Why did you turn irreligious and what denomination where you before?
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Ups, that meant to say non-believers.
My parents weren't very forceful in indoctrinating me to their pagan faith. I then went through a fedora atheist phase in middle school, then I grew up and accepted that spirituality had its place in life, though it wasn't in mine.
It's a live and let live sort of mindset.
Used to be a cathocuck, now neither the roman mumbo-jumbo nor Judeo-Christian theology does make much sense to me. I could have turned Buddhist, but then I realized I don't really need a religion, half an hour meditation a dy is enough.
>their pagan faith.
wht faith was that if I my ask?
Problem of evil. Plus basic English apathy towards god.
Some kind of a local reformed organization. The reason is God has endowed us with the capacity to Reason, and we ought to use it in every aspect of our life. That is when I leave my religion as it's full of backward irrational ideas and traditions, and became a Deist. Now I view all religions like entertaining fictions and myths of bygone eras. Of course, I'm not dogmatic at all. I may be convinced otherwise.
The idea of God is necessary though, in order for (at least) morality to exist.
I agree with you, especially as "religion" from "religio" means "system of bondage".
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
Thanks for tripping, I appreciate it, so I can easily filter you bullshit.
>implying irreligious people are devout believers
Can you provide evidence which substantiates the claim made in that image?
>Lacking reading comprehension.
Believers are irreligious, not all irreligious people are believers.
>Believers are irreligious,
Yeah, no. Irreligious people don't believe, thats why they are irreligious.
>Caps lock
>name fag
>trip fag
into the trash it goes
Exactly. They live as animals, by their five senses.
>ad hominem fallacy
Get the fuck out, idiot. Every thread where he posts, there you are shitposting. Really, just fuck off.
At lest they occasionally use their brain, that is more than can be said about most religious people.
Actually I am OP. Now go suck off an altar boy!
You realize that by replying to it, YOU are the dope here, right? HE has severe mental retardation, what's YOUR excuse?
Why do you reply to yourself?
>Why did you turn irreligious
Evolution. It is undeniably true, or God is a liar by creating a world patent-designed to deceive us. Genesis, while I never took strictly literally, still requires that there be death before the Fall. This pretty much destroys the entire Christian narrative.
Also, Christians themselves. If God has established and is preserving for Himself a Church, then he's doing a shit job at it. Even the most faithful churches sell themselves out to worldly politics and continually pronounce or imply "thus saith the Lord" to their own agendas, rather than to the Kingdom of God, which is not of this world. Also, their behavior and manners of speech are, more often than not, downright demonic. They're blasphemous, idolatrous, greedy, lovers of lies, slimy and untrustworthy. I would be very surprised if even 5% of the self-proclaimed Christians (not even counting liberals, just those who profess relatively orthodox theologies) are actually believers at all. Also, I just can't summon up the hatred for unbelievers that seems to be expected. I'm more liable to hate the self-righteous in the churches.
>what denomination where you before?
Confessional Presbyterian (OPC/PCA)
There isn't a religious adherent in either side of my family going back three generations, unless you count my younger cousin who became a Protestant a few years ago.
>Genesis, while I never took strictly literally, still requires that there be death before the Fall.
Fuck me and my inability to self-edit. Evolution, not Genesis, requires that there be death before the fall, thus contradicting the Genesis account.
Was he stoned or something?
Raised Catholic. I left when I realized there was no evidence, none of of it made any sense and God (even the NT one) is an asshole.
>inb4 blah blah incomprehensible blah blah
I get it. It isn't compelling. Even if I believed I still wouldn't worship.
It actually destroys the theory of evolution.
I've actually been an atheist for all my life, but these days I'm not so sure anymore.
I doubt I would ever be religious, because i'm so vehemently against religious politics, but I'm not longer as antagonistic against deism or pantheism/panentheism as I used to be.
If you it does that, you make God a liar. But I don't really think this thread is the place to have that debate.
So far Evolution works just fine, now they try to fit in a "intelligent creator" somewhere. Not that evolution would need one, but this way religious people can sleep more easy.
Culturally Muslim.
I'm kind of a theist I guess.
technically aren't you threatened with death for apostasy?
Partly, yes. He hurt his spine doing lifts of some kind at the gym, and was fucked up on painkillers (maybe still is, more on that soon) to fight the chronic pain. He had a pretty shitty childhood, no abuse but no father and a weird mother. Moved to the other side of the country to study psychology, started trying to build a relationship with his absentee father (who's a dick who converted to kick his alcoholism), met a girl (who looks so much like his mother that it's unsettling) who grew up in a religious family, he hurt his back as I said before, then he took up weekly Bible studies with his religious now girlfriend. They converted to another faith though, some shit called Vineyard, "a neocharismatic evangelical Christian denomination." Shit got a bit weird and he cut ties with the rest of the family, including his mother and younger sister. His girlfriend's a bitch who gets off on showing others how good and pious she is, while doing shit like convincing my cousin to visit the city where his family lives, and then she sends pictures to his family of them being there without visiting.
Shit is weird. Oh, and he got his degree in psychology and is now a child psychologist member of an evangelical cult.
My father was an atheist, my fathers father was an atheist and my mother was agnostic despite being a cultural chinese buddhist.
