How did China stop its opium addiction?
Opium in China
>inb4 racist shitposts
>By the late 19th century Chinese domestic opium production challenged and then surpassed imports. The 20th century opened with effective campaigns to suppress domestic farming, and in 1907 the British government signed a treaty to eliminate imports. The fall of the Qing dynasty in 1911, however, led to a resurgence in domestic production. By the 1930s the Nationalist Government, provincial governments, the revolutionary bases of the Communist Party of China, and the British colonial government of Hong Kong all depended on opium taxes as major sources of revenue, as did the Japanese occupation governments during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945). After 1949 the respective governments of the People's Republic of China on the mainland and of the Republic of China on Taiwan successfully suppressed the widespread growth and use of opium.[7][8]
They killed anyone who was found with opium. Smugglers, dealers, users, all eccuted if they found opium on them.
>After 1949 the respective governments of the People's Republic of China on the mainland and of the Republic of China on Taiwan successfully suppressed the widespread growth and use of opium.[7][8]
This is the part I'm wondering about. How? How so quickly? Why do the commies get no praise for eradicating opium use?
Didn't Chiang Autism-shek try doing the same?
Why were the evil soulless commies successful when the peace loving free market liberal democrat failed?
>China was the early 20th century Afghanistan
>ahhhh yuhhhh wang me up muh reingwen m'inre
>During Kuomintang rule over the Republic of China opium trafficking was used for funds by Chiang Kai-shek.[38]
It's like what Duterte is doing in the Philippines, but much more organized, and with more fervor from the revolutionary cadre.
Kill the opium addicts
With the opium wars as justification I'm sure people are a lot more politically motivated
>implying they stopped
>yfw mother nature is the strongest empire known to man
Stop doing opium or I'll send you to meet Lord Yema early
The addicts died one way or the other
He had some uglyass hairstyle.
Because you have to be heartless to do such things effectively?
Shouldn't have to ask on this board but for real people!
No place can win against drugs.
they left the afflicted in the gutter. It is a self-correcting issue despite the collectivist impositions.
You need a source to know that Duterte is targeting drug dealers?
Randomly killing civilians and torturing kids for less than a year now isn't exactly the same as successfully ridding China of all opium.
Drug use is about as common as ever in the Philippines, and there's no guarantee it won't rebound once Duterte leaves in 2021.
It was the 60's tbf
In the 1930's-40's he was actually rather handsome. Should've died in 1950
If it is anything like the US war on drugs, it'll fail miserably and lead to far higher murder rates and imprisonments for decades to come.
>and imprisonments for decades to come
Isn't that a good thing?
How is a high prison population a good thing?
When did it stop?
>No junkies on the street to spread AIDS and steal car radios
It was the anglos. The anglos made Indians grow opium in the himalayas. They used it to trade it with China for addiction. After WW2, the anglos put an end to their colonialism and India gain independence in 1947. Thus, the opium trade was put to an end and China and Taiwan was able to recover.
Everything can be traced by the eternal anglo, or (((them))).
Veeky Forums is a circlejerk/debate parlor for pseuds who regularly substitute actual sources with half-remembered falsehoods and blind assertions. Just look at any given thread on religion. The idea that this place has standards is laughable.
They realised that the war on drugs is futile, so they legalised consumption of the drug and didn't shun people who used it. They encouraged opium users to seek help, and encouraged the population to view the users as victims and not criminals.
Surprise surprise, this compassionate method produces better policy outcomes.
But you'll still see fuckwits defend the absolute travesty that is the war on drugs because they believe populist pandering. Exhibit:
Is all of this the reason why Asian countries have such savage laws regarding drug possession/smuggling?
he just got old
Huh, I never thought about this way.
The reality is that the communists imposed extremely harsh sentences and both trade and use including execution and corporal punishment.
Not that that was (or is) a rare thing in China
Multiple sources back this fact.
Yes. Like in Japan, Vietnam, and Korea. And the eradication of widespread opium use in China convinced the rest of the Asians to strengthen their own hardline laws.
It was honestly the smart thing to do. Now countries like the Philippines are learning the hard way that the Anglo is never a good influence in your country, whether it's the old fashioned actual Anglo or the Anglo's offspring.
>They realised that the war on drugs is futile, so they legalised consumption of the drug and didn't shun people who used it. They encouraged opium users to seek help, and encouraged the population to view the users as victims and not criminals.
>Surprise surprise, this compassionate method produces better policy outcomes.
Who are you talking about? Because this is clearly NOT the case in China or Philippine. Stop projecting your regressive liberal propaganda to everyone.
Btw, opium consumption was also legal, even encouraged during Qing dynasty.
The evil British drug lords are gone. But we get pampered liberal drug abusers/pushers like this instead.
Fuck off Libtard
The American "war" on drugs failed because we're not allowed to execute addicts and other degenerates in the street. Users and dealers aren't afraid of a little jail time.
Yes, pretty much. Do you know why some people insulted Chinese as "東亞病夫(Sick man of Asia)" during late 19th century? Not because of /pol/ meme such as "muh communism" or "muh Chink subhumans" of course.
I see modern US/Canada are eager to be "Sick Man of West" as well with the help of fluid genders drug-loving liberals.
I think we should execute you instead.
>But we get pampered liberal drug abusers/pushers
Yes, because drug use should be legal and it's a matter of personal choice. This is really an issue of personal freedom here, and authoritarian fuckwads are dictating others what to take.
>fluid genders drug-loving liberals.
This is how it should be ultimately. A society that represents everyone works best. I still don't understand why people have an issue with this. Let people identify how they want. It's not like they infringe on you being a "FUCKING WHITE MALE."
I have a problem with forcing people to use gender pronouns. That's just bullying people into submission, but other than that, I see 0 problem with the LGBT community. In fact, I don't even live in the US, but I'm wishing that the movement reach my country.
Americans have it nice. They have a lot of personal freedoms, perhaps too much, which cause them to start acting like authoritarian thugs. I can't believe one of your country's greatest discourse is about which bathroom a transgender individual should use. It's so fucking petty and absurd.
People are literally dying and getting thrown off buildings over this. It's not a trivial issue that you can simply brush off as durr hurr gender fluid liberals.
Oh forget what I said.
I forgot I was posting on Veeky Forums, where lack of empathy for other people is uncool and should be avoided.
Yeah, let's just burn liberals alive. That's edgy and cool.
>How did China stop its opium addiction?
no tolerance, no excuses.
The Mao era ended a while ago and now amphetamines are the big new thing.
A policy of smoke opium, eat lead.
Opium was legal in most countries in the 19th century. It is a bit of a mystery why they were apparently so susceptible to it.
There must be some hidden truth to it, like maybe the Qing wanted to oppress China and prevent them trading freely with wholesome Anglo merchants.
Anglos are the cancer of the world
But sometimes you need an example of cancer to remember what it is.
Hmmmmm or maybe the British drug dealers fought two wars to hook the Chinese on cheap opium.
Oh, and according to China History Podcast Montgomery, the USA and parts of Western Europe were almost as addicted to opium in the late 1800's.
There was a large shift towards alcohol and cocaine around 1900 though. Mass production began
that seems like the kind of thing Mao's China would do