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Portfolio Thread
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Sold my neo at $17. Biggest crypto mistake ive made so far
dude i sold neo at 7 when it was ans. i would screenshot it but bittrex deleted history of ans. i had 1000...
Pretty good bud. Hold and youre all set.
Reeeeally considering selling my Aragon. It's weighing be down like a motherfucker
Nice holdings OP. Like you, I am big on omg, dnt, neo and bitcoin. Unlike you, I have a good bit of ETH and EOS too
Got in on NEO at 3$
You could do worse - you could sell OMG at $3 and then put that money into SIGT
Sold my omg and gas to buy 0x in a few days. Please reassure me that im not making a mistake.
weird choices except dnt, omg and maybe lisk. what the fuck is xem supposed to be
newfag. also georgia here 678 waddap
anyone that knows what 0x is knows that you aren't making a mistake
buckhead here my nigga. 404
Not a bad day
Finally back in the one-comma club. Thanks for all of the shills anons!
The 0x tokens don't do anything valuable... And they said they aren't committing to exchanges
Guy is streaming about NEO in 20 mins
Fellow Biz/Tard for real
OmiseGoy here. See you on the moon, faggots.
Average buy for ARK is at $.50, gonna enjoy the rise to $2.00 in Q4 and the 3x on OMG, will dump the profits into IOT
Slow and steady :)
We are the NEOmarines
Nicely done. This is my short term goal. 200k
Pretty good gains. Started with $650.
hmmm 2387% gain, in one day? I believe it
That's dollar amount, not percent gain.
I just started, hopefully I can invest any profits I make from my drop shipping stuff into here
Thank you to the user who posted about XRL when it was .05 cents.
I put $55 dollars as a hedge.
>don't do anything valuable
at least read the whitepaper dumbfuck
0x isn't DNT, they actually made the tokens purposely valuable
Am I going to make it?
What's the best way to get Bitcoin in your Bittrex wallter? Is it cheaper to buy bitcoin from Coinbase and send to Bittrex or buy ETH or LTC and then send to Bittrex and convert to bitcoin?
>inb4 using Coinbase
Good call on IOT, I would honestly keep putting money into while it's still below $1. Consistent growth with high volume, I predict very great things from this coin in a year
how do you guys even do this
is there a place to learn me some?
Keep posting memes and I'll post a guide I wrote for a similarly lost user
what flavour you want senpai
Rate me like one of your french girls
Missing 4k in Tierion cause it hasnt started trading
I suppose this one could fit lots of people on Veeky Forums, if the pink posters are anything to go by
what are XRL tokens used for? buying time on their algos?
please respond
I'll get back to my desktop in about 30 minutes, bump the thread every 5-10 minutes
>4200 IOT
I am so fucking jelly
Dude please just post it
What is this shit ur making this poor guy do
I'm pretty much set at this point
I'm not home yet my man, I'm just trying to get something enjoyable going to keep the thread alive
Blockfolio is a nigger and doesn't seem to work on my phone, but I have:
13.97 BTC
85k RNS
4.5 BCC
146k SFC
2.8k POSW
95k 2GIVE
685 PASC
100% of the profits from the trading bot and market maker fees will be payed out to tokenholders.
If you hold 0,1% of all tokens you will be payed 0,1% of the total profits.
Am I doing this right?
Got in ANS early, extremely lucky.
Bought ans at 5, 7, 9 and a little at 34 ish
no point in splitting 400$ among all those coins
pick 1-4 winning coins
Bought at 7. Sold all my shitcoins and Fomo'd along the way. Started with 3500.
ETA 10 minutes
Dear god, get me out of SIGT.
>Not pictured because I'm ashamed: RDD bag
you are savior man
same as this guy
Part 1
So, before you get into Crypto you're going to want to know that it's like the wild wild west of investing. The vast majority of the market is driven by speculation and promises of software delivery, as opposed to actual product, so you should anticipate violent fluctuations in your portfolio on a daily basis.
Here are your initial steps:
1. Create an account on
2. Create an account on
3. Download the smartphone app "Blockfolio"
Once you have these things done, look online for a bitcoin wallet. A wallet is software that stores your cryptocurrency values, i.e. where all your investments are going to be stored. For bitcoin, I prefer using electrum- it's simple and intuitive. So download electrum; installation should be pretty straightforward. Save your password (and your other wallet passwords) on physical pieces of paper OR you can use a software called Keepass, which is pretty useful when you have multiple wallets with long passwords.
Once you have your BTC wallet set up, you're going to want to go to Coinbase and buy Bitcoin with a credit/debit card. You'll have to establish your card as a method of payment first, pretty straightforward. Once you have BTC in your account (your bank might throw a fit first, because to them using your funds to a cryptocurrency trading site is sketchy), send the BTC you have to your electrum wallet. The address you send to is the long string of characters you see in Electrum under "Receive" tab. Make ABSOLUTELY SURE that the address is correct, or else that BTC is gone. Once the BTC is deposited into your electrum wallet, go to your bittrex account -> wallets -> click on the + sign for Bitcoin, copy the address for that wallet (another long random collection of characters), go to Electrum -> send to that address you see on Bittrex
Part 2
The more interesting part about all this is picking what coins you want to invest in. In the cryptocurrency space, there are two types of coins: mainstream, stable coins (BTC, ETH, LTC) or smaller, riskier coins known as alt coins that have higher potential returns. When constructing their portfolio, a lot of people like to go 50% stable coins, 50% alt coins. I personally went 100% alts because my portfolio money is money I would have used gambling, but I quit gambling after a particularly bad run in Vegas earlier this year.