I used to watch richard dawkins documentaries with my dad as a kid which in conjunction with having a stupid women teaching me christianity in my state primary school led me to reject any possibility that christianity could be correct.
Funnily enough though it was one of the richard dawkins documentaries that put the fear of hell into me when I was very young.
>richard dawkins documentaries
Didn't knew there was such a thing.
I think I've seen clips of dawkins interviewing religious people on youtube which might be part of the documentary he's talking about. i remember specifically a rabbi and a woman who was part of some creationist organization.
This is one of the main ones for me.
I think this scene made me feel numb for an entire week, it's fucked and was the most terrified i've ever felt in my entire life.
I don't know. I never read the Quran.
began at 16 ended at 19 returned at 25.
Was Catholic and flirted with Orthodoxy and Islam
Studying comparative religion and into the problems of reification
I wasn't raised religious in the first place.
I have never been religious, ever since I was a child I saw religion as nonsense
I was raised in an irreligious household, but have always been fascinated by religion and religious people. Consequently, I hate overly vapid platitudes like OP that urge people to live meaningless, empty lives, as if any irreligious life is one of numb stimulation.
I hate the Nutheists and Nutheist allied Clowns, literal clowns, like Ricky Gervais and David Cross, and the Marquis de Sade who typify this emptiness.
You can like science and not be a vapid cunt, like Haldane was.
anglican and developing cancer at 9
>Was Catholic and flirted with Orthodoxy and Islam
Why? Their theology is not any bit better and with the cathocucks you got a strong church with strong rituals.
Used to be sunni muslim. Too many plot holes.
I simply only believed what I could observe or prove.
Since I could not find a way to prove god exists or does not exist I do not believe in religion.
An I always was under the impression that the Quran was logically more stringent than the Bible?
Catholic because parents (agnostics, more or less) didn't talk about such things at all and I was actually introduced to religion in primary school. (I live in a cath country) Looking retrospectively, I accepted it quite sincerely at first. However, at the same time I was obsessed with dinosaurs and soon I noticed how the two things are contradictory. (The teacher didn't bother explaining that Genesis is supposed to be a metaphor.) I was like around 10 years old when I became an atheist.
I've been questioning the position for the last few years, so I intend to get more deeply into philosophy and theology.
Quran has less plotholes but still does have them. Like about fasting. It says fast until sun is down. So you pretty much stay without water and food for months if you are living in north pole. Then saying earth quakes are punishment from gods. Saying rainfall is pure. Seemed silly. However real reason i quit it was because amount of violonce and warmongering in it. Calling non-believers evil monsters and constant expansion using war. I actually like Christianity more. Bible does have lots of fucked parts but when u look at jesus he is a simple guy and not aggressive. By the way I want to ask something there is one quran and there is only one version of it but there are like 20-30 bibles right? So how do you decide which one is correct or not. It seems really strange to me. Also how does trinity works? Wouldn't mind reading a book about how christanity works it seems so alien for me,
I was originally Methodist.
I just saw that god explained less and less, and the physical kept on superseding those explanations.
I want to believe in an almighty being, but I just see a historical, evident trend of it explaining less and less.
I think we'll eventually figure out great philosophical questions like the hard problem of consciousness, etc. Things like "what is weather" and "what is everything made of" posed equally as challenging back in the day I don't know if it'll even be science. There very well may be a superior method that supersedes the scientific one. I don't think it'll be God though.
also a large part of my fedoraing
a world without god seems to fit the facts better than a world with god
-former cathcuck
I have no problem with people that like Jesus and his teachings, I just have problems when they get organized and try to push their agenda.
I just didnt want to feel restricted by religion
Im an ex muslim so i was always pressured to not eat pork or drink or have fun or enjoy life
I think thats a completely valid reason. I also dont want to spend my whole life in fear of something that may or may not be real
I was raised in a cult that was a mixture of born again christians and new age shit. Due to certain circumstances the influence of the cult faded on my family and when I hit puberty I rebelled against religion (and my then divorced parents), l went full fedoratard and was a fullblown atheist. I've since reconsiderd my beliefs, and would consider myself an agnostic, I don't need to feel "superior" anymore and realize, that I don't have any kind of ultimate knowledge or so. My fedorathism was probably necessary at that time and helped me through a bunch of shit ( I regret nothing in that regard), now I just think, if you want to believe, believe; if not, then don't; just don't try to force your shit on me (no matter what side)
No evidence.
But i was always a non-believer user
My parents were atheist, my grandparents were atheist, even some of my great-grandparents were atheist
I was nominally a Catholic, but my family (both mother/father and extended) are what you might call 'folkloristically practicing': Church only on Christmas (and sometimes Easter), mealtime prayers maybe on such holy days, but not much beyond that.
Religion always interested me from an intellectual angel, but my family never imparted me with any strong religious feelings and i never had any contact with any evangelizing Christians in my formative years.
(Actually thinking about it i have never met any zealous Believers period.)
And so some time in my teenage years i realized i am an Atheist, but with no strong feelings about it. Maybe back then i would be a bit edgier about it, but in truth i felt and feel nothing about it.
I harbor no ill will towards my former religious group, it's not like i had to suffer through weekends of church school under Abbess Mary or anything like that, so there never was any real break for me anyway.
Raised Catholic, left to enjoy life, later became a full-blown logic-based atheist. Good times.