are better off just holding s&p 500

almost guaranteed failure. or pitiful profits.

this! get something that can be franchised or get a franchise yourself. think how you can sell your restaurant or make one in other cities, if not then don't unless it's your dream and you want to work there forever



I never have, but I'm familiar with working my ass off. I have a lot of friends in the business and I've been doing lots of research so I think I could handle the basics.

I don't want a franchise though. I can make plenty of money as an engineer, but I want to feed people and do something unique.

Prepare to work nonstop and don't event hink about having a girlfriend or family if you want decent income

Look like her and I think you could open about anything you wanted.

>le unique restaurant
Good luck with that.

>I never have
That's a red flag, friend. If you are really wanting to go down this hole, go find a restaurant job fast.

owning a restaurant is like having a kid with a drug habit,

the difference is you dont have to buy a restaurant

>I want to feed people and do something unique.
Train to become a street performer with the stage name "The incredible lightbulb-eating man who swallows lightbulbs with his anus" and in your free time work at a soup kitchen.

Still easier than opening a restaurant.

OP just read you never worked in a restaurant.

You're a fucking idiot.

DO NOT go into a business where you have never worked in the industry. You Are Guaranteed to fail. And no one will give you financing.

You have friends who work in restaurants, i have friends who are doctors and lawyers. Does that mean i am qualified to do a surgery?

You're dumb, put whatever money you have back in your wallet, and forget it.

no idea but whatever you do dont accept an invite to be on one of Gordon Ramsay's shows

dont do it.

>I don't want a franchise though. I can make plenty of money as an engineer, but I want to feed people and do something unique.
Enjoy sinking your life into this and the depression as you watch it run into the ground. If you're investing in a starter restaurant, then franchise out a Darden brand (Olive Garden/Longhorn Steakhouse) or a Buffalo Wild Wings.

You'll bankrupt 5-6 months later.

this is the only right answer. there is only two kinds of restaurants that can succeed: a top tier restaurant with all the toys; top chefs, backed by corporate marketing etc. or the "one dish" unique recipe that makes people drive for hours for a bite and they are willing to ignore the shit service just because it tastes delicious.

if your idea of restaurant is not in one of this categories your chances of succeeding are less than 10%.

also you'll work 27 billion hours a week.

Work in the restaurant industry for a few years so you can learn it before you jump the shark and make one.

Over 90% fail within the first year. You'd be better off opening a bar/pub.

If you serve alcohol. Which I advise you too.
>Know your clients. If you can realistically get a craft beer crowd that's great. If you become a hot spot for Mexicans that's also great. Both groups don't care about price.
>Know your reps. Find if they make commission as this will determine if you can initially trust them not to offload a bunch of shit on you and not Fuck you.
> Make the beer and liquor order yourself for the first year you are in business. This will let you know what sells and what doesn't.
> finally don't play the bullshit of being fair to your reps. You are in business for you. If the rep isn't making you money they are wasting your money

> Local Beer salesman

Okay, I manage IT for a few hotels and restaurants.

1) Your drug addicted cooks suck
2) SYSCO sucks
3) POS Compliance sucks
4) Standalone restaurants = don't do it

i know someone thatt owns a successful bakery and restaurant, how they're still afloat idk