Investing in stable coins is pretty straightforward. I would consider picking ETH as your stable coin, because of it's massive growth this year- it indicates that it'll be over $1000 in 1-2 years, which is a nice and steady 2-3x return on your investment. Investing in altcoins, however, is far more interesting. My general guide for picking alts is browsing the Veeky Forums catalog and seeing what's shilled, then going to the website for each alt coin and reading their whitepaper/what their coin does and what it plans to do. I then go to reddit and find the subreddit for that coin and read the general information posts they have on the coins there, then I check twitter for tweets on that particular coin, and finally I look up youtube videos for each coin. Veeky Forums is about 50/50 on shilling good coins; NEO, OMG, ARK, IOT, XMR have all been excellent buys. But for each good buy Veeky Forums shills there are also slightly bad buys (BNT, CFI, RDD, XVG, DGB) and also some absolutely awful buys (MYST, KIDSCOIN). It all comes down to your own research and very carefully picking the right coins.
Part 3
Once you know what you want your portfolio to look like, go to Bittrex, go to the BTC markets, enter the symbols for the coins you want to buy and open a buy order. This process should be fairly intuitive but if you're having difficulty google a couple youtube tutorials for buying on Bittrex. Once your buy orders have filled, make sure to download wallet software for each coin you purchased and move your coins from Bittrex to the wallets; DO NOT LEAVE THEM ON BITTREX because on Bittrex your coins are only listed as IOUs instead of coins you actually own and you will not have actual ownership of said coins until they are securely in their respective wallets. Once your coins are in your wallets, check out blockfolio and add the coins + quantity so you can track their price over time. Good luck!
Good to see others in the black. Congrats, user. The rest of us just need to be patient, frankly.
I have 6000 SIGT @ 4850....
Don't panic. Whatever you do, do not panic. Panicking genuinely shifts brainpower from forebrain to midbrain, making you act like a nigger. When acting like a nigger, you forget about long-term consequences and worry about short-term reward or result. Acting like a nigger in financial matters is highly destructive, and will lead to bankruptcy if left unchecked.
SIGT will pump once again, inevitably, either to or above what you paid. Set a sell order for the amount you paid, and forget about it.
question, is there a recommended minimum to how much bitcoin I should buy, for I do not have nearly enough money to buy 1 bitcoin
Hmmmm i wonder how this will turn out
Probably very well.
What the hell is the matter with you? I bet you're a pasty, scrawny weakling who barely sees sunlight.
what should i do with this ETH?
Ive been waiting for one more big pump, but i dont know if its gonna happen.
I regret not moving 20 ETH into NEO a couple weeks ago like people were telling me to
Jesus how do I start a portfolio? All the different programs are driving me fucking insane. Is there a how-to guide somewhere?
Pretty much a newfag in terms of crypto. Am planning on buying dnt tomorrow. Would this be a good buy? Not familiar with purchasing these altcoins as i only use coinbase, can anyone lend a hand to a newbie in crypto pls
You don't need to buy 1 bitcoin. You can buy how much you are willing to invest/speculate with. Same with alt coins
send coins to Bittrex to trade for alts. And please get rid of that LTC. go buy CVC or something
I have the same amount of ETH. Not sure what to do.
dude wtf, dump that shit into NEO right fucking now. I dumped all my ETH into NEO at $20.
Ok.. Im putting a bill into my bank account tomorrow and am looking into getting district0x and singulardtv coins. Are these good buys in your opinion?
Started with $300
Bless NEO
>going all in on a coin near ATH
Is it time to dump NEO and diversity yet? thinking DNT & Waves
Thoughta on nexus and civic ?? Looking for next Moon and want to buy now while these are still low and hodl for a few months.
I would go OMG, or maybe even CFI. or just go Neo like everyone else
What the fuck?
Thank you biz from the bottom of my heart you told me to go balls deep in ans and now I'm here. Thanks guys it means a lot for a poor fag like me.
And the other screenshot
dont get cocky and remember this is all speculative - watch the price, news and developments and be ready to sell if shit might be going south.
Oh...I'm sorry, user. I just sold it at a loss, thank god I only threw in $175 into it. Lost about $75, but fuck it. Put it into BNB instead.
Just buy a new phone u are already rich my men
portfolio really shaping up lately. I too regret neo, but honestly I still feel hesitant to consider investing in it cuz im just not seeing what it provides other than MUH CHINA
pump and dumping STOX before round 1 of mayweather mcgregor
Wait for it to stabilize its gonna easily be $100+ by Q4, personally Im holding with platinum fists but you should still hold until its peaked
Decided to invest more, it's funny that this portfolio has almost more than my bank account, but I'm glad to get in on crypto as an 18 year old and make gains and not to buy the nicest car or newest phone like it seems most people my age do.
Thanks bro. Once i get home from work ill look into all this and invest accordingly, wish me luck haha
Singular DTV is primed for mooning right now. Gonna explode next week. I already got mine.
Good luck. But most importantly, do your own fucking research.
Yes I'm watching like a hawk what price would you abort neo at?
Not the guy that was originally interested, but thank you so much for posting this. I actually have enough money for 1 BTC saved up, and it's nice to know that I'm on the right track. I'll be buying one whole coin for holding purposes, and then additionally buying some alt coins I find interesting and see where they take me.
THIS. Except why hold ETC when already heavily invested in ETH?
Yeah, definetily. Im on my phone now so im not really able to do it... But once i get on my computer you bet ill be reaserching the shit out of these currencies. My goal is to finish school with atleast a 10k profit.
What should I buy? Started with $500. Planning on putting another $1500 in.