Stop being Sikh.
Stop being Sikh
I'm Sikh and tired of your bullshit.
Nader Shah was fucking GOAT.
>Once, when Nadir was told that there was no war in paradise, he was reported to have asked: "How can there be any delights there?"
t. an actual Persian. If only he didn't go crazy in the end and get himself killed due to his paranoia.
Nice pun sir xD
>If only he didn't go crazy in the end and get himself killed due to his paranoia.
That's exactly my feeling about people who say GOAT and t.
>an actual Persian
Why did you mention that? Nader was Turkmen
Nicely played.
>Nader was a Turkmen
His family was pretty heavily Persianized.
Kill yourself though.
Who cares, they had in been in Iran for centuries and were likely assimilated. I doubt he even spoke anything other then Persian.
>he lived in Persia
>Pure blooded Persian Shah
Newfriend here, what's wrong with Sikhism?
You should ask "what is Sikhism", not "what's wrong with Sikhism".
I know more or less what Sikhism is, just not sure what about it deserves bashing.
You really don't want to go down the road of discussing the humanities on Veeky Forums.
It's a religion that mixes elements of Islam an Hinduism and originated in Punjab which is in northern India during the 16th century.
People generally think they are cool since as some one said in Veeky Forums once: "they are like a modern version of a paladin" since there religion states that they have to carry swords and help protect people no matter their religion or ethnicity.
That's the old covenant. Now every good Sikh must make clones of himself in front of a green screen St. Basil's Cathedral.
Never said he was a "pure blooded Persian". Why are you strawmanning?
Aren't turkmen just nomadic persians
Kind of but not really.
Gay hats and silly ban on shaving
Turkmen are Turkic people who you can ultimately say didn't really get assimilated by natives in Western Asia, so they look Mongolic with slanted eyes, more tanned skin, etc..Not that it matters with Nader, his clan had been assimilated hard for centuries already.
not all Turkmens look mongoloid
t. had Turkmen friends and know Turkmen people
At least in Iran and Tajikistan, they still look chinky as hell.
some do indeed but majority looks like pic related
i think northern Turkmens and afghanistan Turkmens are more mongoloid than other turkmens.
>Afghanistan turkmen
Don't confuse the Hazara who are actual Mongolian people with Turkics.
No actually there are Turkmens in Afghanistan.
Yeah the rapebaby ones like T*rks looks like other middle easterner
Most of what I saw they still look pretty oriental, like at almost half of them.
m-muh Khalistan!!!!!
Leftists are noticing that they hate Muslims as much as Christians and don't vote for socialist parties as much as other migrant communities.
They're still useful for the left-wing narrative because the turbans and beards trigger dumb white conservatives who think they are Muslim, but in the long term, Sikhs are no allies.